Comments (59)

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Temple Grandin is fascinating. Down to earth, logical, but also a forward thinker. She was wonderful to listen to. The person conducting the interview is not in flow and her pauses between what Dr. Grandin says and her (typically uninterested/unenthusiastic) responses is quite off-putting.

7 months ago reply 0

She’s awesome I did a report on her in college on The change she made In Cattle and got a straight A+

8 months ago reply 1


9 months ago reply 0

This info for dealings only between 2 rational people. You in a whole different ball game if the other parent a raging narcissist/narc sociopath that always plays mind games. Spk fr experience

10 months ago reply 0

There have been several antipsychotic medications and antidepressants and mood stabilisers

11 months ago reply 0

That’s mine argumentative, head strong, defiant, know-it-all thinks he has all of the universe figured out & adults can’t tell him anything. Gets him in trouble every time even after he’s been told to just keep it to himself if he thinks he’s right save the fight for another day. 😒

1 years ago reply 0

I just found this podcast. THANK YOU. I am 64.Ive had ADHD, fibro ect. You know me better than I know myself. I’m not broken🥰

1 years ago reply 0

I will be listening to this over and over and using the ideas.

2 years ago reply 0

Greatly appreciated and very informative episode thank you

2 years ago reply 0

Empathy causes distraction! That comment turned on a light bulb in my mind.

2 years ago reply 0

some really terrific tips in this presentation and the spoons description is very useful for describing why I feel tired. I thought it was because I'm an introvert!

2 years ago reply 0

I am a single mother of a 5 year old daughter. I am 39 years old. I struggled from Jr High to High School. I struggled with keeping a Job and a romantic relationship. I would cry myself to sleep because I felt stupid and there was something wrong with me. I was just diagnosed with Autism and Adhd last week. It is so validating.

3 years ago reply 0

Great episode. Thank you. I forwarded this to my therapist—LOL!

3 years ago reply 0

thank you so much for this podcast! ❤ Kendra - Newly Diagnosed!

3 years ago reply 0


@Nikki : Thank you so much for these podcasts. This information is so helpful. Each episode I connect with so much I have laughed and about cried at the same time. I feel that so many things are explained well enough for someone without ADHD or ADD could possibly start to understand what we go through day to day. 💛 -Nikki Hodgden Kansas City
3 years ago reply 0

I was just officially diagnosed with Autism and adhd on Tuesday 6-15! I am 39 years old. I am looking to learn more about both!

3 years ago reply 0

Thank you so much for these podcasts. This information is so helpful. Each episode I connect with so much I have laughed and about cried at the same time. I feel that so many things are explained well enough for someone without ADHD or ADD could possibly start to understand what we go through day to day. 💛 -Nikki Hodgden Kansas City

3 years ago reply 0

I immensely appreciated your message. I am an adult Woman with ADHD and for over 20 years I have misdiagnosed, medicated incorrectly, which robbed many years of my well-being. I have been finally diagnosed as an exceptionally gifted individual, and after moving to another state I found all my progress has been reversed with PA’s who do not understand my particular situation... I feel as if I’m falling through the cracks again. Your podcast inspired as well educated me on so many similarities that you mentioned and it gave me such comfort to know the truth that no Dr. has been able to understand. Thank you for your insight and outstanding knowledge and wisdom on this topic. Sincerely, Yvonne Allison I would be interested in working with you regarding ADHD and Women.

3 years ago reply 0

Truly amazing and excellent talk. Thank you so much. i will share this around. I have been getting support off and on throughout my adult life. But much more helpful and useful assistance since my Dx in 2019 at 54yo. My teenage daughters (15 and 17) are now experiencing, more than they have throughout their childhood, major complications of untreated ADHD (the 15yo also feeling suicidal. For the 1st time in my life, I am feeling so overwhelmed at the task of helping myself and helping them. 😞

3 years ago reply 0

watched this one live and am grateful to hear it again. So much superb information!

4 years ago reply 1

Incredible! This discussion answered every concern I’ve had about screen time and the affects on my child. Thank you, great job!

4 years ago reply 0

I like these podcasts but I do find the sound quality is quite poor which can be frustrating.

4 years ago reply 0

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE! I'm fairly new to this podcast so I have started back at the very beginning. I seen the notification of this episode and decided to jump on ahead and listen and I am so glad I did. I've heard another episode or two so far that reference the 504 and IEP that were extremely informative I am just in awe of how much more I learned through this podcast versus the school and social workers and counselors and therapists and such thank you thank you thank you for providing this information

5 years ago reply 0

This guy is awful. Creating his own terminology to give credibility to unsupported pseudoscience.

5 years ago reply 1

This was such an eye opening discussion. I can relate to every single thing he discussed. If only more providers had this same knowledge

6 years ago reply 1

I just want to hug her and sit with her and cry... she is my tribe....

6 years ago reply 0

I would love to see more webinars focused on adult ADHD. Seems lately they are only about children and teens.

6 years ago reply 0

What's the medications he is suggesting? I didn't understand their names.

7 years ago reply 0

Thank you so much. I took my child in for testing. We got an Auditory Processing Disorder diagnosis. Thanks to this podcast we now have a place to start working from.

7 years ago reply 0