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Love to believe this, but personal experience says otherwise. I question the statistics and potential bias. We shall see…

2 months ago reply 0

So glad I stumbled unto The Federalist podcast! And you’re interviewing Victor Davis Hanson!

1 years ago reply 0

It’s kind of disturbing to hear that when people send you good tips that you don’t do anything with them you just file them away somewhere and think that all the people who are giving you good information are not what a shame

1 years ago reply 0

Yes! An ”Afternoon Cable”. Thank you guys for this podcast. I listen while making coffee every morning.

1 years ago reply 0

While Emily is normally great, whenever she is on with Chris Bedford, she turns into a giggly kindergartner. 🧐🤨

1 years ago reply 0

Yes. Ensuring a child has a right to their biological mother and biological father is true and just.

1 years ago reply 0

interesting episode!

2 years ago reply 0

So the current modality has taught the majority of ”successful” woman that the majority of men who are more successful outside of college that they are failures. While simultaneously not investing resources into training men who will do these critical positions. Which drastically lowers wages and safety standards because these positions are outsourced to international workers and considered ”unskilled” labor. The baby boomers are all retiring and now there is no one who knows how to build roads.

2 years ago reply 0

When are these moron who‘s going to learn guests need a headset

2 years ago reply 0

Almost unlistenable. Is the guest in a room with a lot of other people speaking in the background? Use a landline

2 years ago reply 1

The simple click of a button.

@clh5090 : How do I unsubscribe? I object to the ads, especially the fact that I cannot turn them off.
3 years ago reply 0

This pod is really hit or miss depending on the subject matter. The Federalist is too inconsistent, but at least they're socially conservative.

3 years ago reply 0

Lame dribble.

3 years ago reply 0

Great podcast platform

3 years ago reply 2

The host talked too much

3 years ago reply 0

Where were the deficit hawks the past 4 years?

3 years ago reply 0

Thank you, Ben! Beautiful reminder of the truth of this blessed country. May we always strive and fight to preserve it.

3 years ago reply 2

Love this pod

3 years ago reply 1

great program

4 years ago reply 0

One thing...that story about mocking a reporter for his disability was debunked.

5 years ago reply 1

How do I unsubscribe? I object to the ads, especially the fact that I cannot turn them off.

5 years ago reply 0

Wow this guy's your typical condescending virtue signaling never Trump douche.

5 years ago reply 1

This is such a biased way of thinking it takes me uncomfortable, first question what is the highest tarrif China puts on US, oh well us has slot and do does China? That's not an answer Second it doesn't make sense to have food security because of money?? Seriously! It's called national security and you have to maintain a level of food security at all costs! The actual issue is forced technology transfer btw ! Why don't you make a real conversation instead of bashing someone you don't like

5 years ago reply 1

So much new informatiom and even knowledge...These podcasts are typically rich, but Sean McFate is at the top of his game. Great interview and discussion. I am buying the book.

5 years ago reply 0


5 years ago reply 0

😜Ou l

6 years ago reply 2

Ya g

6 years ago reply 1

I gotta say, using "Pod Save America" as an example of long-form discussion doesn't map well into what I've heard of it.

6 years ago reply 0

That's almost satire lolol. I mean #liberalhypocrisy has been a non-stop trend on Twitter for years. Even liberals know they're hypocritical on most issues i.e. vapid feminists except when it concerns Conservative women, hate Christians/call for separation of church and state v virtual silence when it comes to Islam/Sharia law, criticize Cons for questioning their government yet support Black Lives Matter, who call for death to cops, call for the end of 1%/wealth redistribution/there are more Dems in the 1% than Repubs, support Palestine and it's Hamas govt & Iran, both of whom call for death to America but hate democratic Israel who is our ally and friend to democracy, cheer on NKoreas Olympic stunts but call Americans who love their country dangerous, racist nationalists, etc etc. I'm honestly half asleep and thought of 10 right off the bat. I could go on all day. The Left/Progressives have always been a party of "this for thee, not for me!" Lol I used to think like that, but did some research years back and realized that I was being sold a bag of goods. Good luck

@johnsonjcaryn : Be prepared for typical "conservative" hypocrisy...
6 years ago reply 0

As apposed to liberal hypocrisy

6 years ago reply 0

Important to remember that local control should not mean local government control over its people, but instead should be people at the local level in control of their government.

6 years ago reply 0

Intelligent and interesting conversation

7 years ago reply 0

So much nonsense...

7 years ago reply 0

Be prepared for typical "conservative" hypocrisy...

7 years ago reply 0