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Nick went to Burning Man? That’s the final straw for me..

9 months ago reply 0

Anti neurotic is now a political posture.

2 years ago reply 0

At KMW - the issues with immigration are two: first cicizens have a real asset in their privileged access to their home country's labor market. High levels of immigration impairs that asset and causes real loss to the less skilled. Second, a country has norms, like a belief in enlightenment rights theory and high levels of immigration cqn overwhelm the country's ability to acclimate immigrants to those cultural and political norms.

2 years ago reply 1

The idea that Big Tech is doing this because of the government is a confessional blinkering. These firms are doing this to show themselves to be parishoners in good stnading of Wokeness which is NOT a libertarian or even liberal religion. Its totalizing. These folks are heading toward Calvinism.

3 years ago reply 0

love it

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

I tapped out when she said "normies"...

4 years ago reply 0

Gillespie should stop yelling over people. It undermines the integrity of the conversation.

4 years ago reply 0

I think it's actually because Jakarta might tip over

4 years ago reply 0


5 years ago reply 0

I think this is great for Libertarians everywhere... but this worries me. First Boehner now Schumer. I smell Big Pharma...

6 years ago reply 0

Nick hit the nail on the head Congress has created this constitutional crisis... This is where the Libertarians should shoot for the 2018 midterms and 2020...

6 years ago reply 0

loved this

6 years ago reply 0

There's a misleading equivalence here that should be addressed regarding access to insurance via employment and coverage of 'pre-exisitng' conditions. It is true that someone with a 'pre-existing condition' can get health insurance via their employer, but that insurance explicitly *will not cover* pre-existing conditions. People end up stuck in jobs they hate, live with exploitative working conditions, are unable to move because they cannot afford to lose the coverage they have with their current employer. If they are laid off, they have to pay exorbitant Cygna insurance rates to try to ensure they are even vaguely eligible for coverage under their new employer, assuming they find one in time. The pre-exisitng condition clause is a vicious loophole, and needs to be banned as a business practice. If a insurance company does not want to pay for health care, arguably the wheel purpose of health insurance, perhaps they should move into a different line of business

7 years ago reply 1