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I was married to my wife 20 years ago on March 25th. I knew nothing of the Orthodox Church back then, but the Feast of the Annunciation and the miracle of Christ’s incarnation makes a sacramental marriage possible. Most Holy Theotokos save us.

1 years ago reply 0

“Brothers & sisters: Radical forgiveness, this is our way. This is our glory. Jesus pressed us on this point so that we would get it. Not seven times, Peter. Don’t forgive your enemy seven times – even though you think that’s incredible. No. Seventy times seven. Never stop. The more you forgive, the more you manifest yourselves as gods. The more freely you give it, the more grace hors down upon us. This is the promise of Christ. And here we are. Here we are on this marvelous Forgiveness Sunday, finding our ways back from exile. This is the way. This is the way. “ Fr. Josiah Trenham.

2 years ago reply 0