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Thank you, Tony. I’m not sure what I would do without your podcasts to reel me back in to remind me it’s not my fault.

9 months ago reply 0


9 months ago reply 0

The rules look written by my hand. Tuesday and Friday dessert nights. The toothpaste, the bed made. Kids, I saw it as helping them not be fat like I was and ridiculed by my stepfather, the bed, same. My bed had to be perfect all hours of the day. Let’s be open, every single thing he saw as important had to be perfect. I became the man I hated most in this world.

1 years ago reply 0

How do I get rid of my Narcissistic traits?! Is there any way? I’m tired of living like this.

1 years ago reply 0

Thank you Tony for helping me see where my own growth can happen and that I’m not crazy...when I wonder why I can’t communicate with my spouse. ..he negates what ever I say. If I tell him I was just stung by a bee, he’ll say ” how do you know, maybe it was a wasp.” Crazy making.

1 years ago reply 0

My narcissistic husband heard this and totally missed the fact you were giving an example of narcissist apology. Wow.

1 years ago reply 0

Thank you so much for your help and validation. Being a Narcissist magnet is a tough job.

1 years ago reply 0