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Hi, I am a very regular listener of the podcast that lives in Cape Town. Really awesome to have the focus on my country for a change! I would love to meet Lydia briefly! +27727707820

3 days ago reply 0

Anti Palestinian racism is the norm among Americans. Political and media class. Endless time is sent on this contrived story of Jewish students feeling unsafe and antisemitism of the protesters.Palestinian American are literally killed, assaulted, shot out, and it all goes without mention. Palestinian Americans are killed by Israeli forces, and our government goes nothing. Can anytime be sent on this obvious bias and racism found in our media and politics?

1 months ago reply 0

This movie was a joke. The ”journalists” are basically vultures & the message of the movie is empty. Y’all just LOVE to stroke your own ego’s don’t ya?

1 months ago reply 0

Trump will shift on abortion long enough to get elected. Once in office, he can do anything. He only needs ”day one” to establish himself as dictator. There is no reason to think much opposition will come from a grovelling and spineless GOP Congress; or the Supreme Court; or the Federalist Society, or any other institution that has paid lipservice to the Constitution.

1 months ago reply 0

Meh, the kids will sort themselves out. Some will self-delete, and that’s alright. We already don’t care about the adult men who self-delete. So why should we pretend to care about the kids that do it, too?

2 months ago reply 0

The fact that both women on this program couldn’t even begin to entertain the idea that young white men can be struggling with serious social problems is emblematic of this problem. Women can’t even BEGIN to imagine what young men growing up in this more ”progressive” era are even dealing with. Worst of all: they genuinely don’t care to know. It’s a perfect example of the double standards of today. Hope you do a follow-up that addresses the unprofessional speakers from this one.

3 months ago reply 1

you guys teach us we can disagree and still really like each other! what a great example. love your show!

5 months ago reply 0

I have to say, the combination of you all is delightful. Enlightening and interesting from your different backgrounds and experiences. I would invite you to a dinner party. Carry on! 🥳

10 months ago reply 0

Please follow me

1 years ago reply 0

I just found your podcast today. It’s the first podcast series that I really feel comfortable with. Love your intellectual ability. The picture of you on the podcast is so beautiful. Thank you Jane.

1 years ago reply 0

Thanks for this conversation

1 years ago reply 0

2 years ago reply 1

great conversation, thanks

2 years ago reply 0

great disscusion

2 years ago reply 1

like it! going to continue to listen to.

2 years ago reply 0

Raised Catholic with 12 years of Catholic school, I have issues with the Catholic church commenting on Biden's politics and his right to receive communion. He did not commit a sin. But my true issue here is the hypocrisy of the church. How many priests celebrated mass and the consecration of the eucharist after abusing children? These priests confessed. Other priests knew about the behavior of some of their colleagues and did nothing. Pope Francis needs to deal with these bishops.

2 years ago reply 0

Disagree with you heavy, Jane. The pie that is power is only so big. That's how power works. If power was elastic and supple then it wouldn't be power. Power is what it is because of the scarcity.

2 years ago reply 2

I understand that sometimes life happens and you do end up having loans. But when you spent your time wasting money 💰 while in school and now you're in debt, and you want others to pay for it? Would you think that's unfair?

3 years ago reply 0

great host! very level-headed and thought-provoking

3 years ago reply 2

Ideologues, don't you love ideologues who have the answers okay to loan forgiveness not $10,000 but not $50,000. Where do you get a college education for under $50,000. East Coast arrogance do it my way. Sez Dell in Montana Bleeding heart liberal, NYT reader for 30+ years

3 years ago reply 0

Employers should pay value of labor. Never once was it proven that the value of the labor was above the min wage.

3 years ago reply 1

Fascinating discussion!

3 years ago reply 0

Yikes Ezra Klein no thanks.

3 years ago reply 0

I wish people would realize that there is more weather in Arizona than demonstrated in Phoenix and Tucson.

3 years ago reply 0

Like the other two commenters I too was hoping to understand why anyone in their right mind could support this president and I was left just as mystified after the interview as I have been for the previous 3-1/2 years. Just because a guy claims to be a populist doesn't mean he gets a pass on all the bullsh*t he's putting this nation through. He's completely lacking as a leader and these guests gave absolutely no reasonable justification why anyone should support him.

3 years ago reply 3

Listening to these 2 Trumpsters is like listening to Putin: they never admit any wrong and they blame "the media".

3 years ago reply 3

I listened hoping to learn why anyone would still believe in Trump. Well educated people who were not challenged at all in this discussion. Where were the questions on the lies, the misogyny, the xenophobia and children in cages? Softball interview. No specificity in questions and the answers were openly seeking to return to1950s America. No thank you.

3 years ago reply 3

great talk ❤ ...good questions

3 years ago reply 1

very clear

3 years ago reply 0

Now these podcats are more than necessary to feel the connection in terms of the new reality evolving in front of us that i think came to stay

4 years ago reply 2

The notion of Congress acting aggressively, such as arrest, to inforce their subpoena power humerous - what other real choices are there? I don't think many understand exactly what the choices are and I certainly would love to hear some explored. It is unbelievably tiring and maddening to hear of yet another subpoena being simply ignored by this bad-faith executive branch. Without serious consequences, 'rule of law' is merely an idea that clearly this generation of Republican leadership chooses to interpret to their advantage or in other words, means absolutely nothing.

4 years ago reply 0

This American life

4 years ago reply 0

How often is is necessary to fly with your baby? Almost never... Really out there takes at the end of this one. Anti natalist? Come on.

4 years ago reply 1

I finished listening to this podcast and went home to find Grand Designs. WOW! An Irish castle.

4 years ago reply 1

I agree and hope you still have debate around climate crisis. I don't think circular arguements due to an inept administration is a good one for giving up. There is such a vast array of problems and solutions that I think could be presented and make for facinating conversations and policy proposals. Instead of concentrating on the inability of the Trump WH to be able to grapple with this topic, I think listeners would be fascinated, involved and left hopeful as to how this issue, broken down, is still very much alive in the minds of some of their elders. Dont give up because Archie Bunker is a present American wannabe-demagogue in the highest office - there is much to be done and important ideas should be bandied around in the public forum as a commonplace not the exception. As well, the notion that getting rid of plastic straws belittles the larger solutions is incredibly hypocritical since all changes are important particularly American ones due to your population. All single use plastics are devastating on the whole. Let the annoyance of making small changes and removing the dangerous convenience of plastic in all of these intrinsically dangerous way serve as a reminder of the degree of the problem. I used to be able to throw out my garbage into one receptacle every week. Now I must pay attention to a calendar, separate organic waste, garden waste and reclycables into cumbersome bins. Now I must spend time washing out containers, bundling boxes and binding branches. Since I live in the city I must walk slolamom around smelly bins on pick up day. What good are you to the future with the kind of mindset that bemoans the inconvenience of a transitional solution while you slurp up soda at the movies?

4 years ago reply 0

One of your listeners had a valid question about your not dedicating enough airtime to the climate crisis. I'll hope your take the opportunity of the report just published Fossil fuels Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash 'could pay for green transition' as seen in the Guardian, to pick up the topic again. Thanks, David

4 years ago reply 0

I hope you do examine socialism and since this is a podcast, that you discuss each of your objections to it. The discussion I heard today was rather brief and shallow.

4 years ago reply 0

When I first saw Barak Obama speak, it did not occur to me that he was a black man. Actually, I wasnt aware that this was an issue until I read American commentary and then remembered what it was like to move to the Initdd States for the first time, thinking Miami, Florida would not be the racist and segregated city that it was.

4 years ago reply 0

loved the discussion about religion.

5 years ago reply 0