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And to think, there are people who want Donald Trump…Donald Trump to have control of this kind of weaponry at his control. Putin as well, and North Korea, two unhinged lunatics. Who, without an iota of care or compassion for anyone on the planet, would release one of these instantaneous death bringers, without a second thought. This is such a nightmare. A true blue devastational nightmare.

3 months ago reply 0

Sean is great as always, but it was disturbing to hear animal experiments discussed with disregard for the suffering and deaths the animals were subjected to. I look forward to a world without this cruel and largely pointless practice and, in the meantime, I hope the culture changes so that what the animals go through no longer passes without comment.

4 months ago reply 0

First time listening, loved this episode. Very challenging material

7 months ago reply 0

I am absolutely astonished that while speaking about the possible future of democracy you blatantly neglected to mention Russia’s war on Ukraine and on democracy in Ukraine.

1 years ago reply 0

In ”The madness behind The Method” Ms. Wilkinson does a great job channeling Terry Gross’ interviewing spirit. By this I mean it truly does seem to simply be a conversation between two people, but informed me simultaneously. I can’t imagine how to praise her more than that. As for Mr. Butler, I’m now interested in his work and plan to read his book because he seems a kindred spirit. Well done! — Jeremy S Russell

2 years ago reply 0

I will never understand this obsession with a boxer who didn't want to join the army. Who thecares?

3 years ago reply 0

Fascinating! Jane is a world treasure. Thank you for covering her work

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

Where can I find the transcriptions of all Vox conversations?

3 years ago reply 0

My first listen. Inspiring and definitely will not be my last.

3 years ago reply 0

1:35:20 Michael Lewis is a prophet 😱

3 years ago reply 1

We get it. White guys love psychedelics! Replce the word psychedelic with heroine, or better yet crack, and see how these conversations play.

3 years ago reply 0

Rich white guys just love their psychedelics

3 years ago reply 0

But I'm really liking the second half of his talk.

3 years ago reply 0

Ms. Heinrichs made some good points, though she's clearly a neocon by its basic definition: American hard power holds the world order together. That said, her justification of the Kashoggi murder was beneath ludicrous and it was hard to take her seriously after that.

3 years ago reply 0

It's ironic that this podcast dropped a day after a black man shot two innocent police officers in Compton. Idiots like this guy always ignore the other side of the story....that blacks are much much more violent, aggressive, much more willing to resist and physically fight the police. It isn't racism. It's the fact that blacks cause the vast majority of crime. More white people are shot by the police every year. This entire argument is absolutely absurd. The police are not racist.

4 years ago reply 1

This is an helpful way to reframe the discussion and potential solutions to our racial disparities. Very good!!

4 years ago reply 0

This is an incredible podcast. Excellent and informative.

4 years ago reply 1

Knowing Carter talks about JKG at length is reason enough to read his book.

4 years ago reply 0

amazing podcast. i learned that both the GOP and Evangelicalism were all lies back on 1993 when I came out. sometimes you have to experience a big shock before you are willing to reassess your core beliefs HONESTLY.

4 years ago reply 0

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4 years ago reply 0

Huge fan of the podcast, and have listened to all of Ezra's podcasts. This conversation was probably one of the worst I've listened to, and I'm not sure what Ezra could have done to make it better. This guest loves to ramble incoherently for minutes on end, where she could have made her point in 3 sentences, she starts on a long bizarre conversation(with herself) where I don't even remember the original question that was asked. When I do rewind, she doesn't even clearly answer the question.

4 years ago reply 0

This has been such an impactful conversation. I return to it from time to time

4 years ago reply 0