Beth SoulFire Alchemy ~ Walking the Soul Fire Journey!
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We discuss her amazing Near Death Experience and journey, this is so inspirational, you don't want to miss this!  
Beth SoulFire is a shaman, healing visionary, empowerment leader and the founder of SoulFireAlchemy. 
She came to know the truth of our multi-dimensional being and Living Light consciousness after a sudden severe illness and near-death experience completed her initiation as a shaman through "soul fire" --a walk throughout all space, all time, and all dimensions... and no space, no time, and no dimension. 
She serves as a facilitator, a receiver, a translator, a witness, an extractor, a transmuter, a way-shower, an energetic alchemist, a teacher, and a spiritual guide in the form of retreats, events, transformational healing mentorship programs, her signature apprenticeship program called "Walking the SoulFire Journey," as well as her FREE live webinar series entitled,  "From Suffering to Sovereignty." 
She uses every particle of her experience and training to help YOU heal from trauma, deeply reConnect with the natural world, reClaim your authority and sacred sovereignty and reunite with your Higher Self, and ultimately... Oneness.  
StarLight Energetics™ - is a spiritual alchemical technique gifted to her personally, straight from the celestial realm, that includes what she refers to as Shamanic Encoding-- Star   Light medicine fusions of frequencies, sacred geometries, codes, symbols and many other elements of light intelligence, for recallibrating your frequency, creating new pathways within your sensorium, opening the Light Body, calling in light removing, unblocking, restoring, upgrading, unlocking and downloading new imprints for healing alchemy. 
Her ultimate mission is to help you cultivate divine compasion!, discover and LIVE YOUR SOUL PURPOSE!
To learn more about her and her practice, visit 
  • Author: cosmicgaia
  • Category: Education

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