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It may be they got his name now they know he will file them. The scammers write bad checks, and your account is charge, Not saying this is it. But just be wanted you aware. It happens with those shopping checks also. Just found your podcast today, enjoying .

8 months ago reply 0


9 months ago reply 0

I honestly can’t imagine eating left over burgers from (insert fast food establishment here) though I’m ok with leftovers that are made at home or even pizza.

2 years ago reply 0

Ha....don't hate the show just how you think you have to have a story or an experience..with everyone you can just listen..js

2 years ago reply 0

Look I know some how some way maybe he can see this.... Pls stop yelling into your 🎤 that recola was awful.. really wish there was a show without you!!

2 years ago reply 0

Alright I know you guys probably won't give ah crap...but I can't listen anymore.... Bobby pls get help you don't have to have a story everytime someone else tells one it's not related just narcissistic!!

2 years ago reply 0

WOW...come on guys really wish there was ah show without continuously say around was very trashy.. I've said it before and I'll say it again Bobby Bones you are a narcissist.

2 years ago reply 0

Pls never air horn yell again..also your very narcissistic when other show members try to tell you their story you interrupted it every time I would really enjoy keep listening but that air horn yell you just did made me throw my earphones out of my ears please be mindful that people are listening and when you scream like that into the mic it tends to upset people..

2 years ago reply 0

Much love💙🙌

3 years ago reply 0

I love this show sooo much it starts my day and it is so funny and silly love it!!!!

3 years ago reply 0

Bobby Bones and Amy and Eddie and Ray and Morgan 2 put on the best show that is in poscast land and people who say any different are haters and there jealous. Those people need to turn off the radio and take there hate somewhere else!!! Love you guys dont change a thing

3 years ago reply 0

LOL @ Lunchbox! He gets upset about who parks in Bobby's spot but is ok with illegal parking!

4 years ago reply 0

I do listen to post show pre show everyday😉

4 years ago reply 0

I know I probably missed the Chicago contest. I searched for it, gave up when ads, different sites showed up, etc. Good luck, guys!

5 years ago reply 0

My son would wear shorts in the winter and jean's & long sleeve shirts in the summer. Go figure! I let it go. Pick your battles.

5 years ago reply 0

Target is awesome for wedding registries. My daughter is getting married in September and they get 20% off anything they don't receive. I keep telling everyone to get gift cards.

5 years ago reply 0

Mother's Day is important. My oldest daughter always gets me something. My son sent me roses one year, I thought my husband sent them. I met him at the door, I was so happy. He thought I was cheating! Thankfully, my son called. That was the moment I knew my boy loved me

5 years ago reply 0

All of you are awesome! I wish someone would write a song about Times Beach. So many of us lost everything and now, many years later, we are having diseases. I had breast cancer, radiation,, etc. As of today, I'm cancer free! Now I just try and pay Mercy. Listen, Bobby, if you want a child....I will let you meet my 13yo!

5 years ago reply 0

I worked in a paper factory and the guys would randomly make the woot, woot noise!

5 years ago reply 0

I won't watch any movie with Angelina Jolie!

5 years ago reply 0

I live in delta Colorado and me and my kids listen to you guys every morning before they get in the bus. Thanks for making our morning.

5 years ago reply 1

Yeah! I finally found the current podcasts🤓

5 years ago reply 0