Comments (91)

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It was Bob Goff that would fly home to be with his family.

6 months ago reply 0

good show on being careful about opposite relationships.

1 years ago reply 0

It was a blessing to get to meet you at XO Marriage conference in Colorado Springs! We got The Counterfeit Climax book. It has stimulated more consideration and action in our marriage to build what God intended for us. Thank you for opening up the topics that are vital yet often glossed over. Your ministry , and the initially awkward or painful topic conversations that you address have been a vital part of saving/restoring our marriage/family. Thank you. And thank God for His work through you.

1 years ago reply 0

So appreciate the wisdom and advice from a biblical point of view. The world needs to know that the best is between a Christian woman and man in covenant. The world shames it but God celebrates it.

1 years ago reply 0

Shout out to Dave and Ashley from New Mexico. So glad to have been listening to you for 3yrs. So happy to have finally met you guys and talk to yall in person.

2 years ago reply 0

I just love the two of you being so vulnerable! Keep inspiring and adding value to others.

2 years ago reply 0

I have been following you all for a while and thought I need to comment. I just love the content and you being so vulnerable! I am a Married Women Coach and I have learned so much from you all. I encourage Married Women to Major In Their Marriage, Engaged Women to prepare for their marriage before the wedding day and encourage the single one that is in their season of waiting. Question??? What do you say would be the answer to do in a situation where the husband is no longer able to perform but he does things to keep the wife fulfilled. The wife fill guilty because she doesn‘t know how to satisfy him. I get a lot of questions but have been stuck on this one. Keep doing what you are doing.

2 years ago reply 0

I love your pod cast on trust issues. I have done a lot of damage in my 26 year marriage and you have hit on a lot of topics that I am not very proud of. I need to know how to repair my marriage I do love her with all my heart can you please help me.

2 years ago reply 0

enjoy listening with my spouse. we laugh and connect with so much of what you share. it gives us time together that we have longed for.

2 years ago reply 0

I really appreciated this one. Myself and my husband are in a season where he travels every week. It helps even just to remember we aren't a weird couple or a bad couple in addition to the tips and perspectives.

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you for such a wonderful and honest podcast! Happy Anniversary! You are a blessing our marriage!💝

3 years ago reply 0

I went threw something similar as the question asked today. My husband cheated an when I found out at first he wasn't going to stop and was all for divorce as was I. I prayed alot and read alot of marriage books. I asked him to see a counselor I eventually went as well. It helped that was 4 years ago and we are still together and much stronger in our marriage. Thank God. Praying for you and your spouse .

3 years ago reply 1

I'm not even married but I love this podcast. I feel like I've learnt things that I can practice with my future spouse.

3 years ago reply 0

love listening

3 years ago reply 0

"Jealousy means I'm intolerant of rivalry" come on Pastor Jimmy Evans 🙌🙌🙌

3 years ago reply 0

The entire time I've been listening i felt so convicted. Im so guilty of saying things to my husband sometimes I know I've done it and sometimes I dont it just comes out.

3 years ago reply 0

Just found your podcasts... this message just hit home and I see myself in a lot of the scenarios discussed. Thank you. Look forward to getting caught up on the rest of your msgs.

3 years ago reply 0

This totally me and my husband. Hilarious. Love him more every day over 22 years

3 years ago reply 0

Do We loolllllllllll

3 years ago reply 0

thank you!

3 years ago reply 0

There is so much great content in this podcast, and I’m excited to share it with my husband!

3 years ago reply 0

What do you do if your spouse NEVER wants to have sex? I've voiced to my husband that I desire him and want to have sex with him and anytime I try to initiate sex I am turned down and it often makes him angry. I am so stuck on what to do and it really makes me feel like my husband just doesn't want me anymore.

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

I feel like y'all were speaking right to me in this podcast. Y'all brought tears to my eyes. I love how you said to compliment them and make it somehow about God like I love how God gave you this gift.....I'm going to try that more in my marriage. I really struggle with the fact that I go to church without him, but I will keep inviting him to come with the kids and I every time we go and one day I know God will put it in his heart to say yes ❤

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

Awesome podcast for all stages of life

4 years ago reply 0

Needed this!

4 years ago reply 0

I absolutely agree. Thank you for discussing this topic. Definitely some strong points and so many people need to hear this!!!

4 years ago reply 1

Im so grateful my partner found this podcast and led us to listen to it. We've been in a very rough spot for a long time. I didn't realize it i would just feel i was done, yet it wasn't truly what i wanted, i was just feeling lost in how to communicate. This sheds so much light on situations i didn't realize were a problem and HOW to address those problems. It has created some terribly painful discussions but with such amazing hope for our future in achieving a naked marriage ❤❤

4 years ago reply 0

Great podcast and content. Thank you.

4 years ago reply 0