Comments (24)

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Wow, I almost had to stop listening because it was so frustrating listening to Bekah interrupt Evan. It makes me mindful of when I interrupt others. So annoying.

1 years ago reply 0

Oh and on a lighter note, may I suggest a podcast episode about ghost stories. Your own as well as from your listeners.

3 years ago reply 0

For example, censoring info about covid or vaccine injuries/deaths but not censoring pedophilia crap makes me scratch my head... I feel like their is an agenda and if it goes against that then it is censored. It's wrong.

3 years ago reply 0

In regard to the Social Dilemma documentary, I was definitely rolling my eyes throughout. I feel like they were trying to "sell" you in that documentary. I felt like it was bias and were demonizing people who you might call "Truthers". I feel like they were trying to sell us on censorship and I do not agree whatsoever. To me, if I see a platform trying to censor information than that makes me even more curious. It also sets off red flags in my mind and makes it more believable to be true.

3 years ago reply 0

I would love it if you ladies had Del Bigtree on your show! He's awesome! He's an investigative journalist who isn't bought by MSM or the pharma industry so it's legit data and really great info!

3 years ago reply 0

This was such an enlightening episode and I really enjoyed learning about auras!

4 years ago reply 0

I am LIVING this podcast, always but especially during this quarentine!! The Jason Moraz w/ his comments about Ryan cracked me up!! I was laughing out loud alone in my bedroom! Thanks ladies!!

4 years ago reply 1

Girls -like the show but these days it seems like it's 75% mocking and laughter, which gets really old. How about some unique thoughts and less mocking and laughing?

4 years ago reply 0

Very disappointed by episode 131. Come on gals. You are correct we all need to laugh but to encourage irresponsible behavior during an epidemic that is killing people is sad. Craig saying he doesn’t care because it is killing old people is exactly the attitude that is continuing to kill spread the virus🦠

4 years ago reply 0

Totes on Chris Harrison sounding like a misogynist creep! wtf

4 years ago reply 0

Absolute FAVORITE Bachelor podcast!!! I stopped listening to all the other former bachelor contestant's podcasts after finding this one! It's like sitting on your couch gabbing about the show with your girl friends!!

4 years ago reply 0

Love this Podcast! These gals are so hilarious , witty , and incredibly well read and intelligent ! Such a fan🙌🏻

4 years ago reply 0

Thank you broads, an award deserving podcast

4 years ago reply 0

Great chat! Can't wait to hear the next one on B's birth goals for baby #2.

4 years ago reply 0

Love it!!

5 years ago reply 0

I love your podcast! Look forward to it every week! @rach_ul

5 years ago reply 0

Love it!!!

5 years ago reply 0