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The BEST GOT podcast. Listening to House of The Dragon and enjoying the guys take immensely. Lots of incites and respect for the show as well as a few jokes!

2 months ago reply 0

This is the nissan cube with a pumpkin and feta pizza and a frozen coke of podcasts. Because its quirky and not 4 everyone, no one i know has heard of it even though its amazing imo and it hurts my brain sometimes but ill still consume it anyway.....

1 years ago reply 0

Listening this

1 years ago reply 0

Omg guys the fucking cloak!!!!!

3 years ago reply 0

In case you people don't know these guys usually complain unless a show is perfect.

4 years ago reply 0

There is already a Pickle Me This on Podbean, will you still be uploading it here with that name?

4 years ago reply 0

Brilliant point about how the show abandoned the fictional geopolitical realism they created for Westeros. And ultimately that was the key element of what went wrong, and somewhat parallels the problems fans are having with Star Wars and Star Trek STD; you can't disregard your own cannon without hurting the quality of the product in some way, at least to a majority of the fans. As a followup to that point, its probably worth noting that there is also some secondary damage done to these franchises by splitting the fan bases. The minority of folks who have enjoyed these alternative story lines feel a little hurt by the rest of the fans so vocally complaining. They view them as elitist fans who would never be satisfied with any ending. And of course the fans who had (probably reasonable) expectations of top quality content naturally feel disappointed, and feel they should have every right to express this - newsflash, mediocrity isn't popular! Studios will learn from these incidents, and hopefully be much more careful with the handling of such storied institutions in the future - they're business depends on it. After all, who would argue that fan enthusiasm for the GoT prequels has cooled in the wake of this? I'm curious to see what happens myself, not necessarily in Westeros, but in the television and film industry.

5 years ago reply 0

i'll dracarus the writers in my dream tonight

5 years ago reply 1

Why do they assume Bran cannot father children? Quadraplegics father children every day.

5 years ago reply 0

You are very tempered this week. Meanwhile I was expecting to listen to outrage equal to mine for this final episode. I suppose you are damned if you do, damned if you don't. Personally, I think maybe the outrage last week was spent just 1 episode too soon. ❤

5 years ago reply 3

It would have been great if they had Jamie die on the beach along with Yuron because then us as the fans would just assume ourselves what he was actually going to do, but never really knowing.

5 years ago reply 0

I would call out that Jon's glance while Varys burns was more of a "Shit... Are you enjoying this?" look.

5 years ago reply 0

Skint in UK means broke, no money

5 years ago reply 1

Real talk

5 years ago reply 0

I can't believe Tyrion heard the conversation between Jon and Varys. He was probably 50 feet away. So he assumed that Varys was telling Jon. Maybe he wasn't and then Tyrion runs to Dany. No way.

5 years ago reply 0


5 years ago reply 0

Bloody thing won't download

5 years ago reply 0

Daenerys did not go Mad Queen when acting like it. It wasn't a mad action wiping off the city, but a power action. When she instructed Grey Worm to wait for her, they had already decided what would happen, but she did not tell Tyrion because she does not trust him anymore. The suffering on her face when she decided to burn the city despite hearing the bells, was because she was going ahead with a hard decision. Why did she do that? Because it was only fear she has in Westeros. If she took the town without instilling that level of fear, she would not have any power once the city was taken. Awhy do I think Grey Worm knew? Because he attacked the soldier when he knew when, then he looked at Jon when Jon tried to stop his men from fighting and made sure Jon continued to fight. I don't think Daenerys went mad, but had to make the difficult decision and the only decition that would have left her with any power... not love, but fear.

5 years ago reply 0

Its like you guys have a pipeline right into my brain

5 years ago reply 0

"Star Wars is in enough trouble" 😂😂 But all jokes aside, I totally agree. The last few episodes have been wildly inconsistent, and this one was the biggest mess of them all. GoT had the chance to rival Breaking Bad for best show ever created - Breaking Bad had a phenomenal wrap to their series, GoT has been disjointed, sloppy, rushed, and highly unsatisfying with their wrap.

5 years ago reply 0

Funny how polarizing this episode is. One of my favorites of the series. I think a lot of the people that are disappointed were looking for a tidy ending. This has never been that show.

5 years ago reply 1

Completely agree, and appreciate the investment that's gone into this - good opportunity for George to write the ending we deserve

5 years ago reply 2

I could swear this was the best episode of the season. It's the only one I see myself rewatching, for all it's worth. So many unforgettable quotes... I can't believe you hated it this much. Oh well.

5 years ago reply 1

I keep giving these guys a chance but the whining is unbearable.

5 years ago reply 3


5 years ago reply 2

A "fucked up Downton Abbey" is probably the most hilarious thing I've ever heard described for a spin-off show with Gendry and Ser Davos

5 years ago reply 0

Just finished listening. What a spectacular analysis of where the story is, where it might be going, and why this was not a well done episode. The comparison to the Sopranos was extraordinarily edifying, in that there is a huge difference between artistic decisions that are well executed but might not be popular, and fumbling at the goal line. Its also a very delicate matter to discuss, such as the failings of The Last Jedi, which was also a great comparison. Of course this is still one of the greatest shows ever made (and no one would deny that at all), and deep down I'm still hoping that the last two episodes will reward us with an immensely satisfying conclusion. Nonetheless, this particular episode definitely stumbled, and for me it sort of drives home why Breaking Bad was the greatest show ever made, with GoT obviously being a close second. Can't wait to see what next week brings! :-D

5 years ago reply 1

In honor of Stannis, fewer* mouths to feed

5 years ago reply 1

Ah, good to read their opinion has turned negative. I'll give it a listen then. After hearing the instant take, I was worried they were going to keep defending this trash heap. But as expected, the longer you think about this episode the more you're going to hate it. It seems fun at first, until you turn your brain back on.

5 years ago reply 0

The dragon couldn't have been dead then because when the night king raised all the dead, the dragon would have come back as a white dragon like the other one.

5 years ago reply 1

Firs time in a long time I've been disappointed with the pod... It got super negative, and while it's fine to point out things that didn't work for you, it felt like you guys we're reaching at times.

5 years ago reply 2

Geez...yall shit all over the episode...found it funny that yall made fun of people who would shit all over the episode when yall talked about lyanna...??

5 years ago reply 3

A ton of complaining on this one. Monday morning quarterback.

5 years ago reply 5

The most intresting 82 minutes ever!!

5 years ago reply 0

Best episode in television history.

5 years ago reply 0

Guys -love your podcast but the questioner and you guys dropped the ball on the question about Rhaegar and Daenerys. He was her brother, not her father, so his annulment has nothing to do with Daenerys and couldn't make her a bastard in any way.

5 years ago reply 1

Davos wasn't proposing that Jon and Danny get together he was proposing that they marry

5 years ago reply 0

I love this pod cast is so good. They get you thinking out the box with GOT.

5 years ago reply 0

best podcast on GOT out there

5 years ago reply 0

Hey guy's I've listened to all of your G.O.T breakdown and loved the banter and chat between you both 👍 For abit of retro chat and banter the lads at retro Inc are pretty knowledgeable and make for a good listen👍 keep up the good work guy's 👍

5 years ago reply 0

Tyrion is one of the most complex and interesting characters...but a Mary Sue?? He's a multiple murderer. His behaviour is in many cases deplorable, as is the case with many of his fellow characters.

5 years ago reply 0

Good to hear you guys again! Can't wait for next season!

5 years ago reply 0

My god all this episode was about is hate hate hate...just enjoy the show why are you doing a podcast just go write your own show..pathetic podcast

6 years ago reply 0

y6333dd. f5 68a 6 6f54 4x k mymo byc

6 years ago reply 0

I think that mission to find a wight is more than just proving to Cersei that the threat is real. I think it's also to prove it to the realm. Don't think Dany or Tyrion are completely convinced. So an easier way to get proved and not to offend Jon would be to say they want it for Cerse

6 years ago reply 0

Sansa's comment about cutting off people's heads is her saying that she is not Jhoffrey... That's what he did, I know you can fight but no, you can't just kill anyone that doesn't blindly follow you

6 years ago reply 1

Empress, cm M M mcclatchy M M mm b? I think?

6 years ago reply 0

I thought this is a perfect episode but after guys, you guys are pretty hard on script.

6 years ago reply 0

Don't you think more conversation could have been had between Dany and Jon after she made the ego comment and when you see them come out of the cave? It's possible they already made some kind of arrangement.

6 years ago reply 0

They reported it was in Blackwater. It has to get to kings landing.

6 years ago reply 0

"The gold is safely inside the gates of kings landing". However, looked like most of the food from Highgarden was destroyed.

@tylerjacobwilson : Tarly reported to Jamie right before the end fight that the gold was safe inside kings landing.
6 years ago reply 0