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Super comical listening to Moore. Wonder if he really believes what he says....

13 days ago reply 0

So funny thanks. Feeling like the scarecrow.

13 days ago reply 0

Trespassing is not peaceful protest. Period. We have rules and they should be followed.

1 months ago reply 0

I remember Kent State. When students are showing solitarily it is never physical. These are college students. They have a right to voice their opinions. I am 73 years old. I agree with the students. Netanyahu pulled back military lookouts right before Hamas attacked. Coincidence, I doubt it. He knew Israel wanted to vote him out because of corruption. As long as this WAR continues he won’t be held accountable. I agree with the students. Pakistani people are innocent. Israel is too.

1 months ago reply 0

It was titled ” preventing Mismanagement of Foreign Aid”. About 10 days ago.

2 months ago reply 0

Did you see Katy Porter today in a committee meeting talking about this. If human rights are being overlooked it is a rule financial aid stop immediately. Except for one country. Just one country can break this rulings. She pointed out it is Israel. She wanted to know why and when will this be addressed. Please look it up. She was wonderful. But she was the only one.

2 months ago reply 1

There are so many things that could be included in the term abdominal surgery. Female problems, bowel track, stomach intestinal problems, gallbladder, spleen, diaphragm, kidneys, liver...Remember she is a royal and the medical insurance is very different than here. If you know anyone from England they will tell you it’s common for people to be admitted for over night observation. It’s not uncommon for the elderly to stay in the hospital for weeks after a fall. It isn’t anyone’s busines.

3 months ago reply 0

Netanyaho knows he will face charges if this war ends. He knows he will loose the election. He knows he is facing prison time. He is on the same level as Trump or Putin right now. Stalling the end of this war is the same as stalling court cases. The difference is he is killing innocent people.

3 months ago reply 0

Call the White House. Leave a message. Call your representatives ... Leave a message. Call Washington. Call whoever you like in Washington and let them know how YOU feel about this.

3 months ago reply 0

Part II:. Missouri, that loves Trump, guns, booze and drugs. Missouri that voted in Josh Hawley...who doesn’t live here but uses his extended families home address for citizenship.

3 months ago reply 0

No new news to me. I live here in Missouri which is really difficult for a liberal. This is the state that gives this senior who still pays a mortgage with Social Security money, a total of $1.31 per meal in food stamps. This is the state that refused to pay for birth control if you had Medicaid. This is the state that has billions in funding that just sits in some bank receiving interest. Our roads are, you have to be completely broke to get any financial help through Family Services.

3 months ago reply 0

I like this podcast as it is the opinion of someone that is about 100percent different than mine. I remember when he was making his movie about his thoughts on renewables and his shock that people are not using them and then he finally learned the truth that they are not environmentally friendly.....his entire podcast is based on someone choosing to ignore facts and wanting to live in a socialist country....entertaining!

5 months ago reply 0

They make loads of money in Washington. They had the best medical coverage available. If they only serve two years they qualify for retirement for the same monthly amount they made in Washington. They don’t care if we live in an environment that won’t let us breath or grow food or live without getting cancer. They need that money from coal companies. They get perks from lobbyists. Circle around to making money.

5 months ago reply 0

Yes absolutely. I agree whole heartedly. I can’t stand the lies. I can’t stand the hate. I was born in 1951 and over the last thirty years I realized nothing I say, write or calls to Washington will n make a difference. So why do the MAGA followers feel they are making a difference? Talking about Civil War if Trump loses this November. Are they not aware if he loses Biden will call out the Military? Let’s just realize anyone who is in Washington is there to make money.

5 months ago reply 0

Look at all the threats of bombing synagogues this weekend. That is frightening.

6 months ago reply 0

Peace Train... Vietnam. I was born in 1951. I knew within my lifetimes war was inevitable. I was born after my Father returned from WWII, during the Korean War. My husband was in Vietnam. My son in law was in Iraq. It never ends. Haven’t we had enough? Hate because of Religion, hate because you you born in the wrong place, envy over oil, or any profitable commodity is just senseless. So many people throughout History have died because of war or just plain hate.

7 months ago reply 0

Thank you. I have Jewish cousins and they feel the same way. The more that die the more the hate grows on both sides. It is time to hunt down Hamas but leave the Palestinian people be. There can be peace. America proves that. Or it did until a few years ago.

7 months ago reply 0

I am 72 and have nine grandchildren. I encouraged the three oldest to register...they called to tell me they received their voters cards. Two will be 21 by the next election and are already talking about their Birthday gift to me that day will be to register. They are all Democrats in Missouri...a red state.

10 months ago reply 1

Stunning to Democrats but I don’t think the MAGA cult believes any of this because Trump says it’s just Biden going after him. His lies are so gross but to these people he is their spiritual leader.

10 months ago reply 0

Finally a Judiciary that is doing their jobs according to the law.

10 months ago reply 0

Thank you for the music. I’m 72 and still listen.

10 months ago reply 0

I don’t have the money to go through the legal process. The only thing I can do is vote them out. Once we get people representing us should have our views. If these politicians won’t represent us then they have to go.

11 months ago reply 0 air conditioning and no heat in the winter. Just be prepared.

11 months ago reply 0

I sit outside during this heat every day. We have got to get use to this. It isn’t going to change any time soon. What if sun spots can effect our electric grid. Could people survive? Just stay in the shade. Save gallon jugs of water. No ice. I like to sit and read. Remember reading? No computers, no frig, no phone , no water, no water to toilets.

11 months ago reply 0

At 72 years old, yes I absolutely remember him. He made sure Washington was honest and the people knew the truth.

1 years ago reply 0

Really pathetic to see Michael become a shill for the Democrats

1 years ago reply 0

Anybody BUT a Republican. In any election, in any state, for any office do not vote for a Republican.

1 years ago reply 0

Just vote. Vote them out. We need major change in this Democracy experience.

1 years ago reply 0

Why did you scam us this way? It’s hard to find someone who we can trust and I feel betrayed by your behavior. There are many people who are gullible enough to accept what you shared as truth. Help me understand why.

1 years ago reply 0

Help me understand Mike.

1 years ago reply 0

Mm really quiet now the hunter Joe scandal grows in addition to classified files. 🤣

1 years ago reply 0

I find mm delusion entertaining. I am waiting for his podcast where he will try to justify Biden having classified documents and why he should be treated different then Trump . Also interested to see why it was okay the funding of them was b4 the midterm but was not told to citizens.

1 years ago reply 0

Watched ”Slay the Dragon”, very eye-opening! Thanks for that tip. The Democrats have a lot of good people helping and I am thankful for that. We must fight in every way we can. Thanks Michael for giving us information and encouragement!

1 years ago reply 0

As a X republican I found democrats are clicks, they are not welcoming like in high school the popular kids. Went to many democrats meetings volunteered never called never welcomed!

1 years ago reply 0

Moore thinks that the electoral system prevents democracy and that popular vote should determine outcome. Democracy is maintained with electoral college as a state like Wyoming can actually have a voice. Can you imagine if new York and California determined everything for USA?

1 years ago reply 0

Moore is asserting that a Creepy Joe should be congratulated for not lying about the Ukrainian missiles that fell on Poland and Biden, who has voted for every flipping war since he first entered Congress is somehow an advocate for peace. Your bullshit knows no bounds Michael Moore, there isn’t a bigger tool of the military industrial complex than your commander in chief who you rally for with all your energy

1 years ago reply 1

You really had the time to comment quite psychotically on every comment i made on the film maker and journalist formally known as Michael Moore. You don’t know me or my politics but just so you know I’m way left of you and your neo liberal hero, perhaps go and find something better to do with your time you lame person

@alyx : White terror.. brain-dead incel infowars redneck fuckhats blatantly trying to tear down the very thing they profese to love.. absolute morons and idiots
1 years ago reply 0

Just wondering, you’ve been silent, why?

1 years ago reply 0

Sanctions don’t work. Russia will hold out, and so many civilians will suffer. Sending arms only adds to the death toll and puts weapons into the wrong hands. We need diplomacy. I’m not hopeful that the US will admit our fault, but it’s the only way toward stopping this.

2 years ago reply 0

Sweet Mike clearly doesn’t understand realpolitik. I’m a ’can’t we just all be friends?’ kinda guy, but no, that’s unfortunately not how it works.

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you SO VERY MUCH for posting this…I would not have heard it otherwise because I don’t know how to access such information. I have forwarded this podcast to many of my friends. Again, thank you!

2 years ago reply 1

White terror.. brain-dead incel infowars redneck fuckhats blatantly trying to tear down the very thing they profese to love.. absolute morons and idiots

@xenon : ”white terror” you sick race baiting asshat
2 years ago reply 0

If only you had any right wing echo chambers to live in..

@xenon : Insane in your one eyed dedication to the democrat narrative Mr Moore, what a complete and utter tool you have become
2 years ago reply 0

You are an absolute clown.wasnt a coup attempt? Piss off

@xenon : It was in no way an attempted coup, just can’t believe you actually believe the lies you tell with your smirking tone
2 years ago reply 0

The US is no longer ’the shining city on the hill’ (if it ever was). And now it has for some years - along with a couple of European countries (Hungary and Poland) been what we certainly do not want our country to be. Good luck in 2022 and 2024 my friends! [From Denmark]

2 years ago reply 0

It was in no way an attempted coup, just can’t believe you actually believe the lies you tell with your smirking tone

2 years ago reply 2

Absolutely spouting bs and lies with no regard for what actually happened and is happening. When did you become such a liar

2 years ago reply 2

Insane in your one eyed dedication to the democrat narrative Mr Moore, what a complete and utter tool you have become

2 years ago reply 2

Amazing experiences listening to this. Thanks for sharing Michael. I would have never listened to it except for the fact you posted it.

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you. Michael..for once again showing the corruption in our government

2 years ago reply 0

Ilham Omar is the left's equivalent of Marjorie Taylor Green. Very annoying. Very loud. Not very intelligent. Love Michael Moore, but can't listen to this.

2 years ago reply 0