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The answer to the question is no, spoiler warnings have not gone too far. Looking from the reverse perspective, I can find no reason to purposefully not include a spoiler warning in any discussion of media. It takes next to no effort for me to include the words ”spoiler below.” Even if I were a out to reveal a twist in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the only cause I could have for not warning others is rude carelessness.

10 months ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

Love pumpkin (I grow them too) + all those spices but never had a PSL either. Thought I was the only one 😂🥧🍮

3 years ago reply 0

...might want to reconsider spending trillions on a nuclear arsenal which is a not actually protecting anything because it is it actually reliable.

3 years ago reply 0

I'm not sure that I agree that floppy disc technology is reliable. These discs have always been highly vulnerable to strong magnetic fields. One strong solar flare could still destroy all of the data on every floppy disc and VHS tape in the Western or Eastern hemisphere all at once. Sooo if all the launch codes for the nukes are on floppy drives, they would all be rendered useless at once. I'm not saying that the nukes need to be more high tech and expensive. I'm saying that the U.S....

3 years ago reply 0

Yesterday was my birthday + I would have loved to receive one of those crazy greetings!

4 years ago reply 0

That explanation of the "cold chain" is obvious malarky to anybody who actually visits supermarkets often. Every supermaket I know has one or more frozen food sections IN FRONT of the dairy section, farther removed from those delivery trucks.

4 years ago reply 0 Would love to have you look in to this information. The anti-vaccine group is already starting to talk negatively about covid vaccine even though it's not out

4 years ago reply 0

You seem to like to poo poo the President. In the despair we have faced with covid, I have appreciated someone in the news trying to be POSITIVE and give us some hope!

4 years ago reply 0

Correction: Measles shot is given several times over a lifetime...immunity wanes. Your show gave Measles as an example of something only needing a 1 time shot at about min 7:50 in the show. See below

4 years ago reply 0

You aren’t trying to stay politically neutral in any way! Lol! Out of here!

4 years ago reply 0

Chile's counting the dead as "recovered" is no more illogical than New York counting people who didn't die from Covid-19 as Covid deaths. Both lines of logic are stupid and disingenuous.

4 years ago reply 0

I'm sorry but this guy's nasal voice makes it very hard to listen!

4 years ago reply 0

Enjoyable podcast but not the best idea to use questionable sources like ProPublica as the basis of some of your reporting

4 years ago reply 0

Thank you

4 years ago reply 1

I am listening this podcast every day from Spain. Your podcast summarizes what the coronovirus reality is. Thanks for that!

4 years ago reply 0

I do not understand how the virus can be stored only in wuhan and not in all of china, but in the rest of the world it is widespread! HOW?

4 years ago reply 0

Thank you for the consolidated information. Regards from lndia

4 years ago reply 0

I'm a Wedding and Event Planner. There are thousands of us out of work as our events have been cancelled and postponed. We are logistically minded, care driven, able to handle budgets, used to dealing with crowds and posses above average communication skills. We need to be hired to handle testing and tracking in our communities!

4 years ago reply 0

I’ll keep listening daily. Best podcast on the subject!

@Larisa : I’ll
4 years ago reply 0

Amazing just, just enough time to learn about the whole virus within the little time

4 years ago reply 1

Excellent podcast. Thank you so much 🙂 I listen here & on other platforms as well. *you bet I've been recommending it, too. Be well!

4 years ago reply 0

Love these pod casts thank you.

4 years ago reply 0


4 years ago reply 0

Vitamin C COMPLEX, taken in moderate doses, multiple times per day, everyday, to megadose Vit C for anti virals. Colodial silver, garlic, licorice root, apple cider vinegar, Zinc & vitamin j (the active anti-pneumonia part of the Vitamin C Complex) & copper are good items to have for this as well. Peanut butter has 6000 calories for about 2$ in Burgerland. High in good fats & potassium & protein, no refrigeration needed, doesn't mold lasts years on end & needs no preparation. If you're interacting with people, you have to be wearing a mask at all times to reduce viral load in the likely event of contamination. You can make from coffee filters if you have no others. And get the honey and whiskey for hot toddies. Those are proving pretty effective for coating & soothing the esophageal tract once symptomatic.

4 years ago reply 2

Outstanding summary. Will listen daily!

4 years ago reply 0

Great information! Would recommend to anyone who concerned about what’s going on with COVID 19.

4 years ago reply 1

Great information

4 years ago reply 1

Thank you!

4 years ago reply 0

Great summary of all the COVID-19!

4 years ago reply 0