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Slavery is built on the need to exploit economic opportunities. Africans/labour needed to drive this and were managed in a violent way

1 months ago reply 0

You fail to tell the story of the evolution of black music.... you literally don’t even make it to GCSE level.. you swap expertise and the real story of development of styles, instruments and great players, for chit chat about vegetables and radio stations..... dont tackle a historical subject if you’re not going to do your research and tell us something interesting.

8 months ago reply 0

I loved this podcast. Would love to hear more episodes soon.

1 years ago reply 0

Love this. My fella collects old 78 jazz and blues record. He has some 78s from as early as the 19teens.

1 years ago reply 0

It’s sad this this peace of history is always met with so much anger and animosity from whites who refuse to hear it because it makes them uncomfortable about the true history of their ancestors. This is why things will never change especially in the US. Other nations actually teach their dark history(Germany) to keep from allowing it to happen again. The fact that this podcast is teaching historical FACT while people(yts) call it lies is very telling.

2 years ago reply 1

What a load of BS.

2 years ago reply 0

How long before they outlaw our thoughts!

2 years ago reply 0

You believe that because it alleviates the guilt you prevent yourself from feeling. So do what you must to allow you to sleep.

@agentwelker : How about you pay for all the people you and your family has murdered? All the white people you’ve hurt or killed?
2 years ago reply 0

I invite you to name them.

@agentwelker : How about you pay for all the people you and your family has murdered? All the white people you’ve hurt or killed?
2 years ago reply 0

All those liberal back-patting, participation trophies are worthless these days. Even Barry Obama rec’d a nobel for doing Nothing to deserve one.

@Some Buddhist Guy : Mac. She's not pretending if she wins a Pulitzer Prize AND a MacArthur Fellowship.
2 years ago reply 0

Well said hcftic

@hcftlc : I am curious to know the entire (or as much as possible) story of slavery. Since it was a legal and known business for well over 6000 years. Which makes me wonder, how come do stories of the African slave trade start with America or Europe. There's a thousand years of history between the Arabs and also the Asians....buying african well as the arabs buying white slaves. All happening long before European peoples or Americans ever got involved. It just makes me wonder how over 6000 years of slavery as an accepted practice is simply ignored.. And somehow it seems to ALWAYS START with america or Europe. As if white people were never enslaved. It's pretty unfair and dishonest that mainly one race gets to claim slavery all for themselves and demonize everyone else....well mostly whites. And after thousands of years of slavery being an accepted practice was ONLY white ppl who were the first to abolish it. Yet they are demonized more than any other race even though other races participated in the trade for thousands of years. Why can't we just have the WHOLE TRUTH?????
2 years ago reply 0

Im a decendent of Edward Colston, I don’t understand why the subject of slavery always lands at the transatlantic period, slavery still exists, I don’t see black lives matter marching round the streets of the Yemen, Saudi Arabia etc challenging modern day slavery,ci don’t see anyone screaming and shouting about the enslaved Europeans by the barbery pirates, the the very reason Britain has a navy is because it started to end slavery, the word slave comes from enslaved Eastern Europeans

2 years ago reply 1

Absolute nonsense. Revisionist history altered to fit narrative.

2 years ago reply 2

Excellent piece but disheartening at the same.

2 years ago reply 2

Relistened to the series and got even more out it the second time. Just profound storytelling about the truth of this country's past that needs to be told. And the fact that our past still effects our present, as shown by the comments here. Wonderful journalism.

2 years ago reply 4

This has been an eye opening Podcast. Thank you NYT and Nikole Hannah-Jones and all!

2 years ago reply 2

He threatened the reporter. Wow. He lied to your reporter.

2 years ago reply 2

Bullshit from social fascist wing of the Democratic party and their black nationalist friends who are bent on undoing the Martin Luther King's legacy.

2 years ago reply 4

Wow! Greed, greed, greed! Greed has a stench like none other. Capitalism started badly, whether we like that or not.

2 years ago reply 4

Neo Marxism. That's all this is. If you want a true understanding of slavery. Go read some Thomas Sowell

2 years ago reply 3

The Black Community had it bad, but that was the Past, all the Shit you Blacks Complain about, us Whites go through as well. We aren't exempt from Government Bullshit, they are against all of us, now they are Working to Divide us, but we can't fall for this Bullshit and Play into their Schemes. White Supremicy is a Political Trick to Divide us!

2 years ago reply 2

Make me!

@harrymego444 : Shut your mouth, you racist, screeching pig.
2 years ago reply 1

You ought to be institutionalized!

@agentwelker : Non-white people are the enslaved & twisted! Black rage is real! You’re in bondage! Walk out to Freedom like one of the only few smart and wise people on this post stated! Stop playing the victim & race card. All you want is free stuff. You’ve never been a slave in your life…if anything you’ve gotten handouts left & right! No wonder most of you are criminals! There is human trafficking today of children & women who are actual slaves!
2 years ago reply 2

Okay kkkrakkker!

@agentwelker : Don’t forget about all the black babies you’ve murdered in the womb on a daily basis! They have been your slaves! You’re shameful!!
2 years ago reply 1

If only!

@agentwelker : How about you pay for all the people you and your family has murdered? All the white people you’ve hurt or killed?
2 years ago reply 1

interesting and full of feeling. thanks

2 years ago reply 2

Bronzestar is a sick puppy and must really hate themselves!

@wayne-o : if you don't agree you must be a Nazi. How about you're projecting and you're the real Nazi....Racist...Bigot....Liar....Take your pick I choose all of the above.
2 years ago reply 0

How about you move your black racist N$$$$ger ass? You are going to Hell you and your black trashy supremacist filth! You are full of hate! Why don’t you go do what you told this other person to do? Do us all a favor! You must be the cunt you call everyone else!

@Bronzestar : Nobody needs your racist ass, white b7tch. Move along, white trash. You need at least a three-digit IQ to ride this ride, that . not being an ignorant shit-for-brains helpa too. I love how the truth of shithole America's evil racist history has all you white trash triggered as fuck.
2 years ago reply 1

How about you pay for all the people you and your family has murdered? All the white people you’ve hurt or killed?

@AfrikanJoy2023 : Unfortunately you are alive, so pay up kkkrakkker!
2 years ago reply 1

When were you a slave?

@dominoe413 : The 1619 project is about truth an empathy. If you're feeling guilty its because you identify with oppressor and not the victim.
2 years ago reply 1

Don’t forget about all the black babies you’ve murdered in the womb on a daily basis! They have been your slaves! You’re shameful!!

@AfrikanJoy2023 : Non Black people are enslaved by the twisted, wrap stories and lies they try to pass off as history! Y'all are very angry and can't handle the truth! White rage is real!😥
2 years ago reply 1

Non-white people are the enslaved & twisted! Black rage is real! You’re in bondage! Walk out to Freedom like one of the only few smart and wise people on this post stated! Stop playing the victim & race card. All you want is free stuff. You’ve never been a slave in your life…if anything you’ve gotten handouts left & right! No wonder most of you are criminals! There is human trafficking today of children & women who are actual slaves!

@AfrikanJoy2023 : Non Black people are enslaved by the twisted, wrap stories and lies they try to pass off as history! Y'all are very angry and can't handle the truth! White rage is real!😥
2 years ago reply 1

What victim? The only twisted ones are those of you who think you were slaves. The only slavery you’ve been in is the one you’re in now by the black Democrats and white guilt idiots!! Your ancestors were the slave owners in the very first ones! Count your blessings your ancestors were set free and thank the white man who freed you from the black and white democrats! Stop playing the victim! They still have you in bondage! Lol

@AfrikanJoy2023 : Non Black people are enslaved by the twisted, wrap stories and lies they try to pass off as history! Y'all are very angry and can't handle the truth! White rage is real!😥
2 years ago reply 1

How about you shut your racist BLM mouth? Repent and beg for forgiveness! We have nothing to repent for! You however owe the white man for getting your ancestors free and e

@harrymego444 : Shut your mouth, you racist, screeching pig.
2 years ago reply 2

I'm seeing a massive pattern here. If you have a differing opinion, and call this garbage the trash that it is, you're suddenly a racist. Excellent counter-argument, people. Really beneficial, and just makes me more convinced.

2 years ago reply 3

Shut your mouth, you racist, screeching pig.

@AfrikanJoy2023 : The truth will set you kkkrakkers free! Repent and beg for forgiveness!!!!
2 years ago reply 1

The 1619 project is about truth an empathy. If you're feeling guilty its because you identify with oppressor and not the victim.

3 years ago reply 2

Non Black people are enslaved by the twisted, wrap stories and lies they try to pass off as history! Y'all are very angry and can't handle the truth! White rage is real!😥

@pflachless : Black people keep themselve enslaved in their own minds. When are you going to open the gate and walk out to freedom. I think you like to dwell on things that didn't happen to you and most likely to anyone in your family tree. No one is alive today to pay for your great great great granny's misfortune. Your wrong to make others take responsibility for a wrong they had nothing to do with. I sick of hearing it.
3 years ago reply 1