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There are a few mistakes in the text and audio....? Text.... 1. Nous vous le donnons... We are giving it to you... (not "les") 2. Nous les lui donnons... We are giving them to him/her... (not "lui les") 3. Nous les leur donnons... We are giving them to them... (not "leur les") 4. Nous la leur donnons... We are giving it (f) to them... (not "leur la") 5. Elle me l' a donné.... She gave it to me... (not "le lui" which is... it to him)

2 years ago reply 0

6. Je le lui dis... I'm saying it to him / telling him... (not "dit".... Je dis, tu dis, il, elle, on dit)... The next two examples are using the past participal, so "dit" is then correct. 7. Elle me le dira, demain.... She will say it to me , tomorrow... ( not "elle va me le dire, demain"....which is.... She is going to say it to me, both examples.)

2 years ago reply 0

Audio... 1. @2m55s.... Elle me l' a donné.... She gave it to me (not.... Elle le lui a donné, which is... She gave it to him) 2. @3m25s.... Elle le lui a donné.... She gave it to him (not.... Elle le lui ai donné)

2 years ago reply 0

This is wrong... Vous disez ? Vous me disez ? The correct conjugation of dire, to say, in the vous form, is vous dites, so here we should have Vous me dites.

2 years ago reply 0