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Maybe they should talk more about Huang or whatever it was to see if it is recurring or just a unintended glitch?!

9 days ago reply 0

The mayor doesn’t buy windows. Sure.... But it’s his departments that are corrupt. He didn’t take responsibility. he should have been interested to solve the problem.... Poor leadership allows corruption to exist. How do these people think they can join EU?

5 months ago reply 0

👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 Bravo to this ladys courage and bravery...we all need to have the same tenacity csuse this scourge is everywhere and clearly these missionaries were not here for saving souls...

6 months ago reply 0


10 months ago reply 0

Simply one of the best podcast episodes I have heard in a very long time.

1 years ago reply 0

What is the MAN of the house??? Please explain

1 years ago reply 0


1 years ago reply 0

Very interesting. I love the solar car idea, and the concept of autonomous shared vehicles. The conversation revolved around AI and electric cars. I’d like to have heard more ideas about circular economy (design out waste), modular design. I’d like to hear about retrofitting existing cars to make them cleaner, ecologically more sustainable and take account of the enormous amount of resources tied up in the existing cars around the world.

1 years ago reply 0

Wow, this was really interesting. Looking forward to hearing more.

1 years ago reply 0

So well done, so thorough. Thanks.

1 years ago reply 0

Stacy is clearly the only real single mother as she is a widow. Your not a single mother if your divorced or choose to be without dad

1 years ago reply 0 Realistic, & brings the pain, suffering & horror of War to others in such a powerful way, words froms the humans trying to survive it.

1 years ago reply 0

Best way to learn about facts and British accent.

1 years ago reply 0

Lets be honest amin had the right idea to deport you, sadly you didn’t give the British citizens a choice on taking you. You took advantage of Africa as you now do with Britain. You should all have gone back to India

1 years ago reply 0


2 years ago reply 0

Forcing poor women to attend indoctrination camps to be bothered to not let the kids starve. Such kind hearted people God these christians are disgusting people.

2 years ago reply 0

America truly is just the middle east with more money and a majority christian population.

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you

2 years ago reply 0

thanks for sharing

2 years ago reply 1

I greatly appreciate you addressing this issue. Yet, I heard a authority figures that are deeply lacking in their own due diligence, personal work, and integrity. I don’t think you’re being mindful enough about your own issues regarding ”good intentions.” Please, keep trying.

2 years ago reply 0

Even worse is when yourself has done so badly in every area in COvid, you still can point finger to someone who successfully did it with limited death, who get 90% its own people’ support, get economy running, send vaccination to poor countries, you still can turn th sore and negative. If in a classroom you are bad low scored puiple slandering judging the good puiple. You would be told off. Learning instead of slandering. You BBC truly is a source of hatred, prejudice, and mis-information.

2 years ago reply 1

Anything about China is negative. Your report is not objective at all if things about a country is only negative. You are shameful to be called journalists if these hidden feelings are so obvious now, and you use your power and position to spread negative mentality, cynicism, personal resentment , myth and prejudice. Even I teach children in class, I will ask them to tell an issue of both pros and cons. Count yourself your reports about China, all negative, even positive things a made negative.

2 years ago reply 0

very informative

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you.

2 years ago reply 0

What a horrible situation for these poor refugees. It must be a similar situation after any major conflict (WW2 springs to mind) where the war criminals need to answer for what they’ve done. Just mind boggling. Peace and justice for Syrians. Thanks for bringing it to light.❤️

2 years ago reply 0

Great podcast

2 years ago reply 0

Should Europe take every migrant that arrives at it borders?Sometimes you have to take hard decisions.Poland is right.These muslims will never integrate,they form parallel societies as demanded by Islam.Sowing division in society.

2 years ago reply 0

Naha you should feel bad for comparing an injection into the body with the need for a driving license !! You should realise there‘s no guarantee the vaccine or booster‘s won‘t cause illness in you at a later date !! I sincerely hope it doesn‘t but please judge only yourself not other ! They may know more then you. All the very best !!!!!

2 years ago reply 0

Vaccines should be mandatory, and you should feel bad if you choose not to be. Arguing that you shouldn‘t have to is similar to arguing against the need for a drivers licence

2 years ago reply 0

Oh BBC you are so cutting edge and boring.

2 years ago reply 0

Hearing those Americans talk is so weird. They are the ones who made vaccines political. And you know exactly what kind of people they are by how they speak about what happened. Absolutely disgusting.

2 years ago reply 0

I'm sure people will say I'm wrong. But Israel is a terror state, and I would bet that many of these Arab killing Arab cases are Israelis murdering people in cold blood. It's not as if we don't have hours of hours of footage of them doing it.

2 years ago reply 1

I am listening to this in UK July 22, my daughter, who lives with me ar present, won't get her second vaccination until almost the end of August. Not wear a mask? It's not hard to wear one, it shows respect for others. For the sake of my daughter, those with poor health, I will certainly be wearing one! We don't believe the government, we KNOW that people in our area are being sent home from work or school (Somerset, South West England).

2 years ago reply 1

See if you can open this Pud

3 years ago reply 0

As long as you love Syria and fear for it and care for its people, why do you ban PayPal and Ebay services and many websites ban Syrians..You are liars, do not fear for the people of Syria, you are scum and racists.

3 years ago reply 0

The US is just China with free speech.

3 years ago reply 0

This story isn't even believable

3 years ago reply 1

excellent report

3 years ago reply 0

It's not that I don't feel sorry for these women and what happened to them, but seeing that they have been able to use the Internet to find these "clinics" you'd think that they could have googled "surgery in Turkey" before they put their lives at risk with operations in a country where it is well known that they have shady business practices.

3 years ago reply 0

So very sad.🥀💔

3 years ago reply 0

The reason that Greenland and Denmark has a better crime system is because it's populated by mostly or all White people. The USA is multicultural, and we have a very high violent crime & prison rate due to this. People need to be Realistic & see that most Violent Crimes are done by Black countries & Middle East countries, followed by Latin Countries. Research the FBI Crime Statistics online & World Crime Stats too, & compare. Facts.

3 years ago reply 0

Thank you, BBC. 🌷😊

3 years ago reply 0

Thank You for uploading. From Sacramento, Ca. 🌷😊

3 years ago reply 0

I get that people blame her mom, but let's not forget about her step-father who raped her or the fact that all those men were simply ok with raping a young girl. This is more then just a problem with them mom, it's far, far more wide reaching then that. Any one of those people could have said no or gone to the police, and they didn't. The death sentence is wrong no matter what.

3 years ago reply 2

She really deserved her punishment.

3 years ago reply 0

I am curious as to why you didn't talk about Latin America?

3 years ago reply 0

Why spend time talking to someone about a racist song that was anti space exploration based on the fact that they don't understand that money spent on it doesn't just vanish into space but is spent down here on earth.

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

For what little it's worth, this podcast was eye-opening to me in how women are treated when seeking power. Not entirely but more so then before. However I do think it is getting better and that it is getting better rather rapidly, which I think is great. At least here in Norway we have had multiple female prime ministers and so on, it also seems as if that is a trend that is likely to keep going. And hopefully the world will keep getting more equal, and not just here in Norway but everywhere.

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

Criminals fighting criminals and then murdering each other. Nothing surprising about that, especially in the US. Obviously the murder seems racially motivated, and anywhere outside of the US I'd say it was without a doubt. But given how much violence is accepted in the US and how they will resolve to it for basically nothing ot's hard to say for sure. But they probably should convict him for it, but also consider that hate goes both ways as well. Murder is always wrong!

3 years ago reply 1


3 years ago reply 0

There exists no justice and no peace in the war crime ridden nation of israel. The actions of the israeli government is the absolute proof that the jews have no issue treating otherd just the same as nazi-germany treated them. The most disgusting part is that they out of everyone you would imagine they would have the ability to see how wrong it is. Every israeli citizen is complicit in crimes against humanity, just the same as was the case with germans during ww2.

3 years ago reply 0

Stunning ignorance by the American parents about the chance of their kids catching Covid. Are they keeping them at home for fear of them being killed in a car crash? Because that's more probable than them dying of Covid. The ones who should be worried are the teachers, who run the risk of catching it from an asymptomatic kid.

3 years ago reply 0