Comments (44)

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Love Candace so much

2 years ago reply 0

Jana start to meditate, it will help you so much. I learned how to Love myself and rely on myself instead if looking for someone else to make me feel Loved. You will Love yourself so much that when the time is right and yiu are ready you will be able to attract into your life someone who deserves you.ā¤ā¤ā¤šŸŒ»šŸŒ·

2 years ago reply 0

I Love you Jana and am sending you Love and Light. You are very Brave and Stronger than you think. I got divorced when I was 36yrs old and my Son was 5yrs. It was the hardest thing I've ever gone through but I left the Marriage knowing that I had one life to live and deserved Happiness. My Son adjusted and is now a Happy, Healthy 24 Year old. Much Love to you and your Kids..ā¤ā¤ā¤

2 years ago reply 0

love the caller about the 5 love languages

2 years ago reply 0

Jana Iā€™m so proud of u!! We love u girl!!

3 years ago reply 1


3 years ago reply 0

everything about this episode was great. I think it's more that every couple struggles with the whole spectrum and people chose to stay and fight. the celebrity aspect makes it interesting but really it's the living examples of people going through the shit, and coming out the other side. thank you for sharing this, as someone who is struggling, hearing these real messages and stories means so much.

3 years ago reply 0

About to binge watch this show

3 years ago reply 0

I like having Mike back on the show. I love to be able to hear his side.

4 years ago reply 0

Jana I have went through the same things. It is hard you learn to forgive but you will never forget. It has been almost 6 years since I found out. It is still so hard to trust. Hang in there.

4 years ago reply 0

It doesn't matter about breast feeding. I felt the same as you Jana. My children are 21 and 24 they are perfect.

4 years ago reply 0

Oh my lord, that was hard to listen to.

4 years ago reply 0

so real, so raw, love it! Jana your one of my favorite artist ever! your such a strong women I don't understand how you deal with all your going through. I believe once a cheater always a cheater.

4 years ago reply 0

I definitely am going to get the eat pray fml book!

4 years ago reply 0

Jana do u know the terms. Why r u being defensive if ur husband is trying to word it. Jeeze.

5 years ago reply 0

Min 38-40 be happy that u have fans come that's kinda rude. You'll get there. U won't appreciate the journey if ur trying to skip ahead to the finish. That's kinda fucked up. Jana had alot of people esshh.

5 years ago reply 0

13-14 I don't feel people should do things in life that either need to get done or want to get done and look or expect a validation or acknowledgement. She is getting disappointed due to the fact it seems she does alot all the time yet expects a reward of validating what she's done and she constantly gets upset or bothered when she does not receive that recognition. Hmmmm... Mind set needs to shift. Personally.

5 years ago reply 0

I love how excited Mike got, just so sweet of you Jana!!

5 years ago reply 0

I think there should be more talk about parenting. Let's take a break from marriage. Thank u Mark!!!

5 years ago reply 1

I'm so glad I finally found an app for Android! I've been dying to listen to your podcast for months. I'm going to go back and listen to all of them but this specific one I felt drawn to. I've been in a relationship with Chris for 14 years. We met in high school. I had our daughter, Hannah, when I was 18 and Chris was 22. We've been through a lot over the years and have also dealt with infidelity about 5 years ago. We're in a much better place now but getting through those dark times was rough. We handled things on our own. In a way, I'm grateful for that time because it ultimately brought us closer and allowed us to learn things about each other that we would have never learned otherwise. I'm about half way through this podcast and I can relate to what you've said on soooo many levels! I look forward to listening to the others! Thanks so much!

5 years ago reply 0

Make an ultimatum. Talk to the person ur closer with and let ur friend know they really need to be honest. Or the friend will let them know. Devil's advocate. Everything will come out eventually.

5 years ago reply 0

I fucking love this episode. Don't know why Dr Jenn has not been on regularly. In my opinion she us the best of the best.

5 years ago reply 0

Dr Jenn Mann is a great guest. Love to hear more about the 4 R's. Amazing how the control issues go back to our younger years. Please bring her back.

5 years ago reply 1

Jana u have been thin or slim most of ur life.

5 years ago reply 0

Also this is or sounds like it's for public figure. Not everyday people. Also, a diet's a lifestyle change.

5 years ago reply 0

Def don't agree with the fasting. I think it depends on listening to ur body. If ur not hungry till 2 then fine. If ur hungry in the am then eat. Breakfast is important.

5 years ago reply 0

I like that you to are so open. All respect. ā¤ļø

5 years ago reply 0

What happened to Jen??!!!

5 years ago reply 0

hope ur into this as much as i am when all the cards are down

5 years ago reply 0

You done an amazing job, Jana! Congratulations to you and Mike!

5 years ago reply 0

God I love you guys. Have another 4 months to go til we meet our second bubba and you guys have managed to make it way more exciting if that's even possible. All the best guys with your beautiful family xx

5 years ago reply 0

Omg who elses heart is fucking pounding being a mom having a c section listening to her experiencing reliving URS. Omg....

5 years ago reply 1

Just heard this podcast. I suffer a lot with anxiety. Jana I totally got you. But the thing that helps me is either write in a journal and also trust Mike. Thank you so much for doing your podcast. Your so inspiration!!

5 years ago reply 0

When we had our second child we had our first born buy him a gift to give him when they met. The new baby also bought something for her.

5 years ago reply 0

In regards to the pictures with Jolie, that person needs to respect boundaries. She's a toddler and can't consent to the picture so check with her parent(s). I would have lost my marbles! I love that you share your personal life but I also respect your privacy. I'm binging your podcast like Ozark on Netflix, I love it!!!

5 years ago reply 0

Gender neutral for the Legos. U don't have to have a boy. My daughter love Barbie's and pink but, also hot wheels and Legos. You have to be a kid!!! Ur a great mom come on!!!

6 years ago reply 0

Gender neutral for the Legos. U don't have to have a boy. My daughter love Barbie's and pink but, also hot wheels and Legos. You have to be a kid!!! Ur a great mom come on!!!

6 years ago reply 1

Your so hard on her when she is telling you about her lipo. Poor thing. I know it's all in good faith. Calm down a bit Jana cause she and everyone else gives you the floor and lays off while you say your stuff.

6 years ago reply 1

Wow Jana thank you for doing this podcast... It's so refreshing to hear.. you are amazing wife, awesome mother excellent actress and such inspitional singer... all the best

6 years ago reply 0

You have a good voice!!! Lol not all can pull it's just like when u hear someone your like ohhhh!!!

6 years ago reply 0