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Casiodoro de Reina should have been mentioned also, and how he ended up a Lutheran

1 days ago reply 0

Transubstantiation means that the accidents remain the same but the substance is changed Luther disagreed that the miracle should be explained, not with the end result Luther and Lutherans now take Jesus at His word and believe that after the words of institution the bread is the body of Christ and the wine is the blood of Christ, without explaining how this happens The Reformed deny this miracle, contrary to the belief and practice of the whole catholic Christian Church for the first 1500 years

15 days ago reply 0

Luther considered them heretics, and he was right

26 days ago reply 0

Not of the reformation thought but of the Reformed thought

2 months ago reply 0

Your opening theme music sounds like a song by the Cranberries lol

7 months ago reply 0

In 1582 and 1609-10 it got translated into English. That translation became known as the Douay Rhimes. That became the official catholic bible in English, the newer ”volgar” language.

10 months ago reply 0

Great piece of history.

3 years ago reply 0

Jerome's translation.

4 years ago reply 0

just another interesting part of ChurchHistoey and Princeton History

4 years ago reply 0

All do respect young man...If you’re young Catholic or convert to the faith, this is not the place to look for historical facts on Church History! PLEASE, don’t take this guys word on anything that is before the reformation or for that matter “Catholic” in origin! No one and I mean no one can even grasp a moment of this powerful Saints life that’s even vaguely credible in five minutes! 😖

5 years ago reply 0

Interesting pronunciations

6 years ago reply 0

Is this a reformed theology only show?

6 years ago reply 0

So helpful, welcome. Our family history.

7 years ago reply 0