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Journalists should look at open rape cases wherever that pastor lived.

3 months ago reply 0

Transparent aluminum is actually something that is real now.

4 months ago reply 0

You do realize that the major rise in anti-Semitism has been from the left. You could not even get the president of Harvard to say calling for the annihilation of the Jewish race is a bad thing. The woke side of liberalism is just as batshit crazy as the manga side of conservatism.

5 months ago reply 0

I was so glad to see this topic here. I was astounded by the complete omittance of the rise in anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab hate and censorship that is occurring in the US and elsewhere, when you brought up the rise in anti-Semitism re Hamas and October 7. Palestinians are also victims of colonization! They are being genocided every moment! USA has always been partly responsible for that fact.

5 months ago reply 0

Fun fact: Mary Quant , the late designer who made the miniskirt all the rage — named the fashion item after her favorite car

5 months ago reply 0

Seriously you entertained a flat earther? Just hang up on a f****** moron like that.

6 months ago reply 0

”Sjw/woke ideology” is a bogeyman right wing media created to rile up their base.

6 months ago reply 0

In fairness sjw/woke ideology is in fact militantly antifreeze speech. the lady seems to be turning into a nut bag in most things but in that she’s crystal clear and correct.

6 months ago reply 0

”Stealing is wrong because it makes people mad, stealing is wrong because god is not a thief ”. Wow. So he’s admitting that god cares only about obedience. Not about people.

9 months ago reply 0

A nation of the handicapped? Who makes your houses and Roads? Are your children ejected from the country? Are the elderly given dual citizenship? Are people who’ve been handicapped in accidents forced to leave their family? This has to be about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I’m pretty sure South Park must have covered this.

9 months ago reply 0

Why in the world would you have a Christian advertisement on your show???!? I would think you could get plenty of sponsorship without doing that. I am recovering from religion due to religious trauma and then this advert pops up! The surest way to fail, Seth, is trying to please everyone. What am I missing here?

10 months ago reply 0

Let the inbred morons die. The fewer of these cave dwellers that vote the better the country is. Again let them die. It’s worth the hospital bills.

10 months ago reply 0

I love Red Dwarf !!!

1 years ago reply 0

I subscribe to the Good News Network. It would be nifty to hear you do an episode on the woman who began it all and how it is still thriving today.

1 years ago reply 0

Poor Linus 🥺 My heart goes out to all of you! 💗

1 years ago reply 0

What I understand Steven, to be saying is he plays devils advocate with fellow believers so that he can better arm them to be stronger in their arguments against non-believers.

1 years ago reply 0

If you just do yoga for the stretches it’s quite beneficial. It helps with flexibility as well as a sort of massage for the internal organs. I find this to be very beneficial.

1 years ago reply 0

I think a good comment to people who assume you are christian, respond ”What’s christian?

1 years ago reply 0

As a scholar, Ehrman should really know better than to be using an argument from authority as his proof of the historicity of Jesus.

2 years ago reply 0

I cannot get enough of The Thinking Atheist! Seth ROCKS!!

2 years ago reply 0

Love ”The Thinking Atheist”!

2 years ago reply 0

”There are a lot of religious scientists around?” Uh, no. There aren’t zero!

2 years ago reply 0

It‘s funny, I just watched that Conan movie for the first time just the other day. It was surprisingly good and the little foray into special effects was well done, for that time, for sure. I did also notice the ”my daddy can beat up your daddy” aspect to their ”gods” and how they laughed out loud about it. I‘ve always suspected laughter at these notions, is one of the best ways to disarm them.

2 years ago reply 0

I‘m 55. I visit my parents for an afternoon on a day over the xmas stretch. And the ‘main‘ celebration of xmas day is spent with my husband and daughter , just the 3 of us doing whatever we want. We haven‘t participated in their xmas day gathering in 25 years. Sure it was weird and hard in beginning but so happy now.

2 years ago reply 0

You realize that most of those third world countries you feel sorry for are third world because they are theocracies, right?

2 years ago reply 0

Religious ”education” provides answers that cannot be questioned to questions that no one has answers to. Real education, based in REALity, invites unending questions. Ever adding to our understanding of reality.

2 years ago reply 0

Someone is getting butt hurt. Sounds like Q‘aon for leftist

2 years ago reply 0

Oklahoma has only 4 million residents? Hell, San Antonio has over half of that!

2 years ago reply 0

They are completely unaware that they are exactly like isis? Or at least that‘s the direction they‘re heading. The ideology is exactly the same. No other idea can possibly have any credibility because ours is absolute. The arrogance is nauseating

2 years ago reply 0

How can you learn about a thing that cannot be demonstrated? What are you learning? Oh I wish I was going to be around to see the death of religion.

2 years ago reply 0

I've heard these Star Trek transporter thing I think at least one more time from Seth. The Star Trek technology actually has you existing in two places at the same time. They use quantum tunneling so your atoms in fact the very same atoms you started with before transport. If you want Wrath of Khan you'll see Kirk and Kirstie Alley's character have a scene with conversation during transport. This actually displays what I'm talking about.

2 years ago reply 0

I just listened to your trolley car episode. Just to let you know the way Star Trek Transporters work is you are in fact at two locations at the same time you never cease to exist. They use quantum entanglement and therefore the atoms that are being moved never stop existing at any point. Though this is absolutely impossible to do in real life in Star Trek they invented something called a Heisenberg compensator which will allow it to happen. You never die you never get replaced no need to worry.

2 years ago reply 0

In all fairness the nazis didn't differentiate between the Jews. Also I don't understand how the Green new deal and beachfront property are antithetical to each other. That said you're 100% correct about anyone who rips comments out of context being disingenuous and you're right for calling it out.

@bbbb : Wow... This is pathetic... First off Ben Shapiro is a fundamental Jew.. You know.. The people who the Nazi's murdered. Second.. Ben Shapiro was making a reference to all those celebrities who promote the green new deal who also buy beach front property. Cutting out clips to slander someone is disengenious. This whole thing is disengenious in nature when you leave out context.
2 years ago reply 0

A clever, charismatic man figured out the authorities lied to him and he took his Christian talk show and transformed it into an Atheist talk show.

3 years ago reply 0

Isn't it amazing how all of the biggest fears and enemies of religion in modern culture are fictions.... Very interesting. Why does your absolute truth struggle so much when put up against obvious fictions and make believe? It's because it's the same genre.... in case you haven't figured that out...

3 years ago reply 0

That ad was for the school I went to as a kid and the town I live! That was a huge surprise

3 years ago reply 0

You have to incorporate Velveeta in the block package AND cheddar. Crushed saltines go on top! . You make a basic "cheese" sauce with rue...stir. You have to.make it thinner than you think. Stir as ut melts and bubbles. You drain you elbow maccaroni well...pur that in to a pyrex dish, first, THEN pour the cheese over that. Sprinkle cheddar in a full layer over that and top with crushed saltines. Bake until heated through and bubbly and the cracker crumbs start to brown. Stoners prefer Kraft.

3 years ago reply 0

I love Matt Dillahunty's question for pew riders... "Would you let me choose stories from the Bible to read to your children?" I mean that thing is chock full of some heinous, disgusting shite. Camp insanity story is fantastic. It's fantastic bc its an example of how they're killing their own religion.

3 years ago reply 1

Wow... This is pathetic... First off Ben Shapiro is a fundamental Jew.. You know.. The people who the Nazi's murdered. Second.. Ben Shapiro was making a reference to all those celebrities who promote the green new deal who also buy beach front property. Cutting out clips to slander someone is disengenious. This whole thing is disengenious in nature when you leave out context.

3 years ago reply 1

As a British citizen I think it's obscene to be anyone's subject in the 21st century let alone in the home of Western parliamentary democracy and law itself. But then again, look at Donald Trump who thinks that he is a king

3 years ago reply 0

Im sorry but 'girl power ' is a marketing campaign thought up by men to sell to women. Who made most money out of the Spice Girls? Yeah right, male music company executives

3 years ago reply 0

I love the idea of a feel good podcast and would absolutely listen

3 years ago reply 0

My conspiracy theory is that Randy Quaid is the original Q from 4chan

3 years ago reply 1

A really timely discussion. The gay dude is right, the rest of us don't know the fear of having your entire life made illegal overnight and it is true that the separation of church and state is being eroded in America right now

3 years ago reply 0

My guess is that many Americans are confronted by the same issues. A good place for all of us to begin could be a critical thinking skills course and instruction on how to construct an argument without the emotionalism.

3 years ago reply 0

I promise my dogs treats to get them out in bad weather. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 😬

3 years ago reply 1

Godzilla vs Megalon is classic!!!! I too adore all Godzilla movies. Also Ultraman and Johnny Sako and his flying robot😄

3 years ago reply 0

great interview my father is a Vietnam veteran this war also shaped my life.

3 years ago reply 0

It's all very Trumpian. The Scientologists play a similar game. He who has the most expensive lawyers wins. America is a country run by rich old white men for rich old white men. Totally hopelessly corrupted.

3 years ago reply 0

Politics are important to our overall quality of life. Keep the damn cross out of it!!! Look what that got us?......TRUMP

3 years ago reply 0