Comments (3)

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I can't wait for the story to end so i don't have to listen to an hour of people talking about playing instead of actually playing. It is sad because I love the world and I love the PCs but it feels super disrespectful to make your fans wait an entire episode just to hear the speech and move on with the story.

5 years ago reply 0

So just to clarify officially it's regarded as 6 seconds is one entire round and initiative and turns are mostly for players and to mark minor differences in time but every turn that occurs in a round happens within the same six seconds spells have largely been changed to action cast times when burning a spell slot however magic can be cast in a ritual way which is what consumes a large amount of time.

5 years ago reply 0

Alternate titles for this episode include. "Oh wait Sapphire has a marble" "The brave little toaster" and "There could be a sniper"

5 years ago reply 0