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Wow...this hits closer home than I ever realized. So good!

1 years ago reply 0

I learn so much from listening to Tim Mackie!

1 years ago reply 0

Just so I’m not unclear, I count myself a part of His Church. This sermon broke my hard heart.

1 years ago reply 0

Jesus is still pursuing the outcast, marginalized and scandalous masses, despite His Church’s continued repugnance of them.

1 years ago reply 0

These two people were alive inside and I just had to have what they possessed. To be continued...

2 years ago reply 0

I’m sure there are a million experiences of a person being raised to new life or born again if you will. My own experience started more that three decades ago with the gnawing realization that I was a zombie; The Walking Dead. Oh sure, I was breathing, eating, sleeping and playing. But I was dead inside. Then the most magnificent thing happened through two people who not only shared the gospel to me but also shared their lives. They seemed so different and then I discovered just what it was.

2 years ago reply 0

Tim Mackie ,you are really really able to make me understand and teach me more and more everytime I listen to you teach from the Bible . I’m so happy that I’m living at the same time as you. Wow man , there are more people here in Cape town South Africa who really rate you .

2 years ago reply 0

Wonderful message. Love the description of a ”moving toward” as defining identity in Christ.

2 years ago reply 1

people I know not only me highly rate you Tim

2 years ago reply 0

There are too many people who claim to follow Jesus who need to hear this sermon!

2 years ago reply 0

This is an amazing podcast. Tim has such and insightful and accessible teaching style of the most important book in human history.❤️

2 years ago reply 0

Thanks for this teaching and sharing. I listened twice (and took notes on second time)

2 years ago reply 0

Amazing, amazing!!!! This is the crystal clear Jesus!

2 years ago reply 0

love this podcast. I wish everyone could hear it

2 years ago reply 0

thank you Tim. I thank God for you and for speaking to me through your teaching. you're a good steward ,thank you.

3 years ago reply 0

A great insight into how Scripture written to ancient Hebrews is also written for me

4 years ago reply 0

I'm so impressed and inspired by these teachings

4 years ago reply 1

Really enjoy hearing this perspective on Jonah. Very eye opening about what God's message on Jonah says about complacency in our faith. Not what the Father intended for us as believers in Christ.

4 years ago reply 0

Thanks tim. Great studies to listen to during work. One thing i wanted to say in case nobody else has yet, a yoke is a contraption meant for distributing a weight between 2 different things, not just evenly distribute. Thanks again!

4 years ago reply 0

Such a great explanation of the fundamental meaning of Yahweh!!!

4 years ago reply 0

The Word applies in both a physical and spiritual sense. The way to be born again actually starts with your instructions, but is not finished! What you've described is repentance! The Apostles preached the good news and the response of people was through water and spirit! Read what actually happened throughout the book of Acts! Reaching then back to Moses' statement that he wished everyone would prophecy in the saturation of the spirit on them, then to Is. 44 ... these are the foretelling of not just an emotional outburst, nor of a trance or frenzy, but our response to yield our spirit, our will, our mindset unto God! Congregations upon congregations of people speak with new tongues as the wind, as on the day of Pentecost. I tell you truly, this is the new birth experience. The maturing of the saints then happens as we edify one another, as we meditate and pray and worship individually and corporately! I challenge everyone to read Acts in the light even of Genesis considering God's breath and spirit upon you! It is personal. It is like the wind. And like a new baby, you hear its sound! Amen!

4 years ago reply 0

Hello! I have the same question as these guys. The names of the two books referenced at the end of this podcast? Tim mentioned he buys lots of copies. Gives them out like candy:) That we should read and talk about with our friends.

4 years ago reply 0

So outstanding to have Matthew unpacked so clearly and lovingly. Am going through many of your talks. God Bless You. Getting honest is going to be interesting 🤭

4 years ago reply 0

Wondering if there are transcripts of these episodes anywhere? My husband is Deaf and would love to access these materials. Thanks!

4 years ago reply 0

The word " vaccine" comes from the Latin for "cow." It was coined by those who mocked Jenner!

4 years ago reply 0

Hey Tim, not sure if you ever get a chance to read these comments. Have you considered that the bread that Yeshua said was his body was perhaps the second half of the matzah the hidden afikoman? Since it's broken, hidden and later revealed after the passover meal, it would be fitting considering he too would go through the very same process :)

5 years ago reply 2

Excellent way to teach. Truth requires a bridge!

5 years ago reply 0

Great distinction! This is so vital for the church right now

5 years ago reply 0

Would like to know more about what was meant by "in the days of Noah " though...will the deception and apathy be so bad that only a handful would want to get on the arc? Will people e so demonized that they arent even human anymore?

5 years ago reply 0

Especially love that the differing views of Jesus return is so gently and elegantly explained and that Jesus remaines the focus, as its ALL about Him and learning to Love and trust Him more.

5 years ago reply 0

We musicians say "take it from the top" ...from above=again

5 years ago reply 0

Thank you so much for bringing new light to the bible story’s which I had heard or read. I love listening to your podcasts and please don’t stop. I am learning how to take more notice of What I am reading, so amazing and wonderful, sometimes horrible. Bless you

5 years ago reply 1

So when we here others judge others how do we respond to them?

5 years ago reply 0

Is it possible to get a list of podcasts indexed by scripture reference rather than title. Make it easier to find, and follow along through the Bible.

5 years ago reply 0

Loved this episode. Such an inspiring story!

5 years ago reply 1

Such awesomeness. I’m so thankful to have found this podcast. Such rich wisdom on every single episode!

5 years ago reply 0

I totally love this podcast! It made me realise how bizarre the bible is but also how to read and apply it to my life. Thanks to Tim, I'm slowly becoming a Bible nerd as well.

5 years ago reply 0

This is one of my all time favorite podcasts!

5 years ago reply 1