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Thank you! This is a much needed practice in my life.

3 years ago reply 0

Love Todd’s Lectio Divino! I have followed along for years by email. Grateful to find it on a podcast!

4 years ago reply 0

Standing with arms outstretched, shouting His praise and sensing the feeling of freedom in His generous grace.

4 years ago reply 0

Image: open door, Father welcoming me in with excitement! Phrase: tempered steel!

5 years ago reply 1

Hey Todd. Jon Willms here again. Thanks. I have a knee jerk reaction or an unhealthy affinity to add to my life or to say it another way to reflect on my life as lacking in some deep way. Not in regards to material things or sustenance but in the deeper sense. My upbringing and early learning taught me a dependency on God not in a way like he is my breath but more in a way as I am incomplete and only God will portion himself out to me in his own time own way as long as I continue to seek and ask. Today hearing this word I noticed that John told the people that the HS was within them and then I noticed that after Jesus was baptized the HS came upon him like a dove. I also noticed that it seems like a progression or evolution was occurring, almost simultaneously. If Jesus was going to baptize in spirit anyways then why be baptized by John. Why didn't John just say there is one coming and not baptize? I do believe we are complete and yet I am often filled with longing. It is as if they are hand in hand. Agony and ecstasy. I actually dont like this explanation but just now I am reminded of RR saying, grace creates the hole and then grace fills the hole. All this to say. Thanks for the word and mystery. You have left me wondering.

5 years ago reply 1

I really enjoy listening to these readings...

5 years ago reply 1