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Wow!!! This was much needed. Thank you

21 days ago reply 0

Planted churches by the C of E isn’t necessarily a good thing, not the way they are going. Some of the preachers use the message bible, go to pride weekends to enjoy, now allowed to bless same couples from next year, have women vicars... So yes some will be biblical but MANY won’t be... Look into Nicky Gumbel, he loves Ric Warren to say just one

23 days ago reply 0

Oh wow mega churches are even taking over the UK now, Nicky Gumbel and co... Tutt tutt tutt

23 days ago reply 0

I’m in the UK and our PM declared all who want tighter border control are Far-Right, he had more cobra meetings than I have ever seen in my lifetime. They are arresting people who are just watching the protests. It’s astonishing what is going on right now...

1 months ago reply 0

Since finding out the opening ceremony I can honestly say I haven’t watched much of the Olympics ( 5 or 10 minutes) normally I do but nope not this time around. I too am miffed about what went on BUT also pleased because like you pointed out that it’s only the King that gets mocked because he is the ONLY WAY! As for the excuse they gave, I believe that it’s just because of the MASSIVE backlash they got. Particularly from well known atheists. My distant cousin from Australia is one of them.

1 months ago reply 0

I think he’s only said this because of the HUGE backlash, he wasn’t expecting the backlash, of course I could be wrong....

1 months ago reply 0

Disgusting and sinful as it is... And it does very much look like the last supper to me but the guy that did it said this. And no I am not giving any excuses for this it is disgusting in itself: But the opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, has insisted that the scene is not a reference at all to the Last Supper. Rather, the performance is a nod to a pagan celebration featuring Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, wine and revelry. What do you think is the guy telling the truth?

1 months ago reply 0

Wow I didn’t realise this about Calvin, wow lots I do agree with him on, like he’s against ordination of women, speaks out against LGBT, speaks against Abortion and so forth but there is so, so wrong. I did know he uses prayer beads to help him. But I didn’t know about this. He needs praying for desperately ( yes we all need prayers I know )

2 months ago reply 0

Thank you for bringing up doctor griffin podcasts I’ve just added podcasts list... I suffer with mental health problems and I’ve been told to do breathing exercises and clear the mind and so forth and I’m not comfortable with that at all if I’m honest

2 months ago reply 0

I have encountered a professing Christian on social media and he tells me that isn’t a physical place and because we believe that the Holy Scriptures were Gods breathed we worship the scriptures. There are a lot of people who believe they are saved sadly aren’t and will be shocked when they do end up in . ( Unless they repent, and trust in Jesus )

2 months ago reply 0

Why are many churches starting to say Israel has been replaced by the church, I just don’t get it tbh. It really is bad isn’t it? I’m talking to someone on Facebook who processes to be a Christian yet doesn’t believe in the Holy Scriptures as it is. He doesn’t believe in , all go to Heaven, no world flood etc... it’s getting crazy people. Apparently I’m a religious leader ( I can’t spell the p word lol )

2 months ago reply 0

Alpha Course teachers this, I kid you not, what the A.I bot preached/wrote out about miracles and demons...

3 months ago reply 0

Yup I’ve been told we should repent, that’s never made sense since becoming born again in Christ. But before I became truly saved I didn’t feel the need to even confess my sins. When I did I did the same thing over and over again.

3 months ago reply 0

December 1982 the year I was born... So not that long ago 😂

3 months ago reply 0

I honestly believe that I used to be a false convert. Honestly I really do. Fortunately God never gave up on me and now I realized how wretched I am and heading to death. Now I’m truly saved, praise the Lord. I also know I have to put my flesh to DEATH each and everyday as if not I fall badly! Ask Jesus for help and keep in the word, and not forget to keep repenting when I need to... The Lord is truly good 👍

3 months ago reply 0

I’m hoping and praying God will bless me with being able to start and complete The Way Of The Master course...

3 months ago reply 0

In 96 I was still in school, a long time ago 😂 🙈

4 months ago reply 0

We are living in the end times, my Lord Jesus come soon I pray...

4 months ago reply 0

Sounds like Nicky Gumbel and Co’s message

4 months ago reply 0

The amount of people who now say that it’s HOW WE INTERPRET THE SCRIPTURES is getting more and more SCARY... BELIEVE ME, what are churches teaching? No fear of GOD that’s the problem...

4 months ago reply 0

I prey that Joe Biden be allowed to retire and stop being abused by his own party.

5 months ago reply 0

I watched very carefully watching the first alpha course video by Nicky Gumbel ( Ric Warren and Joyce Myers Endorses this course ) John 14 v 6 but missed out key words ”No man cometh unto the father, but by me” I ask this, WHY?

5 months ago reply 0

We need to all hear this one of the best descriptions of our Lord’s death on the cross I’ve ever heard.

5 months ago reply 0

Love how you spread the word and Will of the Good Lord God bless .

6 months ago reply 0

So Todd addressing surrogacy- When people say surrogacy, they mean the biological egg and sperm of one couple implanted in the uterus of another woman to carry the child. So the biological mother is the one who is raising the child, she just didn’t carry the child. So I don’t know how I feel about it one way or the other, but it didn’t make sense when Todd says that the baby is raised by someone who is not the biological mother. It was not the egg or biological child of the woman who gave birth.

10 months ago reply 0

Nice work Mr. Freel. segment 3 will help me with asking good questions for our pastor search and how we consider the implicit tactic the Bible has on church polity.

11 months ago reply 0

Thank you so much!

11 months ago reply 0

thank you for this!!

1 years ago reply 0

Why is this dated as 22 March 2023 when it was also aired previously. I think in mid 2022

1 years ago reply 0

Wretched is not posting to on time. Days late... .

1 years ago reply 0

Todd is so based💪

1 years ago reply 0

Snarky Remark: I am a 36 year old Husband and Daddy-O. My 2 year old son, who repeats everything he hears, now runs around the house singing ”I’m a man, I love God, I love Jesus (he added that) in his most gruffy tiny voice, because he walked in as I was ironically doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen while listening to your ”Manly Men” episode. I couldn’t help but laugh and thought I’d share. Thank you for all you do! Peace and Love to y’all from Northwest Arkansas ✌❤

1 years ago reply 0

excellent assessment of the progression of potency in today’s weed vs. years ago. either way it’s not something Christians ought to partake in. if for no other reason, to not be a stumbling block to weaker brothers and sisters.

2 years ago reply 0

My favorite line: ”WE used to have names for people who smoke pot. Pothead. Dope. Stoner. Keanu Reeves.” 🤣

2 years ago reply 0

I needed to hear this today! thank you!!

2 years ago reply 0

Great podcast!!

2 years ago reply 0

keep it up Wretched Radio! we need to hear this!

2 years ago reply 0