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I‘m so very sorry , this podcast has been very insightful, thank you

2 years ago reply 0

If you believe he‘s guilty why would he have interview without attorney

2 years ago reply 1

They found his blood in his Chicago hotel room.its clearly where he bled.

2 years ago reply 0

To hear people talk about this man 25 years later is a testimony of his character. Very sad

3 years ago reply 0

I remember that woman (juror?) telling the cameras 'This is a murder trial. If you want a trial for domestic violence, go somewhere else' as though the two were in no way connected and the fact that he beat her up regularly and fantasised about killing her had nothing to do with her murder. Shocking that people thought that then, hopefully it would be different now.

3 years ago reply 1

Very interesting podcast; great job.

3 years ago reply 0

Thank you for shining light on this aspect of the case. I agree that domestic violence is at the very center of this.

3 years ago reply 0

You and the team did a great job with this podcast. Your strength is beautiful. Thank you.

4 years ago reply 0

That lawyer is a shithead. Wow I feel bad for his clients. Seeing the people he chooses to represent... I guess that is exactly what I expected.

4 years ago reply 0

this podcast was my 1st to listen to ever!! I loved it, I'm wanting more! from the moment i pushed play i was addicted. cant wait for another podcast from y'all!!

4 years ago reply 0

Wow kim you and your dad are amazing!! Love you guys.. stay strong!! # Goldman

4 years ago reply 1

Malcom has some karma coming for him

4 years ago reply 0

I wish people who don't know grief could listen to this and understand that it never goes away. Losing man husband was one of the most difficult moments in my life and I have been told so many times to move on to get over it, this is the first time that I have heard someone say that it's okay and that I won't get over it but will move forward with life. Thank you Kim for sharing.

4 years ago reply 1

Wow. This lawyer is an absolute sh#t weasel.

4 years ago reply 1

My god ! The lack of humanity that pos lawyer shows enrages me!

4 years ago reply 1

First and foremost Kim, I want to extend my condolences to you, your dad and to the rest of your family. POS he says... "the killer" and him are a POS. The killer has NO remorse. He has and always will gave a cocky attitude. So like killer, like lawyer. He cant even extend his condolences. What a pig! He needs to grow up. I guess dirty money talks. Defend the killer. Hope ge can sleep at night.

4 years ago reply 1

That whole phone interview drove me insane. Malcolm was an arrogant, petulant piece of shit and Nancy was chewing!! Seriously though, Malcolm was talking like a small child trying to defend their right to a biscuit after bedtime. What a petulant fuck! Wow.

4 years ago reply 0

Wow this counselor is top notch. ❤️👍😢What a wonderful man.

4 years ago reply 3

I wish YOU could have interviewed MR. Mccenna for at least 45 minutes. I have heard him on other shows really go deep into the case.

4 years ago reply 0

I don't agree with the statement "my suffering is greater". They gave you the curtacy of coming on your show. Take it as that😊🤗

4 years ago reply 0

Wow! What an authentic POS👿 I really hope this guy cannot procreate. He & OJ deserve each other & the karma that is coming their way 🥵

4 years ago reply 1

Love this Chapter talking about grief, Kim you were such a great sister for Ron, u cant imagine what kind of pain you have been going through all these years, Ron sounded like a great brother and son to your Mom and brother, you are such a strong person,some day you will be reunited with Ron will be filled with love and peace again..I think of you often..listen to this podcast you 😇🙏🙏

4 years ago reply 0

If the killer’s son was involved, I would think that his DNA would also have been found within the blood samples from the crime scene. The killer didn’t do any kind of clean up so it’s incredibly unlikely, in my opinion, that anyone else was involved.

4 years ago reply 0


4 years ago reply 1

Boy that gave me chills and made me cry 😢 so sorry , life stinks sometimes

4 years ago reply 0

Last episode, the voicemails are heartbreaking. Thanks for sharing stay strong

4 years ago reply 2

Any suggestion when I should get to the book if I Did It? I have it in hand but am waiting to read it.

4 years ago reply 0

Oh Kim, I am so sorry. I believe OJ did do this horrific crime. Our dad was very abusive not physically but mentally! I don't know which is worse . I still remember things from 20 years +. Peace to you and your dad. ❤

4 years ago reply 0

Omg what an ignorant piece of shit. Wow. Unreal.

4 years ago reply 3

He is a piece of shit 🤬They deserve each other

4 years ago reply 1

Heartbreaking 🤬 Lots of whys in this life

4 years ago reply 0

Agreed. Heartbreaking. I will never forget this tragedy. Sending prayers to the Goldman family.

4 years ago reply 1

The killer (oj) is in fact a Killer!!

4 years ago reply 0

I don't think oj was alone .I've heard his son from first wife may have helped him .any credence to that ?

4 years ago reply 1

Why did you let Kato off the hook?? He hummed and hawed on the stand actually changing his testimony to the point of becoming a hostile witness.........and he got away with it!!! And you could have asked him WHY but you didn’t. You let him get away with it a SECOND time!! That renders your interview with him completely pointless!! I am now left feeling as frustrated as Marcia Clark! S. Montgomery

4 years ago reply 2

Uhh... is this an actual attorney?! Uhh... is this an actual human being?! He sounds like a coked up cartoon villain. Let's talk about Twitter followers when a womans brother has been brutally murdered... keeping it classy 👍

4 years ago reply 5

I'm sure Kim Goldman herself isn't going to read these comments, but I still want to throw my support and admiration out there. I love that this podcast focuses on Ron because unfortunately his name was so lost in this circus. I've always been interested to know more about Ron and the goldmans. My heart continues to go out to them.

4 years ago reply 3

Lionel sounded lovely. It's very hard to admit that you're wrong. I think he knows the black power salute wasn't a good thing to do.

4 years ago reply 1

Wow Malcolm is a total gobshite. I'm actually mortified for him

4 years ago reply 3