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Omg. Mitt Romney is a coward. Tell him to talk to Liz Cheney. He knows what to do. Endorse the only sane candidate. Kamala harris. Mitt is as bad as all of the spineless republican wimps. Stop apologizing for him.

16 hours ago reply 0

DT’s verbal diarrhea flows up from his mental sewer.

1 months ago reply 0

DT’s verbal diarrhea flows up from his mental sewer.

1 months ago reply 0

GOP is home for scalpers.

1 months ago reply 0

We all know this is totally Biden’s decision. I would vote for him if he were bed bound. If Trump wins we lose Democracy. If his health deteriorates Harris will become President and I am really O.K. with that. This split in Democrats is exactly what trump and some news broadcasters want. We, as long term Democrats need to unite, get out and help with getting our voices out there. Work the phones, volunteer.

2 months ago reply 0

That is exactly what Republicans want. Division amongst Democrats because of one day in three and a half years? There is confusion and depression due to one day? Not for me. There is only one candidate that will maintain Democracy and that is BIDEN. After all the charges against trump how can anyone trust trump in a second term. He gained millions while in office and did in in broad daylight. He has no ethics. No other leader respects him in any way. NATO leaders respect BIDEN.

2 months ago reply 0

SCOTUS wants to micromanage women’s health and dictating what is or is not official presidential acts? I didn’t realize they had that much idle time. And who died and left them in charge? They will quickly be extinguished by a second term Trump if they don’t rubber-stamp all his acts as official. Welcome to a banana republic.

2 months ago reply 1

Time to clean house. If they let Trump go for his January 6th charges because he did this under the law of immunity start taking action against these judges immediately. I am fed up with the wealthy covering other wealthy people.

3 months ago reply 1

Business interests siding with fascists over the center left is surprising to you Chris? Have you read like….any history of fascist movements?

3 months ago reply 0

Greed is blinding. France’s rich sacrificed their own country in pursuit of self-interest, as outline in William L. Shirer’s ”The Collapse of the Third Republic.”

3 months ago reply 0

These people.? Who are these people? First it was all Liberals (Democrats) should be watched and arrested. Death penalty. For what? What the did I do. I live my life, pay my bills and hope I’m blessed to see tomorrow. Who is a Communist? You say we are all Communist. No, we aren’t.

3 months ago reply 0

Another story that angers me. So what will be done about Alito’s actions? Probably nothing. What will happen to Thomas? Again, nothing. The only trials that will be presented to the Supreme Court will be anyone who has the same beliefs as the Republican Party., more than sad. Evil.

4 months ago reply 2

The gentleman that said he saw Trump writing notes on a paper that had notes about what his goons were saying to the press. You asked if it was before or after and he said during. My question was did Trump make notes before or after his goons spoke to the press? If it was before, Trump can be brought before the judge because he promoted them to what he wanted said. Come on Chris,. This could be important.

4 months ago reply 1

The Republicans looked like they were wearing a Trump uniform. Can’t be clearer. If Trump wins in November the uniform will be worn by every MAGA in Washington. Republican women will wear skirts with suit jackets with red ribbons instead of ties. Sue these people for slander. I’m am serious. I would also send money to help get lawyers. They slandered everyone Trump does.

4 months ago reply 1

Let me write my is like when the light bulb goes on. Look at how many people are or have faced charges for helping Trump throughout his life. Many lawyers are being disbarred. Cohan went to jail. His accountant went to jail twice. Trump is the only one not facing jail. He may go to jail but we may not see it before our election for President. I would be angry too if I covered everything needed for Trump but he never pays the price.

4 months ago reply 1

January 06, Trump was still president until later in the day when the Electoral votes were counted. The Republicans stopped the hearings about Trump’s part in January 06th. No matter what was going to be done the Republicans squashed it. They do this all the time because they fear him or are as corrupt as Trump is.

4 months ago reply 0

Check out my podcast, Raising Tiny Humans, on Spotify for Podcasters:

5 months ago reply 0

You arrest physicians and nurses who will deliver all the babies? There is already a shortage of OBGYNs and RNS in the entire country.

5 months ago reply 1

4 years ago, today! 👏

6 months ago reply 0

I don’t watch MSDNC! That’s part of the msm, democratic propaganda machine! Pure lies, from the elites on high!

6 months ago reply 0

Some social media platforms allow political disinformation to flourish so that paid ads by political campaigns have to spend hundreds of millions on the same platforms to counter the disinformation spread by bad actors. Twitter is run by a billionaire with the sole ambition to make money and at the same time advocate for his own political bent.

6 months ago reply 0

So let me get this right as long as you were a benevolent slave owner it was okay.

7 months ago reply 0

awesome !!!

7 months ago reply 0

Thank you all

8 months ago reply 0

Cc. --45

8 months ago reply 0

Convincing mama voters to not take the vaccine is an undeniable good thing. Don’t kid yourself These people want their opponent dead. If you celebrate democracy than celebrate the death of every single one of them especially since they do it to themselves.

8 months ago reply 0

FYI - It is the REPUBLICAN caucuses that shove votes into a paper bag. At the last Iowa Democratic caucus, there were special voting cards, given only to registered democratic voters, which had to have to voter signature, and were collected directly from the voter,by designated proctors in the room.

8 months ago reply 1

I’m sure Clarence Thomas will put his venmo number out there soon enough so anybody with enough money can purchase his vote.

9 months ago reply 0

I do no speak Hebrew, and therefore, could not understand the final portion of this podcast.

9 months ago reply 0

Are you telling the truth? Israel has children imprisoned for political reasons? If you’re lying you’re a vile scumbag if you’re not Israel a bunch of vile scumbags. Either way I will no longer look at one of you two in the same light ever again.

10 months ago reply 0

There’s a well-known saying in China that is essentially what that country stands for. ”If you can cheat then cheat.” That is all you need to know about China

10 months ago reply 0

Thank you, Chris.

10 months ago reply 0

Someone to sleep I understand this there are 200 hostages and 500 of them are Americans. Great reporting douchebag. Hyperbole much.

11 months ago reply 0

Powell got six years probation. Twelve months for every crime.

11 months ago reply 0

Hey Corey Booker sure looks like it’s Israelis are behaving like now.

11 months ago reply 0

He’s not just ”a Minister”....he’s Scotland’s First Minister - the equivalent of the Prime Minister.

11 months ago reply 0

Religion is the problem not the solution.

11 months ago reply 0

If you’re going to condemn Hamas which I agree with you’ve also got to condemn Benjamin Netanyahu and his entire cabinet for the hatred they infest Israel with. Why is it he gets a pass from Cory Booker?

11 months ago reply 0

Last time I checked it was the vice president who was second in line for the presidency.

11 months ago reply 0

Last time I checked it was in fact third in wine

11 months ago reply 0

The murder of non-combatant especially children is absolutely disgusting. It’s just a shame Israel’s been doing even more of it than Hamas over the years. We would never forgive American troops for doing what these troops are doing. It’s sad when you don’t have a side to root for.

11 months ago reply 0

I am a Democrats in Missouri...I really miss Clair McCaskill. I met her Mother at a McDonalds in Houston, Missouri. Claire knows the people. The Republicans do not. Like the new law about guns. They are just crazy. They fight against one another which leaves the Democrats to stand together and fight against their crazy mess.

1 years ago reply 0

Yes, I agree. The one thing I absolutely disagree with is the use of hateful and obviously untrue remarks made about, to ang against each other.

1 years ago reply 0

How is this idiocy nonsense any worse than what the left did with Kyle Rittenhouse? He he shot three white nationalist criminals pretending to be a part of antifa because they wanted to Riot. This was on camera and he won his day in court and the left has lied since day one about him. Why should we trust anybody who’s telling us anything. Stop pretending like the left has a monopoly on the truth when they’re constantly covering s*** up in line just as badly as the right.

1 years ago reply 0

How about we protect the scientists and let the Trump voting morons kick the bucket. Sure there will be a cost but I’m willing to pay. Where do you start wanting to save their lives remember how close elections get. If they want to take themselves out of the gene pool let them.

1 years ago reply 0

Yeah there’s a name for the anti-science community it’s called Christianity.

1 years ago reply 0

What about Jim Jordan wearing only white shirt tie, no jacket. So guess who doesn’t follow the ”dress code” as stated by Republicans.

1 years ago reply 0

If you cannot afford to give a child a life you want to give it clearly you shouldn’t have a child. The people at fault are the parents and nobody else.

1 years ago reply 0

Check your dates: Kushner’s grifting really didn’t show itself until after he left office. Dems were busy investigating the coup attempt, and couldn’t get to ALL the grifters in the Trump administration.

1 years ago reply 0

If you’re going to report on new military Technologies it would be nice if you would elaborate. In other words why point out the troubles with this one ship when we have never had a new technology in the last 60 years that didn’t run over and didn’t have a nightmare reputation the entire time it was being produced and implemented. Please point out one that didn’t. Does not matter which arm of the Armed Forces you talk about

1 years ago reply 0

No offense Chris according to woke ideology I’m not allowed to Listen to Hip Hop. Be influence by Hip Hop. Perform Hip Hop or in any way shape or form involve myself monetarily either making money or spending money on hip hop because that would be cultural appropriation and inappropriate. Yay woke means endorsing segregation. And no I’m not on the right I’m a genuine liberal not the anti free speech tell you how to live your life woke extremist who try to pretend they’re liberal.

1 years ago reply 0

Let me see if I understand this Chris climate change is bad. Filling in swamps and wiping out an ecosystem the size of Florida is a great human achievement.

1 years ago reply 0

Has it not occurred anybody that Meadows wants the federal case because he knows he’s guilty and therefore is looking to get a pardon be a Trump or the next Republican in office. If Biden loses to any Republican he gets an instant party worst case scenario four years from now any republican gets in office and whoever it is pretty much guaranteed to give all these people pardons.

1 years ago reply 0

I want a job where I don’t have to show up three days of the week.

1 years ago reply 0

I’m a liberal and now that I’ve actually looked at critical race Theory I can’t support anything that says if you’re white you’re racist no matter what and that is in fact the critical race theory is teaching. Why the media on the left has been lying this whole time I don’t know.

1 years ago reply 0

This was an attack on our nation they need to allow cameras in that courtroom.

1 years ago reply 0

Someone should tell DeSantis to fight his own vomit rather than throwing out voke from this bad stomach

1 years ago reply 0

Wow Chris Hayes takes another week off how rare.

1 years ago reply 0