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The good Dr P has a financial interest in offering his services.

4 years ago reply 0

I'm a freaking awesome thanks

4 years ago reply 1

Great podcast hopefully you can get more information an can do another update podcast on maddie

5 years ago reply 0

Love this podcast! ❤ RIP to Maddie (as that is what I believe) 💔

5 years ago reply 0

Did they bug Kate and Gerry's apartment 4G in Portufal? Did they test the blood in the room the dog found traces of blood?

5 years ago reply 0

Great informative podcast. Thank you

5 years ago reply 0

This has been such an interesting podcast! For me the 2 things that speak volumes are the fact 1) there is no evidence of a break-in, no DNA, fingerprints, nothing 2) the Mccanns account of what happened that night has changed several times. The truth never changes but lies do. I truly hope, for Maddies sake, there is a conclusion one day to this sorry case.

5 years ago reply 1

this was a fantastic series

5 years ago reply 1

Just been on to google podcasts and cant find last episode on there either

5 years ago reply 0

Sorry I meant the last episode. I don't think there was two more just the one more!

@juqqfv : For anyone sick of waiting for the last two episodes you can get them on Google podcasts. I got tired of waiting so look elsewhere. Podbean always seems to get episodes are really late!
5 years ago reply 1

For anyone sick of waiting for the last two episodes you can get them on Google podcasts. I got tired of waiting so look elsewhere. Podbean always seems to get episodes are really late!

5 years ago reply 0

Is there any more podcasts coming for this?

5 years ago reply 3

gripping and informative podcast. I am learning lots about the process of detection from your work. I really look forward to your

5 years ago reply 1

Is that directed at me? Sorry comment layout is difficult to follow

5 years ago reply 0

Sorry replied to wrong comment there

@amyyyy : Are you for real? They didnt do it in purpose?? If this scenario is what actually happened and she was accidentally overdosed they must have then purposefully hid and disposed of her body then spent every day since covering it up and lying. Just as bad as if they did murder her imo
5 years ago reply 0

Are you for real? They didnt do it in purpose?? If this scenario is what actually happened and she was accidentally overdosed they must have then purposefully hid and disposed of her body then spent every day since covering it up and lying. Just as bad as if they did murder her imo

@aineemc : In total agreement with you. J wonder if it was possible they were sedated earlier in the day as it was said that Maddie had been feeling more tired than normal that day.
5 years ago reply 0

Fascinating podcast. I believe there was no abduction. Why take Maddie and not the twins? I believe the parents were involved. I believe it was an accident, but I believe they know more than they've revealed. So sad...we will never know the truth

5 years ago reply 0

There isnt one. But if it was an accidental overdose...they couldn't justify that, could they???

@JackieM : If you say the McCanns killed their own child what would their motive be?? Because I cant think of one!
5 years ago reply 0

Had the McCanns not intentionally abandoned their children, Madeleine would be here today. They left all 3 children alone and unsupervised, to go off wining and dining! This is unforgivable! I believe the McCanns are innocent but negligent however they’re lack of supervision lead to this very sad and unfortunate situation. I hope the truth comes to light for Madeleine’s sake!

5 years ago reply 0

Gripping stuff! When is the next podcast ?

5 years ago reply 0

Amazing stuff fella

5 years ago reply 0

Let me tell you this, from someone who knows. Everyone with a chip on their shoulder about the McCann's being middle class need to get a grip. Yes, they left her alone and shouldn't have done. They will live with what they did took the day they die. I've seen at first hand real neglect, real suffering that's gone on years and kids still remain with their parents somehow.

5 years ago reply 3

Thank you fantastic

5 years ago reply 0

I don't understand why they didn't have problems with Police & social services? What type of parents leaves their childen alone & unattended to go out for a meal? If they were on benefits they'd have had their other children removed & been charged with child abuse. (Neglect, plain & simple.)

5 years ago reply 3

Has they ever been any mention of accidentally over sedating their children resulting in death? I haven’t seen/heard anything. No evidence with no body... medical careers would be over 😔

5 years ago reply 2

In total agreement with you. J wonder if it was possible they were sedated earlier in the day as it was said that Maddie had been feeling more tired than normal that day.

@deanojammin : They didn't do it on purpose if they were involved. The kids including the twins were apparently given a sedative so they'd sleep without waking up regularly and the theory is they gave Maddie too much. He doesn't mean they intentionally murdered her.
5 years ago reply 3

Or were these government officials sent over to make sure everything stayed hidden? We all know the rumours about parliament don't we!!!

5 years ago reply 1

They didn't do it on purpose if they were involved. The kids including the twins were apparently given a sedative so they'd sleep without waking up regularly and the theory is they gave Maddie too much. He doesn't mean they intentionally murdered her.

@JackieM : If you say the McCanns killed their own child what would their motive be?? Because I cant think of one!
5 years ago reply 3

EXCELLENT. This series has kept me on the edge of my seat!

5 years ago reply 2

%100 The parents did it to get publicity

@dazzle : The parents did it!!...
5 years ago reply 0

The parents did it!!...

5 years ago reply 1

Dougieferguson1 the home office put a price on other children's heads. They do not allow this kind of money to be spent on other missing children. And why have the mccans not been jailed for neglect. A dad got taken to court for leaving his unwell child in the car to run and get some calpol, but Kate and Jerry leave there kids drugged up in some strange hotel to go and enjoy themselves and we do nothing! Any other parent would be arrested.

@dougieferguson1 : The mccanns raised a lot of that money them self and you can't put a price on a childs head,
5 years ago reply 3

If you say the McCanns killed their own child what would their motive be?? Because I cant think of one!

5 years ago reply 1

The McCann's done it

5 years ago reply 2

No, the home office has spent nearly £12million of taxpayers money on a 'child' who is 16 this year. Given the Mccanns have also spent money too & can afford to employ their own PR guy I would rather see that taxpayers money spent on families in a similar position who have not had the degree of help the Mccanns have had. A huge amount of the Mccanns money goes on stopping & rubbishing anyone who speaks out with a theory that doesnt tally to their original story. I'm more likely to believe & listen to a respected detective with years of experience of solving crimes then them.

5 years ago reply 3

The mccanns raised a lot of that money them self and you can't put a price on a childs head,

5 years ago reply 0