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9 months ago reply 0

Such A great podcast all around. Really enjoy his taste in guests and the interview are always thought provoking

3 years ago reply 0

No podcast in 2months?? What’s going on

4 years ago reply 0

great resource. love it. Typed in Keto as the Keto way of eating has changed my life and love to hear about it. found so many fascinating other therapies here. ❀

5 years ago reply 0

I am learning a lot with the podcast. Thank you đŸŒș I would like to find the scientific references in the podcast episode. description.

5 years ago reply 0

Can you talk about Gout and Keto? The Gout diet is opposite of Keto diet. My husband has gout flare ups and is concerned about doing Keto.

5 years ago reply 0

I'm an RN and have a question about the keto diet and its efficacy in effecting weight loss in the context of oxidative priority as you've described here. If the body preferentially STORES dietary fat over all other macronutrients, and we're eating 80% of calories as fat on the keto diet, why would the body use existing adipose tissue as an energy source (resulting in weight loss) vs simply getting energy needs met primarily from dietary fat? It seems counterintuitive. Wouldn't a high protein and low-fat diet be indicated based on oxidative priority?  Hi I'm an RN and have a question about the keto diet and its efficacy in effecting weight loss in the context of oxidative priority as you've described here. If the body preferentially STORES dietary fat over all other macronutrients, and we're eating 80% of calories as fat on the keto diet, why would the body use existing adipose tissue as an energy source (resulting in weight loss) vs simply getting energy needs met primarily from dietary fat? It seems counterintuitive. Wouldn't a high protein and low-fat diet be indicated based on oxidative priority?  Thanks so much for your help!

5 years ago reply 0

Try grinding up the liver and mixing it with your regular ground meats for things like tacos and hamburgers. Using a cast iron skillet grill it up in butter with onions and mushrooms.

5 years ago reply 0

This Dr. On his Podcast said that your cholesterol goes up when your body needs to heal and repair. Which is probably why Henry's is up. His body is healing from being so unhealthy for so many years. It talked time.

5 years ago reply 0

I love it

6 years ago reply 0

Hi Dr. Thanks for the great guest and inspiring info. I contacted Biogaia. 5hey said that the specific strain mentioned by Dr Davis was not available alone. It is available with another strain. Do u know of any where we can get it? Can u make it available through Perfectketo?

6 years ago reply 0

Again! Awesome guest. I am so thankful that you bring out this wonderful information on a platform that I can take advantage of. You and your guest are an important support to keeping me keto. Thanks.

6 years ago reply 0

Keep it going great conversation

6 years ago reply 0

Excellent points go with the diet that works best for you for optimum health and performance

6 years ago reply 0

very informative. love the yogurt talk

6 years ago reply 0