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Yes, would you please ROAR through the Hamas charter?

6 months ago reply 0

I know this is an old episode, but I’m listening for the first time. Hillary, I’ve had those same exact experiences, I call it my power of invisibility all my life. As I’ve stepped into ministry (starting a women’s apologetics book club at my church), I also had that strange experience of people listening to me for the first time. I’m so grateful for this podcast and your book.

1 years ago reply 0

The top way to tell that you kids are borrowing your faith. They don’t ask questions!

1 years ago reply 0

I love this! Just confirmed to me that our screen breaks are the BEST thing we ever did!!!!!

1 years ago reply 0

A friend just shared this article on their Facebook page. It made me think of this MBA episode.

2 years ago reply 0

I fucked the corpse of Walt Disney and now I think I'm gay.

2 years ago reply 1

I felt SO alone with parenting (and thinking about progressive christianity) it is wonderful to hear that I am not alone in having conversations and being able to discern what route to take to "find the answer" for certain worldly topics.

2 years ago reply 0

Great talk ladies. Such practical advice. Love your passion. Glory to God.

3 years ago reply 0

“They have” x-amount of copies...where? Please tell me, I have never gotten a clear answer on this

3 years ago reply 0

I always hear “we have” these documents, but where? Museums?

3 years ago reply 0

listen again, and again. sunday school needs to be more than Bible stories

3 years ago reply 0

Thank you for all the awesome work you are doing! May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you! best regards from Sweden

3 years ago reply 0

Very informative and helpful information in learning to discern what we read and believe and how to teach it to our kids.

3 years ago reply 0

Are there any new podcasts??,

4 years ago reply 1

I enjoy podcast #36 & 37, about Darwin. And yes I'm a guy enjoying your podcast...

4 years ago reply 0

What an incredible message!! Not only are you speaking to a recent controversy, but there is so much truth here that we can apply to anyone who is grieving over a loved one's sickness or death. Thank you for sharing what the Holy Spirit has given you wisdom to address!

4 years ago reply 0

I have only been a Christian for about 8 years. I have 5 children ages 14, 11,6,3 and 1. I had no idea what appologetics was until I stumbled across this podcast. I have been obsessing over it ever since. I did not graduate from high school and so I feel very intimidated/insecure about teaching my children. I'm trying to figure out where to even start. My oldest is beginnings to question her faith but wont tell me what those questions are. But this podcast is a true gem in my pocket! I bought your book and can't wait to start reading it! THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS MINISTRY!!!!!! I feel like I have something to reference to now and play for the kids when they have a question.

4 years ago reply 0

I'm loving the mama bear apologetics book!!! Any chances of getting it in spanish?

4 years ago reply 0