Comments (27)

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There are many great teachers. But not all students are meant for all teachers, and not all teachers are meant for all students. It's kind of like how there are many great people out there, but only a very select few will make ideal romantic partners for us. Trust your intuition when exploring the works of different teachers!

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : some spiritual teachers who are very famous with millions of followers online, and they can answer all questions smoothly and very knowledgeable, but i just cannot stand their energy, there's something not right but i cannot name it, sometimes i think maybe i am projecting myself to them so i try to listen to their videos again and again to find out, but i just cannot stand their energy, something in my heart feels very off although their words are splendly satisfying to people's minds.
3 years ago reply 0

audio of this episode is very good, not too echoing like some others, it sounds very real and warm

4 years ago reply 0

*splendidly (typo)

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : some spiritual teachers who are very famous with millions of followers online, and they can answer all questions smoothly and very knowledgeable, but i just cannot stand their energy, there's something not right but i cannot name it, sometimes i think maybe i am projecting myself to them so i try to listen to their videos again and again to find out, but i just cannot stand their energy, something in my heart feels very off although their words are splendly satisfying to people's minds.
4 years ago reply 0

some spiritual teachers who are very famous with millions of followers online, and they can answer all questions smoothly and very knowledgeable, but i just cannot stand their energy, there's something not right but i cannot name it, sometimes i think maybe i am projecting myself to them so i try to listen to their videos again and again to find out, but i just cannot stand their energy, something in my heart feels very off although their words are splendly satisfying to people's minds.

4 years ago reply 0

It absolutely is! Congratulations.

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : When I was listening to this episode, I received a text from the bank, my monthly interest money from savings accounts. Is it divine timing? lol
4 years ago reply 0

Haha I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's a fun ride!

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : I laughed so much listening to this one. How synchronicity works for you is amazing šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ
4 years ago reply 0

No worries about the many comments. Whatever is easiest for you works for me!

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : Oh sorry for separated comments. Next time for questions I will send an email or ask directly on Youtube comments. This app doesn't alllow long messages lol
4 years ago reply 0

Thanks for listening and supporting! You can send your friends to my website,, where they can read/download/listen for free by entering their email on the homepage. Much love!

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : One of your best episodes. Wish you could make it available on YouTube so I can share to some of my friends who are not on podcast apps. Thank youā™„ļø
4 years ago reply 0

Thanks for listening and sharing so openly about your path. The connection I have with my guides, which are beings from another star system, is nothing I am afraid of. My free will remains in tact and I am able to make my own choices without any fear or pressure. I have come across many entities over the years, but I have only worked closely with the very few that I recognized were here to help me. Ultimately, all of it is me. All is one.

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : I am a trigger girl in my spiritual community. Wherever I go, no matter if I do or not do something, some chaos will happen. And it leads to my further self realization and evolution later after painful emotions. I used to be so depressed about this and not knowing why. I didn't understand what's wrong with me. Maybe now I got the answer. It's a process. Awakening in 2006, first heart chakra activation in 2012, Kundalini energy going up my spine stronger and stronger: I guess things happened...
4 years ago reply 0

One of your best episodes. Wish you could make it available on YouTube so I can share to some of my friends who are not on podcast apps. Thank youā™„ļø

4 years ago reply 1

I laughed so much listening to this one. How synchronicity works for you is amazing šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ

4 years ago reply 1

When I was listening to this episode, I received a text from the bank, my monthly interest money from savings accounts. Is it divine timing? lol

4 years ago reply 1

Oh sorry for separated comments. Next time for questions I will send an email or ask directly on Youtube comments. This app doesn't alllow long messages lol

4 years ago reply 1

... to connect with those beings. Why can't you wait until you reach Buddha's state or 9D (not sure) and then help others by yourself. Is the contract you have with Those higher beings can be stopped or it's for the rest of your life? I raised this question because I know 02 people who I was close with, they did cooperate and let higher beings use their bodies for teachings and then they lost their bodies to them (a clairvoyant later told me their souls are not their anymore). Sounds scary

4 years ago reply 1

... needs to be done but I will do healing with fun and joy, not like before I felt like a victim. Thanks for reading till now and I believe people who will connect with you in the future will be devoted spiritual practitioners, this channel/ podcasts are for serious people, not ones who look for entertainment or just listen for fun. This feels very different, and you're so young. I hope if possible you can share more about the star beings you're working with and if it's safe...

4 years ago reply 1

... for me to clear all blockages in my energy field. I didn't know how to handle situations although I did meditation. Things got better after I came to know about inner child healing. I could then heal all childhood traumas of violence, sexual abuse, bloodline issues, sicknesses in my bloodline all energetically arised on me (funny) to be cleansed. I had many tough years until this year 2020, I had the best year of my life thanks to Gaia awakening. I felt lighter although so much more...

4 years ago reply 1

I am a trigger girl in my spiritual community. Wherever I go, no matter if I do or not do something, some chaos will happen. And it leads to my further self realization and evolution later after painful emotions. I used to be so depressed about this and not knowing why. I didn't understand what's wrong with me. Maybe now I got the answer. It's a process. Awakening in 2006, first heart chakra activation in 2012, Kundalini energy going up my spine stronger and stronger: I guess things happened...

4 years ago reply 1

Indeed! You're very welcome!

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : Your higher self presented himself as Matt Kahn. Interesting. That brings a lot into my perspective. Thanks.šŸ’•
4 years ago reply 0

Your higher self presented himself as Matt Kahn. Interesting. That brings a lot into my perspective. Thanks.šŸ’•

4 years ago reply 1

Very well said. You're exactly right. You are your own Master and you have all the answers within. Much love.

@Jovia_Nguyen333 : Early in my journey 14 years ago, I believed I must search for some Masters or Teachers and followed them. I was too young then, only 17. But I ran into bad experiences with people who thought they deserve to be spiritual Teachers! Now I think I must trust my intuition. Everyone has their own journey, not letting anyone above us or below us. All are friends, Buddha or Jesus etc, they have their paths, they shared their experiences but we must walk our own path. We don't put anyone on pedestals
4 years ago reply 0