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Oh my god shut theup! Let people respond to your questions. You talk over them. You talk over each other. I’m going to skip any shows that these two are on.

10 days ago reply 0

Do SR and Armin get paid by the word with M&Ms? Because Jesus Christ, they go on and on and on.

10 days ago reply 0

That 2nd caller spewed the most pseudo-scientific bullshit I’ve ever heard I think.

8 months ago reply 0

Shannon nailed it with Energy, the idea of god has no reason for being. Energy does. Everything that exists can be justified with natural cause.

1 years ago reply 0

The worst reason in my opinion is the self serving to save my . The only reason you are good is to protect your sole from eternal damnation. If you are not god because it comes natural should you be saved in theory? Jim from Prince Edward Island.

1 years ago reply 0

If it’s hard for you to understand how a universe could come about, then how did your god come about? Good luck.

1 years ago reply 0

Being accused of making ”sweeping statements” by someone who just used a single paragraph and claimed it was a prophecy about all of history from 600 to world war I is simply astonishing...

1 years ago reply 0

Chris: ”when I was a young man I came to Jesus” Me: ”when I was a young man I came to Pamela Anderson!”

1 years ago reply 0

Frisco is an example of extreme arrogance while displaying their ignorance.

1 years ago reply 0

I make billions of proteins every minute! I am everything that is happening within the boundary of my being.

1 years ago reply 0

The number of people who think they chose what they believe is astonishing. You are either convinced of a thing, or not. You’re either convinced for good reason, or for bad reason, or for no reason.

1 years ago reply 0

You don’t get your own truth. You can say it all you want, but reality does not care and will ALWAYS have the final say...

1 years ago reply 0

I broke my back in a hundred places and I prayed to Joe Pesci and after only one day I moon-walked out of intensive care and just for good measure, I tap danced across a small pond. It wasn’t frozen...

1 years ago reply 0

If someone can read my mind, I’ll be convinced they can read my mind. That’s all

1 years ago reply 0

The ignorance of Rob will not be surpassed anytime soon. He is a living parody of someone in an internet rabbit hole designed to ensnare the gullible. So sad...

1 years ago reply 0

This TikTok is for that guy that doesn’t understand gender. But I also wanted to add to that, does this guy not think that another cis-woman could aggressively spike a volleyball against another cis-woman?

1 years ago reply 0

Thank you so much Catholic lady for setting the record straight

1 years ago reply 0

What is God? When defining It, It escapes. When searching for It, It hides. When communicating with It, It quiets. When staring at It, It blinds. When attacking It, It dodges. What is It? It is Nothing. Nothing exists, All is Possible.

1 years ago reply 0

”The universe is designed for life”!!? Almost all of it that we are aware of can support no life as we know it. Great design!

1 years ago reply 0

Hey needle noodle, you don’t know what being in someone else’s shoes is like.

1 years ago reply 0

”This is not absolute proof but I think it supports judeo Christianity over evolution”. I’m not sure I could come up with the more nonsensical sentence. This is not a dichotomy nor is it even competing claims. I’m sorry that because we learn as we carry on as the human race, your religion is less easy to spread by just claiming it and threatening people.

1 years ago reply 0

Joe and Richard and then the Muslim fellow.... It’s the incredulity parade!

1 years ago reply 0

I find it astonishing and how they managed to draw in the absolute dumbest apes anywhere so consistently.

1 years ago reply 0