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Many thanks to you brother for having recorded that event and given to us for our further practise.

3 years ago reply 0

Please clarify my doubts. Nowadays people of spirituality especially in hinduism they talk about complete surrender to God and their ego is zero and it seems that they are in nafsul muthmayinna. They teach it to people and they are correcting them like kalipa on earth . They don't believe in punishment in Allah. They believe in reincarnation. They are living like paradise on earth. They are in alignment with God's vibration. When they are not following Islam how could they live in God's alignment. Then why should they need Islam if they live like heaven on earth

4 years ago reply 0

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Indeed the way Allah teaches spirituality, consciousness and logic in the Quran is unmatched.

4 years ago reply 2

When I hear from Deepak Chopra or any other who explains spirituality , I am confused. So I like to be in touch with your presentations for the better understanding of Islam, as the universal system of life.

4 years ago reply 1

Got clarification. Alhamduliilah long awaited one.

4 years ago reply 0

Alhamduliilah I get back falaq series again. Jazakallah kairan.

4 years ago reply 0