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I grew up thinking liberals were half-assing their fight for personal liberties. Now I know I was right. Shame liberals never fight hard enough for their rights until they’re taken away. Guess its just proof that liberals only care about THEIR personal freedoms, they really can’t be bothered to fight for someone else’s rights unless it also affects them.

1 months ago reply 0

America stopped trying when the work to codify bodily autonomy got hard. Now women are paying the price of their ”assumption” that Roe v. Wayde was ”good enough.” No sympathy from me. I was labeled a troublemaker by women in positions of authority when I was young, so fine. I won’t ”cause trouble” now that the laws don’t favor women. Sorry ladies that’s the man you raised me to be. And now you get zero empathy from me. It sucks to suck, doesn’t it?

2 months ago reply 0

Hi. Thanks for the podcast talking about pregnancies. I’m confused why you use the word people and folks instead of women or mothers.

9 months ago reply 0

Both seemed to agree that demand for goods really drove the prices up, yet looking at supermarket shelves and car lots, there simply doesn’t appear to be enough product available. From all I’ve heard and read, production numbers for goods aren’t above pre-pandemic levels. OPEC is limiting oil supply as well. Given that information, isn’t this inflation far more a result of supply constraints rather than excessive demand? If not, can you point to figures that dispute those supply assertions?

1 years ago reply 0

yep, I'm a parent who had to force a school to hold my kid back. I even called into NPR radio and ranted about what a sh_//^ program that was.

2 years ago reply 0

This podcast was informative and veered toward ageism. I’m disappointed.

3 years ago reply 1

Love Love Love the content. The affected speech including uptalk is just so annoying. 🤦🏽‍♂️

3 years ago reply 1

OMG. Interesting topic but the uptalk of the guest is so annoying. Why aren’t these people groomed to know that uptalk, vocal scratch and these other “modern” contrived speaking affects are turn-offs for many potential listeners.

3 years ago reply 0

Still giving Trump time on your airwaves ?! Can hardly believe it !

3 years ago reply 1

Anyone try remote working with kids at home? Did hear anything about how that works out.b

3 years ago reply 0

The best show to get into the nitty gritty of policies without spin.

3 years ago reply 0

Straight ticket voting increases the throughput. If you are in a long line it is a red fault.

3 years ago reply 0

Iconic! The perfect Midsomer Murders reference is just dropped like butter on a hot croissant and it tasted soooo good!! If you know, you know!!

3 years ago reply 0

Good overview of a confusing issue. Matt's a smart guy but I think he's becoming a both-sideser sometimes.

3 years ago reply 0

This is un-unlistenable. I advise hosts & guests to listen to recordings of themselves to improve insane vocal tics & other annoyances. Sounds like a group of 12 year olds in an early 80's flick. Matt would've made it suicidal. Just wow.

3 years ago reply 0

The discussion of the effectiveness of words is particularly interesting. I listened at the time when I'm reading John Locke's treatment on the abuse of words in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

3 years ago reply 0

Please inform ALL modern corporation doctrine is the survival of the corpus. Shareholder value is secondary and verification of wise long term health. Specifically to survive when individuals or partners succumb. To rare events. Like.... pandemics.

4 years ago reply 0

Put mr eese red Il ugh XTC tut fat sh Uighur Sw we

4 years ago reply 0

All the roads to universal coverage meet in your wallet.

4 years ago reply 0

Okay Matt clearly doesn't actually know about the details of Bernie's free college. Bernie literally has a program to pay for medical school for anyone who practices medicine in a rural area, and he wants to expand Pell grants to help pay for private schools and graduate schools. This answers answers the all concerns Matt was going on about with debt cancellation.

4 years ago reply 0

She's a whore. She belongs on Pornhub, not in Congress

4 years ago reply 0

The kind of lying mulvoney and Trump Jr. Are using is called Gaslighting. That's the term you are looking for.

4 years ago reply 1

listening and enjoying here in Australia 😁🇦🇺 Impeach trump... rid the world of this vermin!!!🙏🤗

4 years ago reply 1

Loving your Podcasts.... am listening regularly over here in Australia. Thank you for discussing Biden's age, most are too scared to. I personally (but can't vote anyway 😃) think there should be an age limit on candidates running for POTUS. Over 70 is too old.... Elizabeth Warren may be the exception, she just seems younger than Biden & Bernie, in every respect. trump is too old (& dementing) Reagan was too old (& Demented) Biden is way too old. Bernie is too old. So anyone who wishes to attack me for being Ageist, & frankly just saying what many people think, well cool go ahead... it won't change my opinion!!😎🇦🇺 Please America vote for someone fresh, new, younger, a POC or a WOC or Pete Buttigieg!!🤗🤗🤗😘

4 years ago reply 0

Wow, we should tell the Venezuelans who should be their leader, Matt? Only a fool would believe the opposition is better. Never listening to you again!

4 years ago reply 1

keep this conversation alive

4 years ago reply 0

After the 50th time this valley girl sounding dude used the word “like” I couldn’t listen to the rest.

4 years ago reply 0

Ezra is off the rails in this episode. He’s a smart man but his analysis in this instance makes no sense. I came away shaking my head.

4 years ago reply 0

Actually, Mayor Pete did more than mention Trump and challenged all Republicans! Where were you and your ears?

4 years ago reply 0

Love your podcast. Particularly this episode.

4 years ago reply 0

Why do you only have progressive, where are the moderate voices... when you only have 1 POV then it looks unrealistic to getting from policy to implementation

5 years ago reply 0

What an interesting and much needed discussion. I like the realistic approach between how schools are funded, and the continuation of discrimination in education.

5 years ago reply 0

X. Try ur not going tof go ahead off guardians I have no idea where that at least one more day and🌃 for ca call from the🏢 at a time frame of reference for my family and friends that have a you. 👌greatguuuuuuuu Ifd tdDK

5 years ago reply 0

X. Try ur not going tof go ahead off guardians I have no idea where that at least one more day and🌃 for ca call from the🏢 at a time frame of reference for my family and friends that have a you. 👌greatguuuuuuuu Ifd tdDK

5 years ago reply 0

Ok. Love the show and really want to continue listening but I simply can't get over this man's voice and constant interruptions when his co host begins to reply. And it's the same each time, he rudely cuts her off as if he has some profundity that just must be injected yet its vapid. Topics good. Positions agreeable. Fire this guy or.... And trust me... This will happen... The show is over. It will get canceled. He reminds me of that rich asshole who thinks he's the genius in the room who is so proud of his hard won positions in liberal think having crossed the intellectual rubrik of aristocracy... Like he's some class traitor here too save us... So shut up...

5 years ago reply 0

Thete is a big difference between knowing a co-worker doing the same job as you vs. Knowing what a surgeon neighbor is making while you are a checkout clerk.

5 years ago reply 0

OK. I love the podcast material but that man is so effin annoying I may be done. He is so obnoxious. He's that guy you want to just punch if he doesn't shut up for once

5 years ago reply 0

Koch brothers et al need a populist front to keep and gain power and get their laws enacted

5 years ago reply 0

Zuckerberg is a chump!

5 years ago reply 0

Still partnered with my spouse as he chose to go back to graduate school and change careers. I raised 3 sons. One is in auto-sales, one is studying criminal justice, and one is following in his mom’s original professional path, policy analysis and organizational development.😊

@adrigottlieb : True on the mutual spouse stress on true 2 income homes. In our home we have a true partnership. After 9/11/2001, my NFP career derailed because we lived in a small midwest town. I ended up in retail because we needed the money. As depressed as I was, I
5 years ago reply 0

True on the mutual spouse stress on true 2 income homes. In our home we have a true partnership. After 9/11/2001, my NFP career derailed because we lived in a small midwest town. I ended up in retail because we needed the money. As depressed as I was, I

5 years ago reply 0

I think the points they made about how " things white people like" is an underated cultural phenomenon is important to consider. In fact, I think it's the main point here. Her comments in context are about this cultural understanding of "white people". Not actual white people. I do agree that her comments especially out of context can be hurtful, but they are certainly not the same as the weighty comments that can come from years of oppression that are directed to minorities. But I agree that all people have some form of prejudice. Being a gay black man, I have heard black people say things about white people that are clearly prejudiced. But racism has an effect of keeping you economically restricted. It requires your group to be shut it off any and all forms of power and influence.

5 years ago reply 0

Racism goes in all directions! Use the word bigotry if that helps, but I’ve been discriminated against, bullied, and harassed in countless ways BECAUSE I’m a white female. Don’t dismiss the fact that all humans can be malicious and infinitely cruel to anyone outside of their group. This was offensive.

5 years ago reply 0

thank you

5 years ago reply 0