Nicole Frolick ~ AlcheME, Timelines and Dreams, Living Our Truth!
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Nicole Frolick ~ AlcheME, Timelines and Dreams, Living Our Truth!


BIO: Nicole Frolick is an inspirational speaker, intuitive life coach, host of the Enlighten Up podcast, creator of the self-transformative program AlcheME, creator of her vulnerability series called Raw & Real, and the author of Inflexible Me: Expanding Past the Inflexible Barriers of the Body, Mind, and Soul. 

Nicole believes in being the model of the change you wish to see in the world and demonstrates that through living authentically. Coming out of the spiritual closet in 2016, she has used her youtube channel as a platform to speak her truth and share her experiences and knowledge that have lead her through a transformative process of self-alchemy.

- Cleaning up alternate timelines through dream state
- Rise of the divine masculine
- Becoming the Hero, the archetype of Union (DF/DM)
- Vulnerability as a stimulus for 5D living
- Unlocking intuitive abilities
Intuitive Life & Self-Alchemy Coach
  • Author: cosmicgaia
  • Category: Education

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