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Love your podcast. But your guest’s audio tends to be quite a bit quieter than yours. Makes it hard with earbuds at times.

3 months ago reply 0

the best guest possible! there should be a new show called the freedom american show with Dave Rubin, Michael malice, and Sara Gonzalez!!

4 months ago reply 0

Choosing to go with DeSantis because as you put it to get beyond all the BS.? Hiding your head in the sand does not make the problem go away. Choosing another person to be president because you want to get beyond all the BS it’s just putting sugar in your coffee because you don’t want to drink coffee it’s still coffee son it’s just sweet coffee now. Again basically exchanging one rat for another rat does not make the rat problem go away.! Putting Trump in office, a outsider what we need!

4 months ago reply 0

Wow you’re disdain your hatred for a true father figure who shows responsibility strength wisdom is truly showing through why don’t you just say you hate Trump without saying you hate Trump you’re doing these podcasts a legend that you want to support Trump now but clearly by your latest podcast all you’re really doing is pandering and Catering to the Trump haters by acting like you’re trying to make Trump a better person. When really you’re just giving the other side ammunition. Wow your hatred

4 months ago reply 0

How sad and how unfortunate that as much as being a few others have listened to your broadcast and podcast we have never once heard you talk about Biden or his supporters the way they are worshiping Biden and the Democrat Party with without no repercussions no thought. I don’t you do a piece on Biden like you’re doing this one right here against Trump. Acting like you are going to vote for Trump.

4 months ago reply 1

Stop saying we’re worshiping him I don’t know where you see anybody worshiping him do you even know what the word worship means no one’s worshiping Trump all of us just see Trump as The Outsider based on how much the entire world and the entire DC swamp is attacking him we’ve been experiencing that our entire lives through our the justice system attacking our families but yet letting off the rich and the wealthy while we get prosecuted that’s what we see #truefatherfiguretoournation Trump is

4 months ago reply 1

He’s not running on retribution you’re mistaken his trying to make light jokes or trying to find some humor in this sick sick sick twisted DC swamp of crooked people trying to push one world order and all these twisted and do agendas from the minority people who expect us to bow down and cater to them no thanks you need to reflect on yourself and try to be a little more unbiased towards those you don’t know or those you don’t want to vote for

4 months ago reply 1

If you’re going to tout yourself as being on biased you might want to relisten to your broadcast very closely over and over again because nothing about the way you’re acting talking or describing Trump versus everyone else literally everyone else first Trump you’re touting them as they’re good they always were good and there are no bad people in DC like Trump is trying to tell us there is f*** he’s exposing them every day every day do you have blinders on?

4 months ago reply 1

You sure are good at telling the rest of us not to judge not to put all our eggs in one basket and Trust Donald Trump but yet here you are putting all your eggs in one basket trusting DeSantis Nikki Haley and a few others as they’re not part of the DC swamp they are misleading you and you are falling right into the Trap and in 10 years you’ll look back and you’ll go oh my gosh that guy Silver Fox was right I totally misjudged those people crooked people I thought you thought were good

4 months ago reply 1

And stop judging everybody and thinking we’re all hating Ron DeSantis nobody is hating Ron desantis. Most of us have come to agree that Rhonda Santos is the one that’s playing you and many others and he’s playing a part doing what’s right but if elected to president he’s just going to side ride along with the Democrats as a deep State Republican like all the days of past all the other DC swamp has done over the years past

4 months ago reply 1

Why don’t you start with the truth and that truth is recognizing that your categorizing everyone into one category as we’re all worshiping Donald Trump or we all think Donald Trump is some type of dictator that we’re going to bow down to. Start recognizing the truth that possibly Donald Trump played you in a lot of people into thinking the way you are thinking when really like I said he’s exposing the bad people of the DC swamp across America that my friend is a win-win for all and a very good t

4 months ago reply 1

Trump won’t get better by worshiping him stop saying worship nobody’s worshiping him.! Why don’t you take that speech and deliver it to all the Generation Z kids who think they’re entitled or that they’re owed something they could take something from that speech and maybe be better more productive citizens of America

4 months ago reply 1

And you look at it as we’re bowing and worshiping Donald Trump? Your outlook and outtake on the people who follow Donald Trump is completely misguided completely misconstrued. We’re looking for a leader who says what he means and means what he says we don’t need another leader whose sugar coats everything making promises that in 2 years we forgot that he made and he never fulfilled or tried to even keep them but hey the soft sensitive words he told us made me feel good that

4 months ago reply 1

Unfortunately and thankfully the rest of us mostly are not like you and we do not want a president Who sugarcoats everything makes it all look pretty and sweet and all Rosy. Life is hard the world is hard we need to harden people up and stop making people people who want kind words and sensitive words or they just cannot go to work or I can’t get up because he talks so mean to me. Thank God for a strong leader such as president Trump

4 months ago reply 1

I don’t think you want more honesty in a president I think you want one of the old presidents who caters to everybody. I think you want a president who is more like the parenting of today than never punishes a child always rewarding them for their bad behavior good behavior doesn’t matter they just get a reward and they do what they want willy-nilly Fancy free. The rest of us appreciate the parent who disciplined us who may have spanked us or were hard on us or we thought they were an a******

4 months ago reply 1

And I really find it interesting how you imply through your talk as if your judge of character has been 100% spot on through all this. You’re going to sit here and tell me and your audience that every president prior to Trump was all 100% honest and truthful more so than trump. Or that everyone you thought was good in politics is still good people.? You need to be a little more honest and look deeper inside yourself I think

4 months ago reply 1

You see it as a con man but the rest of us see it as exposure of the con that has been played on American citizens We The People by the DC swamp our whole life yet none of us you included have not recognized that until Donald Trump came along the con man as you call him you’re bias might be showing a little bit you could try to be a little more impartial

4 months ago reply 1

And you seem to be pointing out what you consider flaws or lies or bad actions. However lots of us out here see the exposure of bocce The Who, and a lot of other people as a better when for US versus just him taking executive action and keeping the country open

4 months ago reply 1

He hired from the swamp because the swamp is 98% of America the people involved in politics there were no other choices. And through all that because of all that he exposed multiple bad players that you personally would have thought we’re good but now no they are not

4 months ago reply 1

Rubin is Awesome and Google Podcasts didn’t have this episode

6 months ago reply 0

Definitely! It’s in the exposure of so many worlds and life styles available to anyone living on the island.

6 months ago reply 0

Go to war with Islam? We don’t have the courage and every Muslim living in Europe knows it. . It would be like Britain going to war with Germany in 1939 with 5 million trigger violent Germans living amongst us.

6 months ago reply 0

What an amazing woman is AHA. When you consider what she has suffered, what she has been through, and then what she has achieved (learning the language and becoming a member of parliament in a foreign country, then fleeing to the US, learning a third language and becoming a professor, in addition to writing books) … my admiration for her is boundless.

7 months ago reply 0

Um. Isn’t that exactly what’s happening in california? there was a legislator recently that got up and said if you love your children get them out of the state. I heard recently since 2020 there was about a 250,000 kid population loss to the state for kids under I think it was age 9. People are fleeing California because of the politics. So sad that one family felt the need to leave Florida. 🤦‍♀️

10 months ago reply 0

That’s what I’ve been thinking. June would be a great month to get off social media at least.

1 years ago reply 0

way better than the default app for podcasts. needs a better queue system but it’s quite accessible and doesn’t seem to woke weight the search function . I recommend this app

1 years ago reply 0

it’s not often that Mr Rubin makes reference to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, but when he does, he’s spot on.

1 years ago reply 0

I don’t usually root for anything sports related but i was literally saying out loud ”c’mon Dave, 5 for five!”.

1 years ago reply 0

The drag show audio alone makes me feel ill.. i just can’t do the overly exaggerated overly dramatic overly flamboyant voices. It’s like being surrounded by old vacuum cleaners while trying to pick a lock, except it’s humans making sounds that they think will get them attention while I’m trying to have ANY human thought.. Awful. Nails on chalkboard doesn’t do it justice. I think it triggers a dopamine like reaction in the brain, and some brains are repulsed while others are addicted.

1 years ago reply 0

Even Alabama rednecks like me don’t care if you’re married to a dude you’re good people, am I gonna throw confetti just because you’re married to a dude? Nope.. you’re just a normal guy who wants his country to succeed and that’s good enough for me.

1 years ago reply 0

Could Larry Elderthis up even more? I’m at the section where he’s trying to explain the Mar a Lago raid and it’s as if he got his information from an autistic nine year old. He hasn’t prepped for this, obviously, and seems to be trying to remember stuff he heard on CNN weeks ago. This bit at least is making me reassess my opinion of Mr Elder.

1 years ago reply 0

Only an idiot would believe those two geriatrics got 155 million votes. Banana Republic.

2 years ago reply 0

Listening in from Singapore as a long term Expat abroad.

2 years ago reply 0

I vote for community service. Force him to not use his wealth or fame, and help the public out. Hell, force him to pay to have his makeup artist disguise him, and send him to a soup kitchen to be treated like any other person for a month. Something! His fake tears of humility and then dancing it up at the club make me sick. Such to think I enjoyed this actors work over the years.

2 years ago reply 0

Everyone has a back story. That’s why I try to treat everyone fair at first, but Will had a long walk up to that slap to think about it. That initial rage reaction to hit someone who bad mouths your wife is very real, but he laughed at first and then walked the 3 min to the stage, and still went with the physical route. This is a guy who gets respect because he knows and respects firearms and calls others out for mishandling, now showing zero self control. Is he getting help?

2 years ago reply 0

Sorry Dave but this is the problem in my opinion.. too many people don’t want everyone to follow the rules.. and then they have children and raise them to behave like they are above the rules of society. Above morals. Feeling bad for someone is NOT justification for assault. Not an excuse for bad behavior. Too often this on the left want compassion. They say ”that’s sad” because how awful would it be to see Will freaking Smith go to jail when he’s in a bad place himself being cucked..

2 years ago reply 0

And yes, I would like to see the rich arrogant man who assaulted another human.. go to jail. He wouldn’t even see a cell, they would bail him out so fast. But he should still have consequences for his actions like the rest of us common folk. Sure, his career is going to suffer.. If I assaulted my coworker at a company event I would expect to be fired, on top of being arrested. That’s how the world works for everyone but the rich &famous.

2 years ago reply 0

18:25 who cares what Chris Rock wants, he was assaulted in public view. How is it that my neighbor watches my other neighbors having a martial fight (common place) and when they witness the husband throw a phone hitting the wife in the back, that’s all it takes for him to go to jail? Yet these rich guys don’t even have the police involved?? It’s insane. I get pressing charges himself is his choice, but the public should press charges for a assault on another member of public.

2 years ago reply 0

18:25 who cares what Chris Rock wants, he was assaulted in public view. How is it that my neighbor watches my other neighbors having a martial fight (common place) and when they witness the husband throwing a phone hitting the wife in the back, that’s all it takes for him to go to jail? Yet these rich guys don’t even have the police involved?? It’s insane. I get pressing charges himself is his choice, but the public should press charges for a assault on another member of public.

2 years ago reply 0

This is clown world. If race is the only card to play, you should be embarrassed as hell, but you’re to dim to see you’re shortcomings.

2 years ago reply 0

I am sick of Brian Stelter, I do not watch CNN and hope never to hear his screetchy voice ever again on any podcasts. Maybe if you ignore him he will go away. By playing his idiotic clips you just keep him relevant. Just stop, for the love of all that is holy!

2 years ago reply 0

Saying that people should be able to make the ”right choice” without a vaccine mandate implies that there is a right and wrong choice. It would be better to say people should be able to make THEIR OWN choice.

2 years ago reply 0

Get the clip where he tells the factory worker, ”I don’t work for you!” The truth for once.

2 years ago reply 0

I love The Rubin Report, but this is definitely my favorite episode I have heard in a while. Dave made me laugh so many times. “I had a penchant for sugar cubes for a while.” LOL! Love your sense of humor! Your joy and happiness at this new chapter in your life really comes through in this recording. So happy and excited for both of you, congrats on the new home, and I look forward to hearing all about the amazing new things you find and do in Florida!

2 years ago reply 0

Destruction of soil is the most important and critical environmental issue, but fish matter too 😏

2 years ago reply 0