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I can relate to this in so many levels of my life.

2 months ago reply 0

thank you!

2 years ago reply 0

I am now less dumb

2 years ago reply 0

A truly mind expanding conversation. ❤

3 years ago reply 0

My brain must have reset since this was originally broadcast.

3 years ago reply 0

Just knowing fully why bad habits form and "I need discipline" isn't enough imo. Especially for low esteem and out of control habits, have to realize it's a slippery slope sometimes/ have to give up certain things. Also cannot ask "why/ why me?" when having existential issues- it's a call/invitiation to improve, not to sitting around trying to answer the unanswerables

3 years ago reply 1

This episode was directly helpful to me today. Thank you.

3 years ago reply 0

I am a scientist by trade. I've hypothesized a 5 dimensional reality. A 5th dimension that is objectively real and mutually perpendicular to space and time such that it exists in all spaces and all times. I propose further that we have evolved to exist in, sense and interact with our consciousness.

3 years ago reply 0

Sounds like soft brain washing to me.

3 years ago reply 0

This feels like a gotcha. Yes you're correct. But once you put the second option B on the second choice there is an IMPLIED "not B". So the intuitive comparison is 1) A and not B vs 2) A and B. This comparison is what most will likely think they are making. This could go either way logically, so then the preliminary information can become relevant.

3 years ago reply 0

This is for the next podcast on the conjunction fallacy.

3 years ago reply 0

You're not just adding a condition. Both statements have the same number implied. Eg. Evidence of social justice ed then a) bank teller vs b) bank teller and activist. Once you include the second condition in the second choice there is an IMPLIED "and no activism" to the first option when you compare them.

3 years ago reply 0

I've seen it in climate science arguments.

3 years ago reply 0

Found all over the place in politics!

3 years ago reply 0

Sounds like a good cookie to serve at a Halloween party.

3 years ago reply 0

My rule for estimating science research for an idea from idea to publication, 1) give your best estimate of how long it will take e.g. 4 months, 2) double the number and increase the unit of measure. e.g. 8 years. That will be a better estimate. 2 days becomes 4 weeks etc.

3 years ago reply 0

Lee Ross sounds like Orson Bean.

3 years ago reply 0

I used mindfulness based cognitive therapy to treat my bipolar II during the 1990s. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was attracted to cognitive therapy and also had a spiritual practice that led me to mindfulness. I weaned off meds in the early 2000s only to learn later that MBCT is now a recognized treatment.

3 years ago reply 0

All of these conditions for contact occurs in a toastmaster meeting. Go to and use the find a club feature near you.

4 years ago reply 0

Your guest on this episode is over the boundary of having too many ahs and ums, interfering with his ability to be understood. It's almost unlistenable.

4 years ago reply 0

As an example, as an avid toastmaster, I hear every ah and um you make and it is just shy of interfering with your ability to communicate clearly. You're not as cringe worthy as some speakers, but it is something I would recommend you try to improve on. Your content is so stellar, its worth putting up with the ahs and ums. But it would improve your podcast if you worked on your speaking ability. Ahs and ums also communicate uncertainty and a lack of confidence in what you say.

4 years ago reply 0

Have you never noticed that climate change /global warming is the only scientific idea whose best argument for veracity is an appeal to consensus rather than an appeal to observable evidence. An appeal to consensus is not science.

4 years ago reply 0

Did you intentional use transition music to the expert interview identical to the transition music on Mr.Roger's Neighborhood as the train moves around the set and toots its horn. It tickles delightfully warm openness and expectation of and interesting adventure. If intentional, cheers! If not, what a happy accident.

4 years ago reply 0

I teach chemistry and physics. I wear a white lab coat every day at work. I do have more focus when wearing it. It's definitely correlated, but causally related? I'd have to see a lot more evidence.

4 years ago reply 0

Claude Steele demonstrates a similar effect with how stereotypes work.

4 years ago reply 0

Yeah this is a very important issue in modern society especially. Almost anything negative can deplete one's ego, and we need ego to function especially in a high-energy job and competitive workplace. Seems introverts recharge individually and extroverts recharge in groups, definitely different for different people

4 years ago reply 0

Good one. I definitely can never work another job with someone constantly looking over my shoulder/ keep on telling me who I should be in order to max their profits. Dave Chapelle is a great example, at his absolute peak he realized he'd become a caricature or at least his whole being become a product, so he quit. Quitting doesn't make you weak, many times it makes you strong/bold (even as much as most people say you should never do it/ only fools quit). People die out without sanity/ safety

4 years ago reply 0

Very interesting concept, to think some people are so (attemptingly) rational that they are irrational. Also interesting I've never run into this- for as much as I've argued on Reddit,YouTube etc- it takes one level of smarts to know that you're right about evolution and irrationality of religion for instance, but it takes a whole 'nother level of smarts to know that arguing with religious folk and other of the sorts is a complete waste of time, sanity and you don't accomplish much at all

4 years ago reply 0

Solid episode. I tried watching a documentary on strativari violins, holy mackerel was that snobbery/ ocd of sorts/ whatever you label it at its worse. Even the violin player admitted it maybe improves sound by like 10%, and to think people shell out millions for those instruments (funny one is kept under lock and key in a museum somewhere to never be played again as request by the late owner)

4 years ago reply 0

Wow, seriously. I am a very calm person but you eating that brownie at the end make me fill up with anger, I'm working and didn't pay to much attention after the guest left, had to check if this was a new episode with some sort of test to prove a point. Don't know why it got to me m thanks for a good first episode, let's go to the next one

4 years ago reply 0

I don't play candy crush or any variation because it's PTW. "Free" games that require real money to progress are not attractive to me.

4 years ago reply 0


@TreesRepic : what Brain saying is that people should in principal fund a project even if there is no immediate personal or financial benefit. Interesting.
4 years ago reply 0 what Brain saying is that people should in principal fund a project even if there is no immediate personal or financial benefit. Interesting.

5 years ago reply 0

Profound lesson: Learning delay of gratification does not guarantee success later in life. Believing there is a silver bullit is a great example of naive realism.

6 years ago reply 0

Gripping stuff! Hugely interesting long episode about the Happy Brain.

6 years ago reply 0

Definitely will do more search on this subject.. .very interesting😉

6 years ago reply 1


6 years ago reply 0

@You Are Not So Smart: Best Podcast EVER!! 😊💗

6 years ago reply 0

this podcast makes my commute interesting and informative. It makes traffic enjoyable.

6 years ago reply 1

thanks for this episode. you do great work and this was one was especially important.

7 years ago reply 0