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*to hate on shows

2 years ago reply 0

*toon shows

2 years ago reply 0

Man I’m sorry I really tried to listen to these guys because there aren’t a lot of podcasts about the walking dead that are worth listening to… but holy hell. Literally all they do every episode is just complain and complain about every little thing you can possibly think of. Like it legit is horrific to listen to😂. Listening to these guys you would think they make podcasts toon shows😂. They seem like nice guys and all but man does this podcast suck lmao.

2 years ago reply 0

I published my new episode Reel Hood Review: Walking Dead "WRATH" Review, please check it out.

6 years ago reply 0

I published my new episode Reel Hood Reviews: 'The Walking Dead' Season 8, Episode 10 Review: 'The Lost And The Plunderers', please check it out.

6 years ago reply 0

TWD is fucking Trainwreck at this point...thanks Gimple

6 years ago reply 0

Poor Carl.....he's gonna die a virgin!

6 years ago reply 0

I published my new episode Reel Hood Reviews: The walking Dead season 8 "Some Guy", please check it out.

6 years ago reply 0

Why do the podcast when all you do is piss and moan about it? Its tv get over it

6 years ago reply 1

Don't listen if it is a "crapcAst" you yourself are acting like a "millienial" ... anyway back to your complaining lol

@ImouttaHere : You honestly believe that anyone from the Walking Dead is listening to your crapcast and changing the story to make it fit your expectations? Self entitled millenial douchebags...
7 years ago reply 1

Hey everyBODY go over and give THE TALKING DEAD cast a listen. These guys are true to both Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead.

7 years ago reply 0

You honestly believe that anyone from the Walking Dead is listening to your crapcast and changing the story to make it fit your expectations? Self entitled millenial douchebags...

7 years ago reply 0

This podcast is reviewing an episode from season 6 rather than the season 7 premiere. Must be a mistake

7 years ago reply 1

Holy shit you guys complain that they don't have enough for shadowing in the show. But then complain about the herd on the highway being hinted to in the mid season premiere but won't be used til next season. Um ok. In your words. I don't know it's just so weird......anyway

7 years ago reply 0

These guys are so full of themselves it's ridiculous. I couldn't even get through a full episode. They continually contradict themselves. They harp on small beat moments like they are major plot points. They simply don't like the show so why they feel like an authority on Dead is beyond me. Don't bother with this podcast.... It just sucks.

7 years ago reply 2

You two have got to be two of the dumbest mother fuckers who have ever podcasted. Stop Casting about a show you clearly hate. This is the highest rated show on Basic cable and you two continue to bash it like it was Plan 9 fro. outerspace. I give up you guys suck and just lost a listener.

7 years ago reply 0

Dont you know these guys bitch and moan about every episode? Its a bitch fest with these guys. Its a tv show get over it. Quit watching and making a podcast. The podcast should be namned "the walking dead crybabies"

7 years ago reply 2

Ok and your all bitching about them falling through the roof saying why didn't they learn their lesson from before. Am I wrong but wasn't rick and.michone not there when it happend the first time

7 years ago reply 1

Ok now your complaining about how they packed the van....what the fuck guys. Fucking really. Ives listened to you guys for years. It's fun when you shit on stuff that deserves it but your not only grabbing low hanging fruit in some instances your making your own fruit

7 years ago reply 1

I'm going to start a review podcast that reviews review podcasts

7 years ago reply 1

Then you complain that Tara is talking to Judith about her problem with telling rick about seaside. Saying why waste time on something the audience already knows. Maybe because that oceanside episodes was like 4 months ago and most people don't remember

7 years ago reply 0

Ok I need to stop listening to this show. It just seems like you guys are bitching about stuff that was fine. Like when rick and michone came across the golfers. You were saying it was dumb they killed the golfers. Why do you think they killed them. The truck with the supplies were right there. They probably just grabbed the food and batteries while the guys were golfing. Then you complain about the miltary and carnaval idea, saying they are being lazy with it like the dump truck bridge idea which was dumb. But just because you don't have a imagination to think of what happen doesn't mean it was a dumb idea. Then you complain because they add the scary music when rosita fought that one walker, why wouldn't that add the scary music. It just really seems like you guys are just hating for hates sake now.

7 years ago reply 1

I listen to y'all on important episodes just to make fun of your self importance and the love of your own voices. Seriously Dipshits, your cast was way better when it wasn't your livelihood. Just you now trash all my favorite shows with all your morgalizing? If you can write better TV show us.

7 years ago reply 1

Why is everyone always hating on Estonia. Awesome country!

7 years ago reply 0

Man you complain you lost an hour of your life watching this episode, I lost an hour of mine listening to this podcast.

7 years ago reply 0

Zombies with roller skates! OMG thanks for the laugh!

7 years ago reply 0

Sasha wasn't smoking the cigar just had it in her mouth.

7 years ago reply 2

Also Sasha did not make the necklace for Abraham Rosita did right before he left her.

7 years ago reply 1

The blue flowers were in the room when Maggie woke up. The green flowers were on the graves.

7 years ago reply 1

Niegan said he's reasonable and he wants to see Rick do what he wants.

7 years ago reply 0

Also, that wasn't Morgan's wife. That was Sasha!

7 years ago reply 3

The whole thing with Abraham and Glenn's death is this episode was severely more violent and graphic for the sole purpose of you seeing what the remaining group is witnessing so in a cathartic way you understand where they are emotionally at because you've witnessed the violence first hand. I guarantee the gore is gonna be toned back down to normal after this episode. It was just to get you on the same plain as the characters.

7 years ago reply 1