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Can you post Steve’s protein ice cream recipe?

1 months ago reply 0

Hi Mina, I would love to hear more guests on the podcast. Really enjoyed MJ’s appearance awhile back, he could talk about his design business and more behind the scenes stories from the show. Steve is always great, he could talk about his personal training business and maybe reach out to people in the fitness industry. Maybe he could have his friend Luke Rhodes from the Colts call in, he must have some great stories. If you want to talk mental health, see if you can get a mental health professional to call in. How about your brother Tad and Austin? I would love to hear how they are doing. You should leverage all the relationships you’ve created from your time in construction for podcast guests. Don’t carry the weight of the podcast like you did for the TV show! Sincerely, David Hollywood, FL

3 months ago reply 0

Do you plan to put a tv in the living rooms when you decorate . Enjoy ed your shows and you .

7 months ago reply 0