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Tremendous homage to one of the 20th century’s wisest and most honest strategist.

1 years ago reply 0

I’m listening to you from Jiangyin & Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.

1 years ago reply 0

I love your podcasts. I am enjoying everyone of them. It would be so nice if all Americans were taught the “real” history of American. Americans would realize just how amazing our existence really is. Thank you!

3 years ago reply 0

I know that many people believe if they say something long enough, it must be true. But I want to share a secret, Trump supporters are NOT racist. Trump was never accused of being racist until he changed his party & questioned Obama’s birth certificate. Until that time he was considered to be a huge champion of anti racism. To question the authenticity of anyone’s birth certificate is not racist. Trust but verify, is not racist, it’s smart.

3 years ago reply 0

Michel, in his own words, "received my Master's degree in Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe Studies from Columbia University's Harriman Institute,". Hmm. Russia, Eurasia, Do you suppose that might have something to do with how he thinks?

3 years ago reply 0

I wish I could enjoy the company of Southern hospitality as I have had family from the north and the south but I remember the Myrtle Beach South Carolina beauty and little bit of time I was blessed to have been exposed to as a young child! My mom's side has New York and my mom's mom has Massachusetts family roots and her brother lived in Myrtle Beach had a restaurant called the Clipper Ship Inn! Right off the main highway 17 I believe? and my dad has southern Georgian roots and Florida Vero Beach! Shame about Paula Dean having to shamed out of the media a while back too but today is totally unbelievable anti free speech very sad!

3 years ago reply 0

Dear Brion hope you and your family are doing well today! My take on Beck is no offense to Mormons! They are great people who are strong believers in family and the USA Constitution but as they see it from the Mormon perspective, but they're Biblically incorrect and in major error! which is why Beck is not solid at all! I'm thankful for the teachings that you have taught especially on the faults of the Lincoln Hillsdale and the Lincoln Neocons or Lincoln republicans! I'm an independent Bible Baptist believer! not a protestant or believer in the daughters of the Roman catholic church etc Beck gets his erroneous views from his Mormon errors of Joseph Smith, the false prophet see Paul's message to the Galatians! but he's clever enough to not use or push it onto his majority of listening audience, which may or may not know his errors? Oh well thanks for the truth about the south and the USA Constitution it's a sad day when the Marxists and communists anti USA Traitors2 Freedom Liberty Constitution Founding Fathers Mothers Patriots etc are being allowed to destroy the USA from within the public schools indoctrination centers and the left democrats republicans both guilty of the destruction of the USA today! May GOD bless you and your family with health love joy peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and week Bsafe! Jesus coming soon Rapture ready to go or not! Please don't be left behind get right today while you are still able to do so! The Book of Daniel: Proof the Bible is the Word of God

3 years ago reply 0

The only Guelzo book I own is his book on Gettysburg. Admittedly, I haven't read it yet because he is so blatantly, and hostilely, biased against the South.

3 years ago reply 0

Brion you gotta listen to this stuff from the Corbett report it's not the liberal famous comedian this guy's reporting on truth about Bill gates globalist UN Agenda 2030 vaccines etc unbelievable preparing for the coming world ruler antiChrist system in the near future! I love The Corbett Report | Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid, let's play it!

4 years ago reply 0

William Federer American Minute is also on Facebook with USA history or this day in history etc

4 years ago reply 0

Tara Ross

4 years ago reply 0

Thanks for the awesome shows and teachings check out Tara Ross she's on Facebook and the net she's got several great books on the electoral college etc and on Facebook she's got a great USA Constitution Founding Fathers Mothers Patriots Liberty Freedom segment of this day in history etc you and KrisAnne Hall and Dave Benner and Mike Maharrey and Mike Boldin and Tom Woods and Suzanne Sherman and Rob Natelson are my modern day heroes like the Founding Fathers Mothers Patriots Liberty Freedom etc! May GOD bless you and your family with health love joy peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and week Bsafe

4 years ago reply 0

Then the question is what can we the few people who still believe in our Natural Rights GOD Given Rights do to preserve our rights to self defense alone etc gun ownership if the states can basically make laws that violate our Natural Rights GOD Given Rights 2 self defense alone or 2nd Amendment rights? It almost seems like you're saying that since the states make the rules then if the states say it's law to take our guns and rights to own guns then we can do nothing? Maybe that's why they are using the 2nd Amendment to make the case to fight against the tyranny of both the federal gun grabbing and the states gun grabbing?

4 years ago reply 0

And while GOD Has used America and blessed us and the world with the USA, sadly we are not in the Bible which could mean that the USA gets hit from one of the nation's that hates Israel and the USA!

4 years ago reply 0

May GOD bless you and your family with health love joy peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and week Bsafe Happy Healthy safe peaceful Blessed New Years to you and your family!

4 years ago reply 0

Good show my perspective is that Persia is a Biblical player that has a part of the future Ezekiel invasion of the Gog Magog confederation in the distant future, the only Eternal Nation is Israel and only Eternal City is Jerusalem so GOD is protecting His Nation! Obviously regarding the USA Constitution Founding Fathers Mothers Patriots Liberty Freedom Citizens Veterans etc we stand on no endless and unnecessary wars like the Neocons and war mongers or those who profit from the shedding of blood for cash! I'd like to assume that true USA Constitutionalists are for peace before war but on the other hand GOD Is using the nations to fulfill and bring about His Perfect Will! Bible Prophecy will be fulfilled! Jesus coming soon Rapture ready to go or not and His return is imminent and Israel and Jerusalem is the timepiece! You might like Dr Jimmy De Young and on podbean podcast Prophecy Today Weekend he's great on Bible Prophecy he's got a great way to remember from creation to Abraham was 2000 years of gentiles and from Abraham to Jesus 2000 years of Judaism and from Jesus until today 2000 of Christianity! Of course it's written in the book of Daniel that GOD proves His Word by showing how He controls the nation's the 4 kingdoms Babylon medo Persians then the Greeks and Roman empires! End times what's coming is a revived Roman empire on the United Nations agenda 2030 with the EU both preparing for the antiChrist system coming soon! There's one thing next to happen nothing to take place before the Rapture then the world will be looking for a leader and answers to what happened! The Bride is going to be with The bridegroom in Heaven for the bema judgement seat of Christ then she will eat at the Lamb's supper with Jesus! At the end of the 7 year tribulation period Jesus will return with His Bride to the earth to stop the destruction of Jerusalem and the world and to set up the millennium kingdom! Thanks Brion

4 years ago reply 0

the actual hearings were merely confirmation of your case herein.

4 years ago reply 0

Wish we could have millions of Americans with the brain and thinking that you and and the guys at and Dave Benner and Thomas Woods maybe we could have a chance to save the Republic! May GOD have Mercy and save us from the enemies of the USA Constitution Founding Fathers Mothers Patriots Liberty Freedom Citizens Veterans etc

4 years ago reply 0

Awesome thanks for sharing this May GOD bless you and your family with health love joy peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and weekend Bsafe sadly this insanity is also trump republicans democrats all pushing the destruction of the USA Constitution Founding Fathers Mothers Patriots Liberty Freedom Citizens Veterans etc via the united nations agenda 21 2015 2030 technocracy agendas against humanity insanity 101 United Nations wants to control the world by 2030 please check out the Awesome podbean podcast from Patrick Wood technocracy news and trends or his web site it's like end times getting worse when trump and republican democrats are pushing to gun grab and social media scoring and no more freedom liberty it's king George all over again

4 years ago reply 0

The whole phrase “all men are created equal” is a false truism, they would understand if they read James Fenemore Cooper and Calhoun’s explanation.

6 years ago reply 0

This is fantastic I argue this point all the time thank you for putting this in!

6 years ago reply 0

This is the biggest argument that I get when I talk about about the south and how they were right to do what they did! Now I have some new ammo to add to the conversation thank you !

6 years ago reply 0

This blew my mind I study the south constantly but I've never broken this down at all so thank you!

6 years ago reply 0

Fantastic walk through of that, though I feel since they are both ivy leaguers that have been baptized the New England puritan ideology so that no one ever questions the group that owned the slave trade

6 years ago reply 0

I am an avid southern historian/studied and previous to this, I have had a rather interesting take on Johnson but after this my take has changed a lot and will be dipping into this to add to my arsenal of tools.....he was a victim of not following along he New England puritan rules!

6 years ago reply 0

I got the Asher upshur book to learn about him but I never knew the story of John Taylor and I feel I am going to soon be reading taylors book.

6 years ago reply 0