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Very nice helping me understand myself way more than anything l have heard before ...A definite 5/5

1 years ago reply 0

Great Episode! I can empathize and sympathize with your frustrations for Christmas holidays. I really don’t like it when you have grouchier customers during this time of year and it’s quite irritating to the changing in times as well. But there’s also some really nice things to see like the Christmas lights and the feel good stories of love and support.

4 years ago reply 0

Hi Nicky & Scarlet, I'm recently diagnosed at the age of 42. I've been listening to your podcasts in chronological order. Just in case you haven't found jobs that better match your skills and neurodiversity may I make suggestions? Nicky you should look at political analysis and the civil service would happily make adjustments for your aspergers. Scarlet what about working in the food industry? I can see you in a lab finding ways to preserve the nutritional value in mass produced food. Here in South East London there are next to no resources for the recently diagnosed so dipping in to your podcasts is so helpful, thank you. Beena the 'Berger

4 years ago reply 0