
Founder of Yoga Innergy

Over the past 10 years, Chocolako has lived across Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia learning and leading yoga teacher training, retreats, and workshops with the school she founded, Yoga Innergy. Steeped in radical compassion, her school helps people breakthrough limiting beliefs and uncover glory through yoga, meditation and mindset.

From living in conscious communities across Bali and Tulum, to studying African spirituality in Nigeria, Chocolako is known for her big-hearted attention to detail and dedication to the growth of her students. She believes peace and love are effective ways to live meaningfully and her mission is to walk in many shoes, and inspire the pursuit of wellness and wholeness.

Chocolako’s teaching is designed to give students templates and techniques to access their own inner energy, create new mind-body connections and continue to find the center of themselves each time they experience the four corners of their mat.

With a degree in Human and Organizational Development from Vanderbilt University and two Master degrees in Public Health (UC Berkeley) and Business Administration (Cass Business School), Chocolako has as much smarts as she does sass and sensitivity. Her experience as a former marketing executive (GlaxoSmithKline) and hospital administrator (Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital), provides a unique perspective to help people structure pain into purpose and power.

Every day she encourages people with two goals: less force and more flow.

To connect with this spirited yogi and wellness educator, visit

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