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You people are disgusting. Have you ever heard innocent untold proven guilty? What is normal in a stressful situation? Maybe he called his family and friends for moral support. Your all a bunch of clucking hens. Grow up. Everyone handles situation differently.

1 years ago reply 0

What’s normal? You mean your normal? God forbid everyone isn’t acting like you would. Your ridiculous. Fools

1 years ago reply 0

So what. He made a 3way call. You people sound like a bunch of gossiping old ladies. Gros up

1 years ago reply 0

I can’t believe you people. How do you know how a given person will act in a stressful situation. Shame on you

1 years ago reply 0

You can’t convict and sentence someone because they don’t behave the way you think they should. That is wronge in so many ways. You should know better.

1 years ago reply 0

911 didn’t exist in 1977

1 years ago reply 0

Who's shorts was Lauren found in?

2 years ago reply 0

My heart breaks hearing that letter. May God bring his family peace and strength to continue on. And may God bring answers.

2 years ago reply 0

She sure is able to calm down enough to spell his name and give directions but she doesn't know the address or the apartment complex name? Her demeanor makes no sense to me. I know people get panicky when something happens like this but she is all over the place.

2 years ago reply 0

Say "that's what I done" one. more. time. SMH! To know that anyone so ignorant is out there investigating crimes is just so scary!

2 years ago reply 0

An ad at the beginning with no content after? Odd upload.

3 years ago reply 0

I think it's amazing how an unintelligent person like this could ever have been assigned lead investigator or lead anything!

3 years ago reply 1

If she had a compression fracture in her neck from falling head first, if she was alive at the time, her spinal cord would have had major hemorrhaging in that area. A decent autopsy would show that and it would be very strong evidence for an accidental death given the terrain. Was there evidence of this? If not, her heart was not beating when she received that compression fracture. But... did she have any history at all of sleepwalking? A sleepwalker might not scream while falling.

3 years ago reply 0

The system has us

3 years ago reply 0

How and why was Brix never mentioned by the camper?

3 years ago reply 0

Another lazy warm body that will not do their job, then gets mad when questioned about it. It's simple: If you acted like you cared and wanted to learn the truth and maybe turned over at least one rock and stir up the shit pot, you wouldn't be on the hot seat.

3 years ago reply 3

Jeremy doesn't care. He sounds more like Hannahs defense attorney. The parents are much nicer than I would be. The mom of the murdered child says she had a bad night and he has the balls to say that he also had a bad night? Wow. Incompetent.

3 years ago reply 1

This is terrible! He knows nothing about the case! I just cannot imagine how the family feels. I have no words how this makes me feel! I really hope there are some changes with education and oversight of these smaller sheriff’s departments. Whoever supervised this office- should listen to these- they should be doing some serious changes.

3 years ago reply 1

Total embarrassment for the PD there. It’s brutal to hear how uninformed they are.

3 years ago reply 0

Thanks for this enlightening podcast

3 years ago reply 0

Love the show, Sheila! Thanks for all your hard work!

3 years ago reply 0

After listening to this episode I CANNOT believe Aaron Major hasn't been charged with Murder! It's unbelievable to say the least!

4 years ago reply 0

I love to hear your podcast.. It is hard to concentrate on what you are saying with the current background music 😒

4 years ago reply 1

I've been a psychiatric nurse for 20 years. The thinking behind a person diciding a person was depressed us fucking ridiculous. Shoody and frankly inept investigation. This mother needs justice, her son was very obviously murdered. How a lay person can tell there had been a suicide without looking for a gun and body position. An ameteur could see there was foul play. Hillbilly cops, period. Nothing unusual there then.

4 years ago reply 0

First thing you do is say to another person, go out to be on the road and look for the cops. Wait for their arrival. Dodgy as fuck this. Wouldn't you try to do CPR on the body.

4 years ago reply 0

Jeremy Taylor opens his mouth and idiot comes out. He is straight up incompetent.

4 years ago reply 1

Finally a professional

4 years ago reply 0

This has me wanting to know more at the end of each episode. It's like reading a book I finish 1 chapter and go on to the next.

4 years ago reply 0

His lack of training is awful. The sheriff should know not to assign a case to him.

4 years ago reply 0

He appears to upset that his department is being looked at for being negligent in all the things he and they didn't do. He remembers very little, seriously it is either selective memory or he should step down. Memory loss doesn't make a good law enforcement officer.

4 years ago reply 1

SERIOUSLY, this guy never even went to the scene ONE time!? What the actual fuck am I listening to??? This is bonkers insane. I feel so badly for Lauren and her family. Wow. I’m shook right now.

4 years ago reply 0

Have always been a fan of Sheila!!! So excited to learn she has a podcast! I heard about it from the Danelle Hallan and John Lordan podcast!!!

4 years ago reply 1

Good job. I'd love to know why the sight officials themselves aren't being partially held responsible? Camping up there with young adults drinking etc SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED EVER. Whoever allowed that is partially responsible for Lauren's death.

4 years ago reply 1

Great work

4 years ago reply 0


4 years ago reply 0

It sounds like the sheriff and the deputy were either too stupid or too lazy (or both) to investigate Lauren's murder.

4 years ago reply 0

Nothing about Lauren any more? Didn’t listen to the whole thing

4 years ago reply 0

I do not know how on earth Mike & Sherry maintained their cool during the phone conversation with JEREMY TAYLOR! That guy is a moron and incredibly inept!

4 years ago reply 0

Excellent job. Riveting podcast.

4 years ago reply 0

Truly hooked on this and have binged on episodes so much my family think I'm mad! Thank you for this wonderful podcast 👌

4 years ago reply 1

I'm in turmoil here because I feel like I shouldn't believe Hannah but yet I feel she is being 90% honest but also feel she is being pressured because of other people's actions!

4 years ago reply 0

Well he seems like he's being pretty honest about being a fuckup at least....smdh

5 years ago reply 1

So they basically went to court unprepared without a proper expert opinion. No real evidence or facts and half their claims being crossed out by the judge, rightly so... I just feel sorry for the family.

5 years ago reply 0

OMG I can hardly handle listening Sherry and Mike Review Lauren's Autopsy. Not sure I can get through it with all the noise from papers or bags or whatever is making it so distracting. I know I'm missing good information because I'm so distracted. Great podcast even so.

5 years ago reply 1

lost interest once sheriff interviews started...persevered and skimmed thru up to FBI interview but seems all filler and could be all said way more succinctly in one good episode rather than 8 meandering, hand-waving ones. going to Google the rest. Hope the family gets some answers soon

5 years ago reply 0

It sounds like a dog is scratching himself right next to the microphone! Such a shame that it's so distracting because this is great information. Overall this is a great podcast.

5 years ago reply 0

Sorry, April 18th

5 years ago reply 0

Did something go wrong in the April 19th episode? Not even 3 min long, ends in mid sentence

5 years ago reply 0

Glad their is a recap half way through because so far it’s the only thing that has given me a clear look of what’s going on with this case and the podcast..... gonna try to make it through the second half of the episodes but I just might research this on my own.

5 years ago reply 0

Love this podcast! I can't stand the sheriff or the detective tho. And I believe 3 of them know exactly what happened!! Binge listening 😉 keep up the great work

5 years ago reply 0

I’ve been loving this podcast , but as an Australian listening to this episode - I found d it very difficult to listen to. The audio quality was not good and with a fast American accent 😊a distance from the mic 🎤 and all the foreground rustling - I didn’t get very much from this reading! Congrats on what is otherwise a great podcast !

5 years ago reply 0

Well at least the detective doesn't seem to be so defensive, like the sheriff does his disposition. But he still sounds like he has no clue about the case.

5 years ago reply 0

That cop sounds like a complete idiot. Also like he's deflecting questions. Smh

5 years ago reply 2

Those sound like tears of guilt to me. And like she wants to tell what really happened but is afraid of self incrimination, as well as her boyfriend. The statement "I've been waiting for someone to come talk to me" sounds like she wants to get something off her chest... like the truth about Lauren's death! I'd be willing to bet that if her and her boyfriend break up, later down the road, when she gets older, she'll eventually tell the truth about what she knows about lauren's death.

5 years ago reply 2