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EVA!! I listened to every single episode of Purrinormal Cativity! I had NO IDEA this was the same person until I went back & started listening to old ATWWD episodes!

1 months ago reply 0

I thought it was bread toast too!🤣🤣🤣

1 months ago reply 0

”Gender neutral pronouns are useful for demons -- and Em!”

1 months ago reply 0

All I can think about is evil Prince Humperdinck from The Princess Bride! Lol

1 months ago reply 0

This episode is possessed! Just listening to this now... And it totally freaked me out. Good job I guess, if that was the April fools joke. If not, yikes. I thought it was in my room at first. Also its a trip hearing episodes from quarantine. Love the show. Thanks

1 months ago reply 0

I remember that weird gel squeeze tube candy! Back in the early 2000s, as newlyweds my husband & I used it for... something else. 😏

3 months ago reply 0

Holy religious trauma triggers, batman! Unfortunately, in the Mormon church, it’s not uncommon for people to label themselves (and especially others) as / addicts if they view it more than once. My ex coerced me into going to 12 step meetings for my ”addiction” of watching some sêxy stuff once or twice a week.

4 months ago reply 0

love you guys I have listened since episode 10

4 months ago reply 0

I absolutely love your, each, approach and appreciation of everyday matters. I will kick back and observe.

5 months ago reply 0

Did they ever run the DNA sample from the rape kit to see if there are any matches now?

5 months ago reply 0

“He was very interested in not going away” 😆 This should be a shirt!

6 months ago reply 0 is ”horss” just like ”gross but with an h”? Now I’m just picking on you! I listen to a bunch of podcasts but ATWWDN is my favorite and Em, you’re my favorite podcaster, with Christine a close second. Love you guys!? 💖

6 months ago reply 0

Em, your pronunciation of Natchez was correct. It rhymes with ” matches”.

6 months ago reply 0

The last two stories made this one of my favorite Listener episodes ever!

8 months ago reply 0

That time travel episode. 🤯

8 months ago reply 0

**Episode spoilers** My question is: If the brother killed JonBenet, why would the parents cover it up? The argument that they were ”protecting” their other child doesn’t make sense to me. He’s only 9, I doubt he would do jail time, probably just inpatient mental health care for his anger issues. Then he’d be released & go to live a relatively normal life. Why risk criminal charges of conspiracy & interfering with a criminal investigation?

9 months ago reply 0

OMG ”she smells so bad she’s literally a dead corpse” I cannot 😂 I’m crying

1 years ago reply 0

They have solved to Durham family murders. It was a hired hit. I could not find anything on who hired them though.

1 years ago reply 0

Oh my gosh, Leona’s tiny voice was adorable!❤️

1 years ago reply 0

Where was Em? I missed her this episode.

1 years ago reply 0

I love your podcast. I’ve been trying to binge one it to catch up to your newer eps.

1 years ago reply 0

”The germans invented beer in the 1200s” lol what?! the Egyptians had it in like, 4000 bc!

1 years ago reply 0

Lol listening to Americans discovering goon is so wonderful. The drinking game is that the clothe line spins (so that it catches the wind and dries better), but you put the goon bag on it, stand in a circle, and spin the clothes line. Whoever it stops on has to drink from the goon sack. It is called ”Goon of Fortune” and is a national sport.

1 years ago reply 0

Good thing I was painting rooms alone in a big house today, because I had tears streaming down my face over ”Todd telling the babies”😂. I was also using smelly primer and wearing a respirator, so laughing hysterically was a challenge. 😊

1 years ago reply 0

My daughter loved that drink and she still doesn’t drink coffee or tea. She’s 26. They called it a Vanilla Steamer, which sounds better than hot cream.

1 years ago reply 0

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS!!!!!! Been listening since the beginning and cannot get enough! Never stop being the most amazing humans you are!!!! ❤️ 😘😘

1 years ago reply 0

What if the big foot sittings is actually ppl seeing cave people walking around and not an actual Bigfoot?

2 years ago reply 0

What if someone did a salt of protection around their tent inside of the circle or outside of the circle. Would they still be affected by the devil? Bc salt supposed to be protection against negative / evil energy.

2 years ago reply 0

love this pod cast. gives me the scare I need

2 years ago reply 0