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Where can we watch your film in the UK, been looking on all platforms xx

1 years ago reply 0

You can find the release docs used to get the tictac and other vids out by LE and co. It was legit, doesn’t look like mission impossible thumb drive in the keester then anonymous drop to the news.

1 years ago reply 0

Absolutely adore and appreciate Grant Cameron. On the patent subject…the person/people on the patent as mentioned, many times do not make any money from them, just name recognition. I have engineers in my family that are on patents for some cool stuff and they don’t make a dime from it. Kind of a bummer and may not be the same for the parents GC is saying these people are waiting to cash in on. Thank you grant for your work and sharing it with us!

1 years ago reply 0

So much scrutinizing of everything they do. HB Laptop vs. The Russia Peepee Hoax, and all of the other absolute Pravda Soooseems more like selective integrity.

1 years ago reply 0

Great interview, appreciate the openness. However, I have a hard time with anyone saying talking about disinfo and only calling out the former president. I lean pretty far left and to me, the current and past 5-6yrs of beyond spin farcical nonsense coming from the Dems has been atrocious. It’s so obvious that IMO anyone on the inside trying to sell HRC and JB lines kinda makes my spidee sense tingle. But hey WTF do I know.

1 years ago reply 0