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Troy, a good movie? Wow, you are lost in media criticism

1 hours ago reply 0

Identity of characters: outflow from the Obama regime. Nonetheless, the postmodernists have worked on this for years. Too bad you do not read my letters to you, they provide further, deeper media analysis

1 hours ago reply 0

I have been advocating for Mr. Taylor to be reinstated on X for some time.

1 months ago reply 0

Also, when criminal incident, who did it. And #1 question/reality for 2020~2024~….white Christian men are not in the top 5 of mass murderers in the USA. Can you state who is?

1 months ago reply 0

My Bachelors is in Film Studies. Some interesting points made, but something gravely missed. The Feminist Professor in our department loved Falling Down (1993). She admired it showing ”white men anger at losing power ”, and that’s how most want to frame it. Nonetheless, though the American X guy is educated, etc….,don’t you see this is the watering down, casting negative shade on the possibility of white reaction/unified action? None of this is by accident.

1 months ago reply 0

This is no ”winning”. This is people seeing their fields on fire, realizing the raiders riding over their land with bloody weapons and screaming, are actually enemies and coming to slaughter them.

2 months ago reply 0

Do not forget: no one elected, selected, no laws passed by this Senate is legitimate. Brown is not a Supreme Court Justice. Stop acting as if so.

2 months ago reply 0

Good stuff, keep it up!

4 months ago reply 0

The ”nice looking, young, white lady” who was struck by a 16 year old ar thief in Venice California admitted on Tucker Carlson’s program that she is a Democrat who voted for Gascon and supported his policies. Nw she is planning on moving out of California. I can’t tell you how this angers me. Leftists destroy a region virtue signalling their miral superiority and then flee the dystopian, leftist hellholes they have created and move to the more functional Red States.

2 years ago reply 0