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Kinda vapid

2 years ago reply 0

Watch Abducted in Plain Sight on Netflix!

5 years ago reply 0

Why do white men do that? In regard to your Disney comment. Really? I’ve had plenty of non white men do things like this. Come on girls... I like you guys but sometimes your ridiculous!!

5 years ago reply 1

I absolutely love this podcast.

6 years ago reply 0

All the new episodes are missing ...

6 years ago reply 0

I like you guys even though I am much older and don’t agree with many things you say. At times I scratch my head saying, these girls are what’s wrong with our current state. Oprah’s speech was hypocritical and used as a means to launch her campaign. Are you that oblivious that you are unaware of her relationship with Weinstein and many other abusers? There are pictures of Oprah kissing this man and even “handing off” a young blonde to him. He is undeniably one of Oprah’s close friends. Don’t be dumb blondes! Open your eyes wide and start looking at the world without those rose glasses.

6 years ago reply 1

Hijab =/= oppression

6 years ago reply 1

I was going to say I am a whistler, as a transdude but then I realized I tend to whistle when I'm by myself so it tends not to bother other people.

6 years ago reply 0

I think there's another Podcaster who would always have to poop when he went to Barnes & Noble. . .

6 years ago reply 0

Some men have periods. Like me.

6 years ago reply 0

Thank you Susie and Sarah 😍

6 years ago reply 0

Some cultures do keep their dead around, and redress them yearly

6 years ago reply 0

Sarah since you are studying MFT you should seriously look into what is taking place with 25 million children who are victims of the corrupt family courts. We need therapists who understand parental alienation (bond obstruction) and how the courts are raking in over $5 bil a year by separating families calling one parent the custodial and the other the noncustodial (visitor parent). I can provide a great deal of stats and proof. Also if course CNN is fake news and lying to the public! They are funded by George Soros and democratic politicians! Come on guys where's the brains?!

6 years ago reply 0

There is, technically. Your phone. Potentially your laptop. If you have a smart TV...

7 years ago reply 1

You guys are very bias at times. I feel you don't weigh both sides equally you find information and run with it. I agree there are pedos in our religious communities NOT only Catholic religion. Second there are also people who have accused members of the clergy wrongly just for their own gain and attention. I also agree that suppression leads to bad things and sexual desires cannot be masked or problems will occur. Kids are not afraid of priests or other clergy in fact it's the comfortable and trusting feelings that confuse young children. I really like your show mostly - but you guys are a bit bias.

7 years ago reply 0

You guys talked about how different it is after you've been on the show even just once, what about those people that are on intervention? Their lives are probably changed very much after the show even if it's the whole world knows all their secrets

7 years ago reply 0

Love the show, I listen to every new episode. I listen to it while I walk and it's made it so much better. You two make such a great team

7 years ago reply 0

Great episode! Really baffling how reality tv has changed over the years. I really miss the earlier years where people went on Real World and other shows to share a story and have a bigger purpose other than to become famous. Keep up the great work ladies, really enjoyable podcast!

7 years ago reply 0

Quite enjoy what you guys do! Maybe you can follow us at Check us out!

7 years ago reply 0

If you girls were truly as worldly and informative as you would like to believe ... you would be listening to Breitbart and other news agencies you don't align with. You don't educate yourself by listening to one side of news ESP in this divisive culture. Wake up girlies!!😉

7 years ago reply 2

I liked you guys until I heard your Trump show ugh!! Guys Trump is the best thing that ever happened to America! Mellenials have been brainwashed and with you in power we will have a One World Order. Wake the hell up!!

7 years ago reply 1

You girls crack me up. Please keeping insulting everyone. LOL F them if they can't take a joke.

7 years ago reply 0

Omg you are both an inspiration!!! I love this podcast so much. I've seen ever season of the challenge and every season you gals are in I root for you!!! Thank you for this 😃

7 years ago reply 1

Girl! You crying has me about to cry! I'm not into Disney movies at all, but you have me curious 👀

7 years ago reply 2

Definitely eye candy!!!

7 years ago reply 0