Drisha Institute for Jewish Education
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Over the years, Drisha has been (and continues to be) honored to host a number of events and lectures sponsored in memory of departed loved ones and members of our own Drisha learning community. We are now gratified once again to present you The Memorial Lectures at Drisha, a podcast specifically dedicated to the fruits borne by those past (and current) events and lectures.
Music has always been an integral part of the Jewish religious experience. We’re just turning up the volume on meaning.
The Hebrew Bible is full of stories that have informed much of human existence for thousands of years. World-renowned Torah scholar, Rabbi David Silber, has dedicated his life to teaching people to read and understand these stories for themselves. The first two books of the Tanakh, Genesis and Exodus, in many ways can be viewed as one unit, filled with lessons about what it means to be human, to be with other people, and to seek closeness to the Divine. Join us for a line-by-line close-reading of the text from the call of one man to the work of a nation, from a ruptured paradise to a constructed sanctuary. These episodes are recordings from live classes with student participation.
Three Drisha scholars invite you to join them as they learn in chavruta. In this new podcast series,Tsvi Blanchard, Sam Lebens, and Devora Steinmetz explore Talmudic texts together, offering their own unique perspectives and striving to understand the meaning and implications of these words of Torah.
The Drisha Character Studies series brings you in-depth analysis and unpacking of some of the most fascinating personae in the Biblical narrative from Rabbi David Silber.
Drisha faculty and alumni are thrilled to be contributing to the global 929 English project, a learning program in which participants study five of the Bible’s 929 chapters a week, completing it in about three and a half years.
For years, Drisha has been offering Torah classes on the weekly parshiyot, from a variety of teachers and in a variety of formats. Pod Hashavua brings you all our parashah-based divrei torah and classes, from our earliest recordings through our contemporary shiurim.
Drisha has often run classes organized around a shared theme or topic. Each season of Turn It & Turn It comprises all the lectures on a given theme, bringing you multiple complementary takes on an issue. This podcast spans two decades, putting some of our earliest audio recordings shoulder to shoulder with more recent and contemporary lectures - all exemplifying the principle that Torah demands persistent, multi-angled study. Turn it and turn it: there’s a lot to discuss!
Over the years, Drisha has offered Torah classes on the many observances that mark out the timeline of the Jewish yearly cycle. Around the Calendar brings you all our holiday- and observance-focused classes, from our back catalog of recordings and continuing through our contemporary shiurim and lectures.