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Maybe is 12 months old I really need more content about what to do now

1 years ago reply 0

sitting in your pee isn’t a bad thing.. baby within utero, is surrounded by their amniotic fluid sac which has urine - baby is in urine all the time in your womb.. there’s some of us who have drank/used our own urine as remedy for all ailments 😅

1 years ago reply 0

diaper rash = seperation conflict (source: german new medicine). look into it, super informative

1 years ago reply 0

I have a seven month old with a floor bed. If I don’t hear the early cues of her waking up from her nap I might walk in with her playing with the potty and having a diaper full of . I think that she thinks she’s taking her self to the potty. She hasn’t quite get how it works

1 years ago reply 0

Or maybe your questions are too easy I need to change the things that you ask her to confirm her understanding. A good way to evaluate that would possibly be to ask her what kind of questions she would want to hear about the story.

1 years ago reply 0

I’ve said I understand enough when I wanted something to end because it was too difficult for me or I thought it was too easy because I was misunderstanding the lesson

1 years ago reply 0

“ I don’t like that you ask me questions to confirm my understanding of something that you just read to me?” You’re not supposed to stop asking questions when they say something like that. You to ask questions to confirm their understanding, or give them a different perspective or a deeper perspective on the situation in the story. If they’re uncomfortable with it then maybe you need to explain why it’s relevant or how it could benefit them or help them benefit the world around them.

1 years ago reply 0

Babies are so smart. It’s insane how smart my baby is when I was expecting them to be like the retards. But there is some things that just seem ridiculous and. Like sometimes when my Seven month old wakes up from a nap she will go to the area in her room but I keep the potty And whether the potty

1 years ago reply 0

It’s so nice that your podcast actually works. At least this episode him listening to is working. And I can’t wait to finally listen to some of your contacts now that I actually remember that you have a podcast lol

1 years ago reply 0

What’s interesting is both my babies regularly peed in the water (before I did EC) and my daughter pooped in the tub for the longest time! Even at 2 if she’s constipated there’s nothing like a warm bath to help bring it out

5 years ago reply 0