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I’m more inclined to blame RW journalists for the reason half of Americans don’t know Christian Nationalism is a threat.

2 months ago reply 0

I think another terrible effect of Evangalicanism spreading Islamaphobia, which has direct implications on the rise of Zionism and the dehumanisation of Palestinian People. Also Ayan and Sam Harris.

4 months ago reply 0

The Onion should parody Christians complainng about NBC by having them complain about the founding fathers leaving Jesus out of the contitution.

4 months ago reply 0

If it’s not being passed off as your work or your words, I don’t see the problem with AI impersonations anymore than real life impersonation. I just don’t understand this argument.

4 months ago reply 0

I agree with Hemit on Democrats gerrymandering but it must cause Republicans to feel pressure to drop gerrymandering to be useful. If the Republicans are fine with it I see the strategy backfiring and solidifying political division by state even more.

5 months ago reply 0

Are trousers ever mentioned in the buybull?

6 months ago reply 0

Hi guys. I really enjoy your research and commentary.. You keep name dropping Swth. I had the worst experience with MRA’s on his sifgt. He also said some women were overreacting ’me tooing ’ certain high profile athiests ahem Laurence Craus and the whole Mythcon debacle. Anyhow as a recovering evangelical I find white male athiest spaces generally uncomfortable and avoid now.

9 months ago reply 0

Officially UK election campaigns last 3 weeks & yes, legally the money allowed to be spent is limited. However since the 90s we have unfortunately imported televised debating from the US and frankly the stuff that goes on unofficially is any one’s guess. It would be hard at the moment for example to say Starmer *isn’t* in campaign mode.

11 months ago reply 0

For more on RFK, listen to the recent (July ’23) Maintenance Phase podcast about him.

11 months ago reply 0

Great. Annoying ads. Unless I join Patreon. I love this podcast and I’m glad that they are making money now but I’m poor and can’t afford even the small amount asked for. Ads abruptly inserted after every story ruin my experience and halts any kind of ruminating or reflection on subjects that are important to me. I’m not going to stop listening but I really hate this aspect of modern podcasting. I can’t do Patreon so I miss out on a lot of stuff that matter to me as a ”fan” of podcasts like this

1 years ago reply 0

Not fair. I want to know how Hemant almost died...! I’m care dammit! Unfortunately I am also poor. Anyway, hope all is well now

2 years ago reply 0

Why do athiest not believe in religion, that’s fine but believe everything else mainstream society tells them?

2 years ago reply 0

I often wonder if these people who think they‘re doing the right thing recognize that they are doing exactly what bin laden set out to create. He was very smart. He was not trying to take down America in one day. He sought to sew seeds of a future worldwide religious war. And the Republicans are now helping. Bin laden would love to know that his plan is working and the right wing is forcing non-christians to pay tax in support of Christian institutions, who pay no taxes. It‘s nauseating

2 years ago reply 0

whoa! Jessica mentioned me by name right after 35:50. love it.

2 years ago reply 0

As an Oregonian I am ashamed and embarrassed by that bigot. Thankfully there are more of us who are open minded and far less judgemental.

2 years ago reply 0

Seems like they would be in favor of covering up the location of our cunnilingus and fellatio tools!!!

2 years ago reply 0

Re the reddit q: he didn't need to use their titles or their names- why not just say hi and leave it at that?

@keysam23 : Re Chip Gaines, I take a hard line. He shouldn't support her either with money or in any other way.
3 years ago reply 0

Re Chip Gaines, I take a hard line. He shouldn't support her either with money or in any other way.

3 years ago reply 0

I want a Sexetary! Sounds like the best employee ever. Could we just make sex work legal??? I need a sex worker to support my engineering team.

3 years ago reply 0

The letter writer you quoted has mistaken porn movie fantasies for real life! 😂

3 years ago reply 0

Dawkins needs to stfu. We normally say there is no hierarchy of suffering and that certainly applies re rape. No one can say that one person is more traumatised than another from outside their head.

3 years ago reply 0

To the point about "evil" Reps (or in my case, Tories), I agree with what you both said but what really makes me furious is that they do it all while mostly claiming religious faith. IMHO, policies which are basically mean to everyone except the rich are not compatible with what I know of Christianity at least. But then I tend not to believe that they have genuine faith in most cases. It's just a path to power. Certainly in the UK the CofE has been called the Tory Party at prayer.

3 years ago reply 0

The difference between the reformed anti-vaxxer and the priest is that he kept quiet as Trump did stuff that the priest & his church had *always* said was wrong. But all of a sudden as Trump did it, he's silent.

3 years ago reply 0

I just wanted to explain their end of it and reasoning. I don't necessarily agree or support it.

3 years ago reply 0

Person will be dunked multiple times in a row with a different name said each time. It's a duty and considered a good thing to do as a person. In the case of the jews from the holocaust, their thought probably was that these people were killed and didn't have the chance in life to convert since their life was prematurely taken.

3 years ago reply 0

what he did in good faith. Im curious about why some people started saying we. It was more than likely a group thought it was a better way to say it, but there probably wasn't an official decree at the time saying to do it that way. So that group was going rouge you can say. Not that God called later and said oops I was wrong before. In the case of the mormon baptisms, what they do is have some mormon person go into the temple, and they will be baptised in the name of certain people. This one p

3 years ago reply 0

So I'm going to fill in dome information as an ex-catholic and someone who has an ex-mormon bf. The church does have a thing, rule, whatever, in the case of the priest not technically being baptized, that if you went through the ritual with right intentions, and like in this case no one was aware the priest wasnt "valid". It is valid for say the person getting communion, last rights, etc. In the case of the priest since he became aware, he does have to redo his baptism, but it doesn' invalidate

3 years ago reply 0

I had no idea how vital RBG was to me. thank you.

3 years ago reply 0

It's 2m in the UK. How pagan is the metric system?

3 years ago reply 0

Woot! new episode:) You guys have great friend chemistry and keep me informed as well as totally entertained!

4 years ago reply 0

I get excited every new episode!!! Yay. y'all have hilarious chemistry. I stay informed and annoyed at christians😂

4 years ago reply 0

Whooo hoooo, new show! I get excited each week;)🖤

4 years ago reply 0

I enjoy friendly atheist, I enjoy their more "applied" approach to 'skepticism'

4 years ago reply 0