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You’re commenting on ep 13 of almost 300 episodes and with nonsense. You should try to actually listen

28 days ago reply 0

I want to listen to idiots who think Trump is so horrible, but yet you support Pedo Joe Biden so I won’t be listen to this 💩 cast anymore.

28 days ago reply 0

Over 6 minutes of . Get on with the show

3 months ago reply 0

Except none of that happened. Follow the fb fan page I posted links but you can EASILY google live news from that “incident” nothing even remotely of what you are saying happened and the facts are all there if you do basic googling

4 months ago reply 0

And then the FAA declared a no fly zone above the incident and only allowed a single military police helicopter in the airspace for a full day or so. Why are we even having this discussion when the police are clearly lying

4 months ago reply 0

Kurt, where’s the footage of these so called kids? There’s zero phone pictures and footage of these kids, all mall security cameras were immediately seized by police, who also refuse to show dashboard or body cam footage of the event, and not a single person on foot was able to capture a single picture or video of this supposed mob of teens. Why are you not concerned with the black hole of evidence? And this is not to say it must be aliens because it’s not. There’s no evidence on either side.

4 months ago reply 0

I’m confused however about Derek Acorah being mentioned as predicting as he died in 2020?

4 months ago reply 0

I enjoyed this episode about my hometown.

6 months ago reply 0

Canadian here lol our dollar is 0.76 US. And sadly 3 million isn’t that bad for a home. I live in a tiny piece of and it’s worth over $1 million 🥴 I should move to Oak Island.

10 months ago reply 0

Ooooof. I had to pause just now after the ”Uncle Andrew” story, something about that... I’m crying

10 months ago reply 0

Hey, flying potato- are you on le FB? There’s a Paranormal Almanac fan page there, I think you’d have a lot of fun with us! Unless you’re someone I know. But incognito. Hmmmm.....dis Tracy. Meep..

11 months ago reply 0

this guy hits pretty much all the notes of honesty and when you know, you do know. very interesting episode I would LOVE to hear more accounts of contact like this episode has. you’ve become my favorite podcaster in 2 years Kurt. thanks for the hard work bro. we love you here in the N.E. new England states.

11 months ago reply 1

It sounds like the end of a little girl laughing then taking a breath at the end. Literally like my 4 year old daughter in the background while you’re recording 😳

1 years ago reply 0

*My dog barking* Curt: RUM!! Alright calm down. Me: 😳

1 years ago reply 1

I love this episode so much! Kurt, you do an amazing job and your podcast is almost better than Mr Ballen and Joe Rogan combined. Thank you so much for what you do. We need people like you to help prove the truth.

1 years ago reply 1

Curt, you’re an . I’m just tired of you and your negative outlook.

1 years ago reply 0

Whoa, Curt! The one Mandela effect I remember from childhood (before I even knew what they were) was about Fly Away Home!! But not the same way you mentioned. I remember seeing an add for it on a VHS my parents rented me, it was coming out to own. I’d never heard of that movie before. A longgggg time later I saw a commercial on the TV about it coming to theaters. I chalked it up to me being a kid, but it still confuses me to this day lol

1 years ago reply 0

Oh app censored me. Real American. Deleting this app now

1 years ago reply 0

Anna’s voice sounds like Stan Marsh from South Park you should’ve had it say ”Shut up fat ”

1 years ago reply 0

My 4 year old keeps telling me he used to be a pirate. Not a captain, or pirate king or a renouned pirate celebrity like hook or black beard or Davey Jones. He says he was just a ”matey” or a sailor. A simple crew member and he loved being out on the ocean and singing pirate songs, boarding unsuspecting explorer ships and traders. It’s really fun to hear about. I’m not fully sold on it being a past life but it is odd that he was only a crew member and not a pretend captain

1 years ago reply 0

Vegetarianism is a tool of the devil. 😉

1 years ago reply 0

Hitler was born on April 20th. That worked out to be a worldwide disaster of epic proportions.

1 years ago reply 0

13 points!?! You’re a Verified Psychic, Curt! Add it to your credentials. I miss Mike Nesmith, too. 😔 My fave Monkee, they were my first concert. -Tracy

1 years ago reply 0

I had my Halloween decorations out the second week of September and we got a 12’ skeleton this year too.

1 years ago reply 0

Alligators and chimps can not breed. Its like saying a cross between human and birds.

1 years ago reply 0

Amazing, it took me a whole week to listen. I still wanted more. You are probably the only paranormal podcast that has the right balance of belief and research. Im looking foward to the next podcast. Congrats.

1 years ago reply 0

I love how this episode ended. Thanks dude!

1 years ago reply 0

I love your podcast more than any other ever. thank you!

1 years ago reply 0

I absolutely love that ”you’re too high” segment. Is there any way to just get that clip so I can send it to people? I would love to do that so much!

1 years ago reply 0

Hey that Bigfoot sound you played was a sound idk how you couldn’t hear it. It was a howl

1 years ago reply 0

days when Kurt uploads are the best days. ❤️

1 years ago reply 0

Dang, paranormal news is getting longer and longer lol it was half the episode this time. Wish there was more UFO stuff :/

2 years ago reply 0

This also created a false collective memory, as they were both dark skinned men who were popular in the 90s; people just remember a black dude playing a genie and someone somewhere online got it wrong and couldnt live down their bad memory. Im gonna be honest w you, we all have bad days and i was having one that day. Saying grow up was in poor taste and i apologize to you for that. You are indeed a great host and usually have a logical outlook that i respect.

@ParanormalAlmanac : How is seeing a deja by experience bad memory,bias or racism??? That doesn’t explain 99.9% of the stories on this episode. Grow up???
2 years ago reply 0

Racism factors into the mandela effect, not dejavu/reve. Mandela didnt die in prison, but in 1977, stephen biko did. Bikos wife and mandelas wife look very similar and dress in the same fashion; this bit of confusion mixed with time passed has created a false collective memory, namely for whites far removed from post apartheid south africa by time, culture and distance. Sinbad didnt play a genie in a movie called Shazaam, but Shaquille O’Neil did play a genie in 1996s Kazaam.

@ParanormalAlmanac : How is seeing a deja by experience bad memory,bias or racism??? That doesn’t explain 99.9% of the stories on this episode. Grow up???
2 years ago reply 0

Man I was excited and waited for this episode. Thank God for your sense of humor or I wouldn’t have listened to this one at all

2 years ago reply 0

How is seeing a deja by experience bad memory,bias or racism??? That doesn’t explain 99.9% of the stories on this episode. Grow up???

2 years ago reply 0

That’s ignorant as man. As A glitch experiencer, I can 100% confirm they actually do happen and I’m not in denial of anything in reality or life in general and not coping with loss. Glitches do happen and because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it’s made up. It just means you’re ignorant and have no idea what you’re talking about. Some are in the categories you mention, but some are real too. They are not all made up and I know this because they’ve happened to me multiple times

2 years ago reply 0

I absolutely love glitch stories! I’m a huge UFO nerd, but glitches are just as interesting to me. I really hope you do more of these ones I can’t get enough. Also, so glad you’re swearing in your uploads again. It’s just weird when you censor yourself. Awesome job dude.

2 years ago reply 0

”Glitches in the matrix” much like the ”mandela effect” are a combination of bad memory, selective bias, racism and most of all, people not being able to deal with the real world. Its what happens when the world is; people assign fairy tales and make-em-ups to real issues. Its horse s h i t nonsense. Grow up.

2 years ago reply 0

Trump did try starting a civil war

2 years ago reply 1

If someone were to as you say ’kill the bigfoot and produce a body’ they would be vilified as murders by the bigfoot community . Mainly due to as you also say ’ bigfoot is endangered’. So in essence no one will produce a bigfoot body

2 years ago reply 0

Apparently p u s s y is censored lol

2 years ago reply 0

“ Cat, Cat” is a nursery rhyme from England. It was first published in 1805 in the collection book “Songs for the Nurseries”, London. So its much newer than the 1500s. These folks were likely the victims of hoax.

2 years ago reply 0

I did hear my ears ring and smelled smoke 2 weeks ago... could be a jin

2 years ago reply 0

I love all the episodes and that includes the ones about places! The places fascinate me. Thanks for your awesome show

2 years ago reply 0